Ok, so maybe you younger guys can't relate. The dinosaurs among us enjoy the nostalgia though. I'm pretty sure my Parent's had that same exact computer in their print shop .
Xbone Stormsurgezz
My parents still have aol.ATG wrote:
I had aol dial up at one point.
I used to be a member of a few BBS' back in the day. That was before my parents got us Compuserve haha. BBS' were the original p2p file sharing. I remember having to build up credits by uploading shitty games like Ultima.
hansons - mm bop or sth like this?menzo2003 wrote:
what is the name of the song again?
mmmbop by hansonmenzo2003 wrote:
what is the name of the song again?
LOL I remember AOL kids, my parents put parental controls on EVERYTHINGPoseidon wrote:
i remember our first computer being an e-machine...and going on AOL kids and trolling the NHL message boards lolol