You really need to learn to read what people write, instead of living in some fantasy world.Vilham wrote:
So basically what your saying is Uzique, you can't find any evidence of me saying im rich. that's one hell of an arguement you have going there. haha
Hows fantasy land today?
What I quite clearly said, in a nice short concise sentence for your simple-mind, was that you have never openly posted an income-slip but have on multiple times implied and inferred that you are wealthy/rich. Several times in this thread already, and elsewhere in the past of this Forum. But, and the big but, is that I don't care to get into a semantics argument with you. I'm not going to go sleuthing around in old threads nor even in this thread to find literal examples that you can then slide your way out of somehow or other. You gave that impression to several people on this board, and even considered yourself in a comfortable enough and superior-enough position to talk down to Jord in a completely non-funny and non-satirising way about his supposed poor-wealth.
Even stating that which is plainly obvious and asserting blatant truths is a challenge with you. It's all a masterfully-planned turn in your grand chess game, of which we are all the pawns, isn't it Vilham. . I wish you had a modicum of intelligence with which to properly discuss or debate anything with us lot here. You're surely wasting all of your intellectual capacity away with those hours of endless, childish 'debate' in the computer-games Forums...
And I have no idea what your last part is about. "Overuse"? I'm implying posting 'gg' even once is contrived and excessive within the context of this post. It's generally overused as a cliché phrase; as I said a QED-type assertion that people often fall back on even though they haven't demonstrated anything at all. Such as yourself. Hence, inappropriate overuse.
Last edited by Uzique (2009-01-06 19:34:59)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.