+18|6801|Southampton, PA
Boy, this is enough to piss off the Pope...

Why the hell do XBox "Modern Combat" gamers get a FREE booster pack, and PC Gamers have to PAY for one?!
Because they need to justify their "EA Downloader"?!?

Ok....NOW I'm getting angry. I've supported EA for all the coding screw-ups, and late patches, but as an avid Microsoft/Console hater, I think I'm just about done buying any further "games" from EA.

This blows.
just nothing
Because they pay for XBox Live!
+18|6801|Southampton, PA
That's their own damn fault...if they were smart, they'd stop paying $399 a year for a new console, $50-$60 per game, and whatever the hell for XBox Live (that goes to Micro$oft ANYWAY - not EA) and smarten up and buy a computer that alows mods, add-ons and more than a year-life.

Oh, that's right...PC gaming is "on it's way out", anyway.

PC gaming is on it's way out?
+18|6801|Southampton, PA
That's what all the console gamers are saying....Go figure.
Must be envy issues.
+13|6675|Victoria, Australia
What about paying for ISPs, which can be much more expensive. PC gaming will be around forever, like Jazz and  new Coke.
+2,382|6713|The North, beyond the wall.

Torin wrote:

PC gaming is on it's way out?
wouldnt be surprised if it was..All/most pc games on the internet are laggy and im sure theirs alot more hacks on pc's.I dont know what the "experts" say but i got a good pc for £800 ,i know you can get them cheaper but consoles are about £200 with no accesseries.
Oh and pc crashes way to much on games dont say its my computer it crashes at my dads my school and my friends house.

I must be an expert with freezing and crashing now.i get the good old white screen ,the good old resart by itself,the great screen freeze were theres no sound,the freeze with the last sound being repeater 1000 times,the error 37489327427 screen and finally my personal favourate which i love when it happens is the lag,oh its ok now,lag lag lag screeching noise restart with safe mode then turn off by itself.
+302|6771|Salt Lake City

Capt.CupoNoodles wrote:

That's their own damn fault...if they were smart, they'd stop paying $399 a year for a new console, $50-$60 per game, and whatever the hell for XBox Live (that goes to Micro$oft ANYWAY - not EA) and smarten up and buy a computer that alows mods, add-ons and more than a year-life.

Oh, that's right...PC gaming is "on it's way out", anyway.

Actually, consoles have a life span of 4-5 years before a newer version comes out.  And so what if games are $50-60, PC games are $50 as well.  Plus, you can go to your local video store and rent a game for the console if you want.  You don't have to buy it and then find out it sucks rocks.

Consoles definitely have some advantages.  One of their main advantages is also their main disadvantage.  Upgradeability.  In so much that consoles have a fixed hardware platform, it makes it much easier for developers to make games because they don't have to code like they do for a PC.  For the PC they have to try and make it playable given a wide variety of configurtions.  For a console design that just isn't a problem because everyone has the exact same specifications.  By the same token, it is many years before console gamers can enjoy the enhancements in hardware which we see regularly.

Consoles also tend to get far more titles than PCs do.  The game library to consoles is far larger than for PCs, and the chances that a PC game will also have a console version is far more likely than a console game having a PC version.
i think its just to get more ppl to play bf2:mc, because its probably a pretty good flop
The other kid
ya i got that game for xbox a few months ago i know why cuase it actually sucks alot more then this no unlocks or nothing u go down ranks plus the game sucks alot
+18|6801|Southampton, PA
Didn't mean to offend any console gamers out was my humble opinion.
It takes a bit of knowledge to have a PC and run games on it, but that's half the are an added benny to being a PC owner.
Crashes and BSODs, AREN'T normal, BTW...just thought I'd throw that in.
My 14 yr-old is an avid console AND PC Gamer, and still thinks that he could beat me in any FPS if he was on console, and I was KB/Mouse...I think it's time to get that XBox controller for the PC, and test his theory.
....Nah...Microsoft doesn't need any more $.

