Missing, Presumed Dead

Mitch wrote:

Why does one assume the speed of light is the absolute fastest speed possible, simply because its the fastest we can see?

If the entire race of humans evolved with sonar instead of vision, would we assume the speed of sound is the fastest available? Since we would have no idea of what light is.
I thought E=mc^2 prevented it, because of the mass factor.
Unless, of course, it can generate infinite energy and have no mass.

Whether thats right or wrong (been a while since I did physics @ school ), the point is, the physical universe as we understand it, prevents it from happening. Perhaps there is an unexplained and undiscovered phenomena out there that allows it, however, until it is found...we have to assume that it is the fastest possible speed because that is all we know.
Hockey Nut
+243|6684|Boston, MA
I don't think we should worry about faster than the speed of light when we get even relatively close to that speed.
16 more years
+877|6679|South Florida
ok heres a new question, if past the even horizon, even the speed of light cannot escape, does that then mean there is a force stronger then light?
And since this force is stronger then light, wouldn't it be able to travel faster than light.

Just the thought of light not being able to escape the event horizon makes me question the power of the gravity sucking it in.
15 more years! 15 more years!
+3,936|6654|so randum

Mitch wrote:

ok heres a new question, if past the even horizon, even the speed of light cannot escape, does that then mean there is a force stronger then light?
And since this force is stronger then light, wouldn't it be able to travel faster than light.

Just the thought of light not being able to escape the event horizon makes me question the power of the gravity sucking it in.
light isn't a force lol.

4 forces tbh
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
hey mitch you should try heroin i hear its awesome
16 more years
+877|6679|South Florida

phishman420 wrote:

hey mitch you should try heroin i hear its awesome
15 more years! 15 more years!
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6153|Aberdeen, Scotland
Gravity has power over light now?

What the hell kind of school did you go to?
+11|5698|San Diego, California
I don't get it.
+1,230|6997|Alberta, Canada

There are waves of electromagnetic radiation that are faster than light, but we can't see those portions of the EMR spectrum.
Of course there are waves faster than light.
Leave blank to use forum default.

MrAnderson wrote:

Gravity has power over light now?

What the hell kind of school did you go to?
I'm sorry, but are you a dumbass? gravity does EFFECT light...and sound.

learn ur shit b4 u criticize others...

Mitch wrote:

Why does one assume the speed of light is the absolute fastest speed possible, simply because its the fastest we can see?
I guess you could argue that we assume this because there are accepted proofs. Who knows, we might be wrong. Generally, though, the speed of light in a vacuum (free space) is assumed to be constant no matter which reference frame you are in and how fast, or which direction, that frame is travelling in.

It is generally considered that it is impossible for any information or matter to travel faster than c, because it would travel backwards in time relative to some observers.

Mitch wrote:

If the entire race of humans evolved with sonar instead of vision, would we assume the speed of sound is the fastest available? Since we would have no idea of what light is.
Light would be travelling at the same speed, we just wouldn't be able to see it. We'd still feel heat - which is infared radiation - which is "light".
16 more years
+877|6679|South Florida

MrAnderson wrote:

Gravity has power over light now?

What the hell kind of school did you go to?
The event horizon of a black hole. Light cannot escape the gravity.
15 more years! 15 more years!

Ryan wrote:

There are waves of electromagnetic radiation that are faster than light, but we can't see those portions of the EMR spectrum.
Of course there are waves faster than light.
Name an electromagnetic wave that travels faster than the speed of light.
prince of insufficient light
lol light = emr

Mitch, read a book. You will understand it much better and won't be thinking that there is some pseudo-philosophy to it. Stephen Hawking writes good books.

MrAnderson wrote:

Gravity has power over light now?

What the hell kind of school did you go to?
Black hole tbh.
+3,936|6654|so randum

liquidat0r wrote:

Ryan wrote:

There are waves of electromagnetic radiation that are faster than light, but we can't see those portions of the EMR spectrum.
Of course there are waves faster than light.
Name an electromagnetic wave that travels faster than the speed of light.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

FatherTed wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

Ryan wrote:

There are waves of electromagnetic radiation that are faster than light, but we can't see those portions of the EMR spectrum.
Of course there are waves faster than light.
Name an electromagnetic wave that travels faster than the speed of light.
stephen brule
Here's something, If light is the fastest speed then what about darkness. You think it comes as the sun goes down just as fast.

There's a logical question!
+1,230|6997|Alberta, Canada

liquidat0r wrote:

Ryan wrote:

There are waves of electromagnetic radiation that are faster than light, but we can't see those portions of the EMR spectrum.
Of course there are waves faster than light.
Name an electromagnetic wave that travels faster than the speed of light.
I dunno, I thought there were wavelengths on the EMR spectrum that were faster than light. Visible light is only a small portion of the spectrum.

Ryan wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

Ryan wrote:

There are waves of electromagnetic radiation that are faster than light, but we can't see those portions of the EMR spectrum.
Of course there are waves faster than light.
Name an electromagnetic wave that travels faster than the speed of light.
I dunno, I thought there were wavelengths on the EMR spectrum that were faster than light. Visible light is only a small portion of the spectrum.
Wavelength varies across the spectrum, not propagation velocity. The velocity is the same for all wavelengths of the EM spectrum.
+3,936|6654|so randum
happy bday adam
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
prince of insufficient light
Visible light = small portion of the spectrum. Light = the entire spectrum.
+3,611|6775|London, England
EMR travels at the speed of light. Radio waves to Gamma rays and everything inbetween

Mitch makes a point though, although he may not realise, say for example there could be dimensions that we can't "see" or perceive where things can travel faster than light and shit like that
prince of insufficient light
It is accepted that universal constants could be different in alternate universes that is true. That does not mean universal constants are dependent upon our ability to perceive them.

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

I don't think we should worry about faster than the speed of light when we get even relatively close to that speed.
Particle accelerators go 99.9% the speed of light

Last edited by bf2gammer (2009-02-26 17:14:38)

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