Dropped on request

Daniel_Malloy wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

I've been 1 shot killed by the damn L85 lots of times. I thought it was capable of 1 shot head kills.
If you don't have it unlocked, pick it off a dead guy and shoot one of your teammates in the head. You won't kill him, just give him a servere headache. I think if I have some free time soon, i'll take all the guns and see how many of them are capable of 1-shot kill head shots. That would be the end of it then.
Haha, I was planning on doing that too.
Citizen One
한국 공주
+338|6690|South Korea.
When you die in one shot dead with a mp7 bullet. Happend to me once on Warlord. He got me 6 times.
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier
Sorry if this has been posted already, but as regards the antitank 1 shot, there are specific places on tanks that cause a one-shot kill, the only one I currently know of is the rotation point of the turret, in the back.  I've only successfully done this with the PLA tank though, no idea if it's true for the others

Last edited by [Ahazi] Kaika (2006-03-23 12:01:47)

Anything but what it is now!
I was under the impression that the damage of the L85A1 was increased in one of the recent patches.. i'm sure I read that somewhere. They nudged the damage up to 34 to allow people to get one-shot kills if they managed a headshot with it.

As for aimbots.. assuming they can get one past punkbuster, how would an aimbot possible increase the amount of damage a gun can cause???
Claymore magnet
Punkbuster just checks all of your bf2 files seeing if you have anything funny in there like MD5 tool that ecjected the aimbot. And ive almays wondered the same thing, how does an aimbot work, but i didnt think that it will increase the damage to the target unless he is using a hack that has great damage with any guns
1. Being shot in the head as you jump is very difficult, albeit possible unlikely.  Now there are a few things that could have happened there, you got shot by a second player at ~the same time, you weren't jumping yet due to latency/ping differences between both of you, etc.

2. Many jet pilots strafe ground targets, sometimes be sheer luck they will get the same guy over and over again.  Especially if he is the one going for the same AA.  But yeah, it is frustrating when you are on the side that is getting nailed by them. 

3. Being killed by a single AT round is quite unlikely, but often times there are two missiles coming at the tank at once if you are at a busy flag.  Frustrating as it may be, its hard to say anything consistant about it. 

4. While it entirely possible the player is using an aimbot combo, he/she may also be a very good player or happened to be on a roll.  But yeah, I'm sorry that happened to yah, if you truly suspect this guy of being a cheater, why not look at his stats?  If he is hacking he may have insanely high k/d ratio, if his accuracy rating is good and he has many hours played, I suspect you may have been at the worng server at the wrong time.  Last thing you can do is ask him how he plays so well, no impllications, most skilled players will eat it like candy and will help ya improve.  But yeah, I have yet to identify a hacker in bf2, they still may exist, but I justh aven't ran into any yet.
+42|6681|Montreal, Canada

moose_rider wrote:

When they get 10 headshots in 1 min then you can tell...
As a sniper this is easy to do. Best place? Wake, fresh new game USMC from the island to north base. Do it all the time
+42|6681|Montreal, Canada

Nyte wrote:

How do you suspect if somebody is using an aimbot?

When you get killed by me.
Your stats shure dont show you are using aimbot!
Nyte is a tad obsessed with himself, try not to think much of it.
Aimbot works the same all the time...
As soon as an enemy comes in range it "locks" onto him, wheteher you see him or not.

In CS there were stupid ones that could be fooled with a certain spraypaint to lock onto it.
(Funny if you have a clan war and 3 out of the enemy team cant move because their locked onto my paint.)

But there also were some who "soft locked" onto the enemy head as soon as you move the crosshair in and out of the target resulting in almost only headshots that were hard to detect.
And there were even aimbots "guiding" your bullets, so no matter what you do and where you aim your bullets hit.
And dont go on with me about what PB detects and whatnot... PB always sucked at detecting clever scriptetd bots and tools... shurely the best know were detected... but there were plenty that weren't.
Thats why back in my CS days my server was running Cheating Death instead of PB, + a Special software detecting strange player movement.
Or things like AWP hits over a long distance without having zoomed in.

But nonetheless they came....
No matter how good protected you are... theres always at least one retarded One-Man-Clan[n00b] that finds a way.
How you suspect someone is using aimbot?

Speed of reaction: like if a parachuter hits the ground and in a flash turns, fires and kills you.

Long range kills with small arms: 'magic' shooting from far away.

The more you play, the more you know what normal kills mostly are. Allow for a lucky shot. Don't cry 'Cheater' every time ... 

And don't let the cheaters ruin your game ... go to a different server ... some servers are reknown for all the cheaters, one or two begins, then the rest feel they must follow ... just find another server ...

Yeah I did that....

