Wicked Sick, I feel so small now ....
what the fuck is betelgeuse, antaras, acturus, v3838 casiopeiare!
Kmar probably has more wisdom on this type of stuff, right?
Oi! Don't you go derailing this thread you evil lumberjack
Oi! Don't you go derailing this thread you evil lumberjack
Big star is big.
I'll take a wile guess and say, oh, I dunno, stars?Andoura wrote:
what the fuck is betelgeuse, antaras, acturus, v3838 casiopeiare!

When Betelgeuse goes boom it's going to be amazing (It could have already/lightspeed). You will be able to see it in the daytime. Right now you can see it as the red star in Orions shoulder.
Posted awhile ago.
Posted awhile ago.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
lol uranus is twice the size of earth, geddit?
Holy large stuff, batman!