DefCon-17 wrote:
Nikon D80. 11 focus points.
Why on earth would you let your camera choose what focus point(s) to focus on?
That's like shooting in Auto.
Aperture priority ftw.
Manual mode ftw...
But I agree. Letting the camera select the focus point is stupid. It's not that hard to select the one you want...
TheDonkey wrote:
I've only had the thing for 5 days and from the very beginning have been slowly moving away from full auto, I find that at this point, about 30% of the shots I take I pick my own focus points.
How are they arranged? Like I can barely imagine 9, let alone 11!?!
Get off full Auto naow, and get into the "Creative Zone"!! (if canon still call the M, Av and Tv part of the dial that
Umm 9 focus points look something like this on the 450D/XSi (Source:
And this is the D80's 11 points, which is honestly as confusing as fuck:
TheDonkey wrote:
Def, what camera Do you have?
And you won't even need MF on the XS/i, the AF engine is smart enough (Although, for me it's had a few instances where it focused on the wrong area.
Depending on the lens being used, the amount of ambient light, the focus point you are selecting and the nature of the subject, manual focus could yield a faster and more accurate result. That being said, Canon's consumer DSLRs aren't *that* good for manual focusing straight out of the box due to the smaller viewfinder (when compared to a full frame camera like the 5D). One would be wise to invest in a better canon focusing screen if they were to take full advantage of manual focusing.
TheDonkey wrote:
Def, what camera Do you have?
I'll play too..
(click the photo to go to its flickr page for notes on the gear)