Still, I'm not someone to give up... and if something is unfair that drives me even further...
So actually I'm hunting those two now... not good for my stats, but for my ego
Hunt that person you know is cheating but can't prove it and make him want to switch servers by ALWAYS voting to kick him and knife his sorry excuse of an $%#!!! As you can tell, I have some anger manegment issues I need to work on, BUT $%^# DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO KMIFE THE $%^# OUT OF THESE CHEATERS AND HEAR THEM COMPLAIN ABOUT KNIVES BEING UNFAIR!!!!!
BF2s EU 2142 Server Adore
+69|6682|The Netherlands
Maybe this is an interresting story you guys like. It's a hacker being interviewed;
(if its already posted before, I appologize)
This guy, and the other hackers have to be stopped with what there doing.. but that's my opinion.

Last edited by eS^theB3brr (2006-03-24 18:29:12)

AKA: badhq
+937|6673|Derby, England

gblanco wrote:

I really don't know if aimbots works.
But, after playing too many hours BF2, you know how a normal game is.
Why I suspect is somebody is using aimbot ?

1.- I am running and jumping forward facing the enemy to shoot him (with my full life).
The enemy is a sniper, and suddenly, 1 shot and I am killed.
As I know, the only way to get killed with 1 shot is at the head.
but, one shot and I am killed while I was jumping and running ?
Could be a lucky shot.

2.- I respawn and get killed by a pilot with bullets.
I respawn again and get killed by the same pilot with bullets.
I respawn at another spawn point and get killed by the same pilot with bullets.

3.- To destroy a tank with antitank kit you need at least 3 shots, with full life obviously.
If I am in a tank and get killed with just 1 shoot, I think, what happend ?
Again, I respawn, take the tank and the same guy with antitank destroy it with 1 shoot again.
and again for third time.

4.- A lot of kills with 1 shot only.
I am not talking about granade launchers.
1. If Sniper Is Good He will Kill you what ever you doing Also you could of been shot by sumone ells and that sniper might of Got lucky shot in.

2. Easy done if Im in Jet I will Spray Bullets at enemy flag if I know non of my troops are There, Chances are sumone is always near the flag, and you should get sum kills It Might just been a fluke U spawning where he was spraing.

3. Nope You dont Need 3 shots U can Blow Tank Up with 1 Antitank or Ground Defence or Other tank If you Know where to Aim

U can always Tell easy way if sumone is cheating if they are ground troop and they rak up Tons of kills and Die only 2 times, But thats not 100% acurate You will need2 know what To look for when U looking for Hacker. Peace Boris

Deadlift wrote:

Yeah I did that....

Still, I'm not someone to give up... and if something is unfair that drives me even further...
So actually I'm hunting those two now... not good for my stats, but for my ego
Well why dont you take that negative and turn it in 2 positive I.E if you can own the hacker ingame you can own anyone I personaly Love it when I come a cross hacker, I know exacly what Im looking and it's more of a chalange for, me it's like Me VS Universal soldier Gives me a rush, Thats the way I look at it improves my reactions, shooting , aiming , you name it. Peace Boris

Last edited by badhq (2006-03-24 23:17:57)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6762|Sydney, Australia

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Daniel_Malloy wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

I've been 1 shot killed by the damn L85 lots of times. I thought it was capable of 1 shot head kills.
If you don't have it unlocked, pick it off a dead guy and shoot one of your teammates in the head. You won't kill him, just give him a servere headache. I think if I have some free time soon, i'll take all the guns and see how many of them are capable of 1-shot kill head shots. That would be the end of it then.
Haha, I was planning on doing that too.
I'll have you know I made a nice teamkill like that due to the red name bug. It was an enemy sniper with the M95 so I couldn't tell the difference. I lined the L85 up, zoomed in, and headshotted him - 1 hit kill. Yes, it was on single shot.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Don't talk about it. I just had a terrible game with a DAO-GOD/HACKER. I've never seen anything as incredible as this, he took everyone down with SINGLE shots, short range, long range, 1, max 2 shots of the DAO a guy would fall over.

I was... incredulous.
"I'll have you know I made a nice teamkill like that due to the red name bug. It was an enemy sniper with the M95 so I couldn't tell the difference. I lined the L85 up, zoomed in, and headshotted him - 1 hit kill. Yes, it was on single shot."

I hate how EA messes with EVERYTHING. Bad enough that the PKM can do it, now we are going to (and already have) sniping medics!!! This game went from good to bad, lets hope they stop it before it goes to worse.

B.T.W. , thanks for letting us know it DOES have 1-shot kill now.

mporlier wrote:

Nyte wrote:

How do you suspect if somebody is using an aimbot?

When you get killed by me.
Your stats shure dont show you are using aimbot!
There aren't any aimbots. If you believe this is true, your gaming expierence will be better than if you think there is an aimbot. I think the chances are 1/1.000.000 that someone is using hacks.

I'm accused of hacking several times though, it isn't very nice, but I know I don't hack, so I don't feel insulted. They just can't appreciate my skill.

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