in germany, after every (attempted) gun rampage, the politicians, the media, half of the country want to ban so called "killer games" (fps) because
everytime they search the gunmans (always male teens or young male adults) computer afterwards, they find fps games and say these games
kinda make you kill people (or at least make it easier)
it makes me sick, they always say "oh, there you go, he played cs, that's the explanation"
i mean, come on, counter strike (or a fps in general) on a young male person's computer... you could also say "hey, he has a tooth brush" or "hey,
he has a tv", that's the explanation. i guess 90% of all young male persons have a fps on their pc
what about this killer games debate in your countries? is there comparable?
everytime they search the gunmans (always male teens or young male adults) computer afterwards, they find fps games and say these games
kinda make you kill people (or at least make it easier)
it makes me sick, they always say "oh, there you go, he played cs, that's the explanation"
i mean, come on, counter strike (or a fps in general) on a young male person's computer... you could also say "hey, he has a tooth brush" or "hey,
he has a tv", that's the explanation. i guess 90% of all young male persons have a fps on their pc
what about this killer games debate in your countries? is there comparable?