ATG wrote:
OrangeHound wrote:
If the FDIC is having liquidity problems, why did they raise their account protection from $100,000 to $250,000?
Are idiots running EVERYTHING these days?
The raise in account protection was to avert a run on deposits.
They didn't need to do this for this reason ... as far as I know, that only happened because a bunch of ignorant West Coasters did that to IndyMac.
The bank I used failed (quite a large one), and there wasn't a run on the bank.
The FDIC limit was raised as a political effort, because a bunch of politicians bent to a few dozen whiners who complained that they lost money in a couple of bank failures. Seriously ... this nation is full of nothing but a bunch of no-balls panzies who can't take a punch. They spend all their money on crap products they don't need, live in McMansion houses they can't afford, and eat so much food that they end up with diabetes.
Are you not ready for the digital TV conversion after 6 years? Poor baby ... here, let me extend the deadline for 3 months, give you a free converter and have it installed by a G-man. Because, Lord knows, you HAVE to have your TV.
Are you upset because McDonalds ran out of McNuggets? We're so sorry ... here's a team of lawyers who will sue the left-nut off of Ronald McDonald. And then they'll sue the 911 operators who refused to send out the SWAT team to rescue you from the evil McDonalds.
Are you upset because you lost a quarter million in a Trump luxury penthouse? More lawyers.
Holy smoking crap. America, grow some balls. The US is full of panzies who can't stomach even the smallest setback. We are spoiled, fat, and lazy. Plain and simple.