this guy should be shot and put out of his misery.
i mean really, i have alot going on in my RL life and i can only play a few hours every other day.

GET A LIFE FIRESTORM, that goes for anyone else with 1000+ hours invested. take up smoking for hell sake. you can shorten your life just that little bit more.

Bianchi Whore.

Herbmaster007 wrote:

Seriously! Claiming that he's anything because he's american is completely unfounded and disrespectful towards those americans who doesn't fit your description..

Stop generalizing people, especiallu when there is about 250 million of them...
Is generalization okay if it's dual?


Can I say that Americans are ALWAYS guilty of friendly fire if I say something like... British people have funny accents.

Wait, I'm British. Can I generalize myself?

That sounds ever so slightly dirty. o.O

Oh, yes! On-topic! Almost forgot.

I think I played with Firestorm once... what is it with innuendo in this post?? ...but anyhow, it was on some server playing Karkand. This was back when my connection was even more rubbish than it is... wait. No, just when my connection was rubbish, I'll go with.

He was MEC and I was US. There were a couple squads of basecampers on his side, but I seem to recall artillery coming down on -their- position up on the hill left of that favourite site of all base 'rappers'.

I think 'baserapping' is funnier than 'baseraping', so I'm going with that word instead, by the way.

Anyhow, they quit doing it after that. So two thumbs up!

Last edited by Auqakuh2213 (2006-03-13 07:38:16)

One thing there is funny, why do {TA}Firestom an always play longwolf ???

There have played BF2 for some time now an none of them playes team play in squads HMMMMM....
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|6869|Toronto, ON, CAN
Why is this topic still sticky'd? It is just a rant about the top 2 players, and really not that interesting.
The only piece of interest I found by looking at their stats is that it shows the coding limit to Chuy's code (65K kills / deaths is all he can show.
Just my opinion of course.
GunSlinger OIF II
i want the last word
GunSlinger OIF II
You like that, biatch!?
lol you will get banned for spamming

Impreza wrote: has got a life...He got a job, and is social....

Firestorm is a lonely nerd, who sometimes play 23!!!!! hours of BF2 on a day...GET A LIFE!
Life isn't about a game is it? He is numero commander whoring, tank whoring and playing only for the points...Any fun? Don't think so...He gives up his life for a videogame....What a loser...

Look at this scedule of hours Firestom played...


It is just sick...come on, if he is married, he has a plastic sexdoll for a wife I think :p

And this is of

Buddy...firestorm runs a server. He can sit in there getting playing time as a commander and getting points and stuff without doing ANYTHING. In those binges where it says he plays for 20 hours, he doesnt have to play the whole time. This was discussed earlier in the thread. Read it all
Poor guys.......their alone
Aslan the Creator
Welcome to duty
firestorm is playing now.
GunSlinger OIF II

Aslan the Creator wrote:

firestorm is playing now.
well i better stop everything im doing.  Let me call my friends and family to tell them this astonishing news.
You like that, biatch!?

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Aslan the Creator wrote:

firestorm is playing now.
well i better stop everything im doing.  Let me call my friends and family to tell them this astonishing news.
Yeah me too, omg My whole family is around my computer they are just watching him play...
is drunk and crazy
Please delete this thread

You like that, biatch!?
nah just make it so no one can reply and so i'm the last one to do so ...
GunSlinger OIF II
not a bad idea

E7IX3R wrote:

Please delete this thread

Perhaps it should be locked. Then any future flames of the top players could be directed here and then deleted themselves. I think this thread's covered all sides of the *ahem* discussion. But it is getting a bit repetitive and very boring. I still say get on with your own game and don't concern yourself with that of others.
GunSlinger OIF II
good point
You like that, biatch!?
Yeah good point
+630|6790|The Netherlands
lol this tread is going about
wel all know: firestorm and blazin both play to much, yes they got 1243245345 hours total time..
but hey: who cares... let em play like there is nbo tomorow..i dont bother if the dont have a live.
i mean i bet they wont tell how many REAL friends they have...
GunSlinger OIF II
i neither feel strongly for nor against the subject
Aslan the Creator
Welcome to duty
Firestorm is on again, but can someone tell me why his prefix says SrAdm {TA}FireStorm? I dont get it.
GunSlinger OIF II
me neither
...and one thing more....these guys are basically just exploiting the TIME function of this game. A few posts ago someone wizely wrote that
"Firestorm is a server admin...he don't have to play...just hang there.."
Exactly...and that is an exploit. Casual players will be kicked by PB (well...server configs usually) if you "just hang out there".

These guys do not deserve to have those ranks. That's just so simple.
First man on Mars
+9|6836|England, GBR
I like toast. I wonder if Blazin does?
GunSlinger OIF II
toast aint bad

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