Getting better
Heres an update, still not finished

Getting better
Last edited by M.O.A.B (2008-10-17 08:04:24)
Last edited by dont_be_ss (2008-10-16 17:22:59)
I dont like his legs, too furry imo
That was the way i wanted them and i like the furry legsMutantsteak wrote:
I dont like his legs, too furry imo
Awesome work, you're really good!}<enzai wrote:
Sweet stuff guys, here's some of mine. … _/ELS2.jpg … 001900.jpg
Might post some more later haha
You really are a perfectionist, talking about how some of the things aren't good, when they actually look awesome.
Nice. Hayabusa pl0x
Last edited by M.O.A.B (2008-11-14 09:56:50)
Holy crapz! Noice, wolves ftwdont_be_ss wrote:
Put it full speed
some good stuff here, keep it up!
Based from Snake, bandana version is thoughLai wrote:
Is that Solid Snake?
By the way, in general, I've noticed that some people posting here have excellent shading, but very sucky line-art; while others (including myself) find line art easier, yet suck at shading. Perhaps we should make a team, have one half do the lineart and the other do the colouring and shading
That's because you've hand drawn the lineart. Unless you scan at pure black and white (compared to colour or grayscale), even hard lines are never perfectly digitalized. Instead each line get progressively more white towards the edges, creating a large variety of greytones between what you see as the hard black line and the white paper. When you then use this image without processing it first, when you add a background, the various greytones will overlap and give the line edges a distinctive glow. When you do scan in pure black and white, you don't have the greytones but you do have seemingly random black pixels clouded around your lines.M.O.A.B wrote:
a weird issue occured when i tried to do a background colour, it mixed with colours near the edges and then change patches so it screwed the outline a little unfortunately