PC Gaming will be around for quite some time, my friends...Uncle Bill is already working on a way to be able to run, say, XBox games on a PC with an emulation available through console vs PC is in our lifetime.
+18|6801|Southampton, PA

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Capt.CupoNoodles wrote:

That's their own damn fault...if they were smart, they'd stop paying $399 a year for a new console, $50-$60 per game, and whatever the hell for XBox Live (that goes to Micro$oft ANYWAY - not EA) and smarten up and buy a computer that alows mods, add-ons and more than a year-life.

Oh, that's right...PC gaming is "on it's way out", anyway.

Actually, consoles have a life span of 4-5 years before a newer version comes out.  And so what if games are $50-60, PC games are $50 as well.  Plus, you can go to your local video store and rent a game for the console if you want.  You don't have to buy it and then find out it sucks rocks.

Consoles definitely have some advantages.  One of their main advantages is also their main disadvantage.  Upgradeability.  In so much that consoles have a fixed hardware platform, it makes it much easier for developers to make games because they don't have to code like they do for a PC.  For the PC they have to try and make it playable given a wide variety of configurtions.  For a console design that just isn't a problem because everyone has the exact same specifications.  By the same token, it is many years before console gamers can enjoy the enhancements in hardware which we see regularly.

Consoles also tend to get far more titles than PCs do.  The game library to consoles is far larger than for PCs, and the chances that a PC game will also have a console version is far more likely than a console game having a PC version.
By the way, console ports suck A** anyway...I've NEVER found one that was worth it...controls, graphics, all sub-PC standard.

Read PC'll never find out too late that a game sucks.
Get a subscription...try the demo...NEVER buy a game without the info...sheesh!

And XBox is just a mini PC, folks...HD, Graphics card...who's kidding WHO?
+18|6801|Southampton, PA

jord wrote:

Torin wrote:

PC gaming is on it's way out?
wouldnt be surprised if it was..All/most pc games on the internet are laggy and im sure theirs alot more hacks on pc's.I dont know what the "experts" say but i got a good pc for £800 ,i know you can get them cheaper but consoles are about £200 with no accesseries.
Oh and pc crashes way to much on games dont say its my computer it crashes at my dads my school and my friends house.

I must be an expert with freezing and crashing now.i get the good old white screen ,the good old resart by itself,the great screen freeze were theres no sound,the freeze with the last sound being repeater 1000 times,the error 37489327427 screen and finally my personal favourate which i love when it happens is the lag,oh its ok now,lag lag lag screeching noise restart with safe mode then turn off by itself.
And Jord...That's probably heat causing all of that...PC companies would have gone out of business if that was "normal".
Get some canned air, anti-spyware, AV, and defrag once in a while...
(And stop downloading porn...) 
+37|6673|Chicago, Il
December 22nd 2005.

You just noticed this today?

BF:Modern combat has less than 20% of the players BF2 has.......  Its dead....   Who cares if EA gives away booster packs to nobody?
+18|6801|Southampton, PA

Impaqt wrote:

December 22nd 2005.

You just noticed this today?

BF:Modern combat has less than 20% of the players BF2 has.......  Its dead....   Who cares if EA gives away booster packs to nobody?
I never go to the EA site....why read apologies and excuses...? 
I guess it's the principle of the thing, and my irrational hatred of console platforms.
Note: "irrational".
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Err. Hasn't this issue been raised.. before. a lot of times. many many times?
Its not that BF2:MC users get an expansion. Its that they get stuff what we dont. dammit.

