Perhaps you should look at history. What happened around the time of FDR and the new deal? The bolshevik revolution. Do you know why those people revolted. My grandfather could have told you why. He moved from there around 1900, the people were basically slaves to the czar, and there were people on the fields with whips. In fact, slav = slave. Whats the lesson from that, when things are really bad and the Czar was slow to reform the system the people rose up and killed his ass. My grandfather moved before that because he saw that the communists were no better.Bradt3hleader wrote:
Democrates and liberals are going to slowly kill this country with welfare debts and so many darn programs...
Vote Limbaugh in 2012
Now, what happened during the last depression in 1929. We had a era of almost total laisse faire economics from 1880s to 1929. What we got was a highly unstable market that collapsed. The conservatives fought for slower reforms and in fact there are stories that the ultra rich even planned a coup against FDR. In spite of that FDR plans brought forward a welfare state that created a middle ground and permitted the "wage slaves" to live their lives (creation of the middle class), and the rich were left to enjoy their riches. Not a utopia, but an uneasy peace, unlike what happened to the Russian Czar.
Todays economic clooapse started with Reaganomics and the attempt to dismantle the FDR type system. This time it only took 25 years for the collapse. What Obama is trying to do is to keep the peace between rich and poor. If you think that that is destroying this country, then I would look to what happened to the Russian Czar and ask if you think that is a better result. By the way there was never a golden age of laisse faire economics, we have only ever experienced greedy wealth followed by utter collapse when we have followed that path.
What is bringing this country to the brink of destruction is the fact that moronic people have forgotten their history and you know what they say if you forget your hisotry then you are doomed to repeat it. If we were to follow the low tax regime to its end where we start cutting all social spending to try and prop up the live styles of the rich while the countries economy collapses, we will start to look like Russia in 1900. And we know where that path would lead us. Its the rich that want to stiffle change at the expense of ruining this country.
I think its better to change paths before we hit that dead end, don't you?
EDIT: it just occurred to me that when the Soviet Union fell, that the ultra rich here might have felt that the Bolshevik danger had finally gone away and that might have emboldened them to try this FDR counter revolution starting with Reganomics. We might actually be in the midst of an economic coup? or in the middle of an economic coup that has failed? Now that's food for thought.
Last edited by Diesel_dyk (2009-03-07 13:27:23)