Oh noes!
I just found out about facebook profile photo "hacks."  It's not really a hack but more like changing your profile photo so that it's more unique and bends the usual rules for profile pics.

5 Creative Ways To Hack Your Facebook Profile Photo wrote:

...There isn’t a legal way to ‘hack’ Facebook, but there is a method to changing your profile photo to make your profile look subtly different and cooler. It isn’t obvious, but the placement of a profile photo allows you to lightly innovate on Facebook’s sacred profile layout...

Subbing this blank template allows you to achieve something Facebook normally does not allow: the option to not display a profile photo at all. A new Facebook account with no profile photo displays a box with a drawing of a mystery person with soft-serve icecream hair on it. Using a blank lined template allows you to add a little ‘negative’ space to your profile that is normally not possible.
http://www.allfacebook.com/2009/02/face … oto-hacks/
Eat my bearrrrrrrrrrr, Tonighttt
+163|5867|Vancouver, BC, Canada
Stumbledupon that last night,

And it's more like one 'hack' done 5 different ways >.<
Oh noes!
Basically...but I like this blank profile pic of mine.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I lol'd at this:

Well butter my buscuit
I need to find that picture, I'm changing my facebook account to it
LOL I kinda want to do that.
Oh noes!
They have a ZIP file at the end of the article that has all the photos.

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