I really wanted to play in the snow.
PC gaming will only be on it's way out when companies like EA refuse to make computer games and cater to a greater console profit margin. It will never happen though. Besides, consoles are becoming more and more computer-like.
Consoles are extended hand of evil communism where everyone has the same configuration and stuff... I like getting on Iron Gator Before others and taking two flags before most of my opponents have spawned....
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6778|Malaga, España

JimKong wrote:

PC gaming will only be on it's way out when companies like EA refuse to make computer games and cater to a greater console profit margin. It will never happen though. Besides, consoles are becoming more and more computer-like.
computer like....just attach an keyboard and a mouse to the Case and connect it on ur TV

+271|6790|United States of America

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Because they pay for XBox Live!
I pay for xbox live.  Though I don't get free expansions half the time.  Only Halo 2 has givin me free stuff so far.
+302|6771|Salt Lake City

Capt.CupoNoodles wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Capt.CupoNoodles wrote:

That's their own damn fault...if they were smart, they'd stop paying $399 a year for a new console, $50-$60 per game, and whatever the hell for XBox Live (that goes to Micro$oft ANYWAY - not EA) and smarten up and buy a computer that alows mods, add-ons and more than a year-life.

Oh, that's right...PC gaming is "on it's way out", anyway.

Actually, consoles have a life span of 4-5 years before a newer version comes out.  And so what if games are $50-60, PC games are $50 as well.  Plus, you can go to your local video store and rent a game for the console if you want.  You don't have to buy it and then find out it sucks rocks.

Consoles definitely have some advantages.  One of their main advantages is also their main disadvantage.  Upgradeability.  In so much that consoles have a fixed hardware platform, it makes it much easier for developers to make games because they don't have to code like they do for a PC.  For the PC they have to try and make it playable given a wide variety of configurtions.  For a console design that just isn't a problem because everyone has the exact same specifications.  By the same token, it is many years before console gamers can enjoy the enhancements in hardware which we see regularly.

Consoles also tend to get far more titles than PCs do.  The game library to consoles is far larger than for PCs, and the chances that a PC game will also have a console version is far more likely than a console game having a PC version.
By the way, console ports suck A** anyway...I've NEVER found one that was worth it...controls, graphics, all sub-PC standard.

Read PC'll never find out too late that a game sucks.
Get a subscription...try the demo...NEVER buy a game without the info...sheesh!

And XBox is just a mini PC, folks...HD, Graphics card...who's kidding WHO?
Unless the game was simultaneously designed for both PC and console, yes the ports do tend to suck; primarily in the area of coding.

Consoles are still more frequently played at lower resolutions that PC games because they are meant to played on a TV.  However, much of that is changing as HDTV sets become more standard.

Controls have always been my major gripe with consoles.  I hate console controllers, but I mainly play FPS games, so those type of controls don't suit me.  However, they are far better suited to some types of games than a mouse and keyboard.

Game magazines are like anything else.  If you read different magazines you will often get varying opinions, and they are just that, opinions.  What the writer considers a good game may not be a good game by other people's standards.  A good example of this is Black.  I moderate on a computer hardware/software web site forum.  In the games section several people had chimed in on the game Black.  They said it wasn't too bad, but certainly not worth buying...just rent it was the concensus, as it wasn't that good, and had no replay value.  However, the reviewer of one of our local newspapers, who does game reviews, gave it very high marks and recommended it.  Demos are fine and all, but they just don't give you enough feel for the game to justify making a decision.

And yes, consoles are computers, just very specialized computers.  They were built with one thing in mind, and that is playing games.  The general PC that most people have are actually not as powerful as a game console.  Sure you have enthusiests that spend hundreds of dollars several times per year to have the fastest hardware possible, but that is a small minority of computer owners.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a console fan, and in fact really dislike consoles for the most part.  I don't own one, don't plan on buying one, and will continue to be a PC gamer.  I'm simply pointing out that consoles do have many benefits over PC gaming that people find more appealing than dealing with gaming on the PC.

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

computer like....just attach an keyboard and a mouse to the Case and connect it on ur TV

Mouse??? Keyboard??? Whoa man, you're going to confuse all the Halo kids.
PC gaming is not on its way out you fools! why would companys spend millions a year developing pc games and hardware if it was on its way out? also the reason why xbox players get a free booster pack is 1) they pay for xbox live and 2) EA does not have to spend money patching the dam games on xbox. it costs EA money to patch battlefield on the pc for you guys! stop your bloody moaning you losers!

if you think you can do a better job then go make your own game and get thousands of people around the world to buy it and play it!

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