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Connecticut is ranked #7 in the United States. Only 2% of our population is considered obese. New England overall is fairly healthy considering most of our states are on the top ten. I am not sure if there are similar studies done elsewhere in the world, but if you find one post it in here and let us know where you rank. I am an exercise nut so I like to see in the day of fast food and fat fucks some of us are still staying fit and healthy.
Connecticut is ranked #7 in the United States. Only 2% of our population is considered obese. New England overall is fairly healthy considering most of our states are on the top ten. I am not sure if there are similar studies done elsewhere in the world, but if you find one post it in here and let us know where you rank. I am an exercise nut so I like to see in the day of fast food and fat fucks some of us are still staying fit and healthy.
Malloy must go