[F7F7]KiNG_KaDaFFHi wrote:
Soo by your definition over 50% of the voters in the US is lazy and never want to work? But still they got off their asses and voted....that must be because they had no jobs to take care of and all the neo-cons had to work twice as hard that day and missed their chance of voting. You must be thinking of leaving the hell you now are in right?
What you fail to see is that socialsm is a tool to even out the different starting points people have in life, it´s not meant to be handouts without conditions, if the goverment "pay" your "salery" some presentations must be done, such as looking for jobs and minimizing your costs. This is how it works over here.
And sure....you have a vioce, but who would listen to it when you couldn´t tell them your point of view with a vote in the first place? You can´t really say I´m wrong about this, if you want some credability behind your political views your first move should be to atleast vote.
On the other hand....I know nothing about you, heck you might do lots of things for your party, I know I try too, I help deliver information on the countryside since the party prefer to save the money on postage and let their voters and activists work and understand their point of views.
Perhaps you do this kind of stuff to, I have no idea.
And I agree....very very ironic that you guys have the right to many many things but still not the must important one.....some democracy huh?
1.Nope, that 50% are made up of those that made themselves "victims" and the rest are made up of those that choose to exploit it for their own gains. Like I said before There is no money and power in forcing people to be self reliant. There are only 2 ways to make money, earn it yourself, or justify entitlement to take it from someone else. By the democrats, forcing poor people into servitude, and dependency on THEM they have ensured power in the govt. The last thing the democrats want are a bunch of people that do not need them.
2. Nope as stated before socialism is a tool used to keep people dependant on govt. The more people are forced to depend on Mother Government the more power govt. has. It really is that simple.
3. As long as we agree that I have a voice, the choice is really yours as to whether or not you wanna listen to it..Apparently you do, and I am flattered.
4. I do not do shit for any political parties, I am not involved in any movements, and I am not secretly plotting to over through the free world.
I have a job, I earned it, I go to work to make money to support my family. I really really suggest everyone else do the same, for I am not interested in supporting everyone else more than what my tax dollars already do. Sorry.