I have just played In waik island and there was few hacker,,,, [img]http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/natural/77d72e703a29055abf32a59600fb917ce665d5da.png[/img] And one with aimbot [img]http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/natural/52fb301c4f13376e6a704f3f2f258e01290edd16.png[/img] whe just spawned and all whe dead i don't know where to report hacker so i post in here
"[LT] bornas_specops: *DEAD*omg cheater"
was u raging?
was u raging?
raging??? my eng bad
holy shit hax
Wtf? H4x!
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic
...show me the schematic
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
<3 hacks.
They are enjoying their last stand perhaps?
you should get a english hax
Oh dear god why!?!?!
ironythepilot91 wrote:
you should get a english hax
Mass vehicle drops on the carrier should be made part of Wake in 1.5, it fits with the theme of the map tbh.
fuuuuuuckkk i like this ideacospengle wrote:
Mass vehicle drops on the carrier should be made part of Wake in 1.5, it fits with the theme of the map tbh.
once per round you get to rape the US team by spamming a like, horizontal wall, so like a floor basically, made solely out of vehicles!
how awesome would that be
then you could like, drive all over the carrier and stuff
dude you win at internet
When vehicle drops were first introduced you could drop them on th carrier. Not very sporting when you fly into one while reloading...
Bornas, there's not really much you can do. The next patch is supposed to fix the vehicle drop exploit. But really we're reliant on punk buster to stop hackers. Just play on a different server.
Bornas, there's not really much you can do. The next patch is supposed to fix the vehicle drop exploit. But really we're reliant on punk buster to stop hackers. Just play on a different server.
nah i mean like a coordinated floor made out of vehicle drops that just rapes the entire US team on the carrier, and you can do this once per round (basically all the vehicles would kill the aircraft + infantry on the carrier)cospengle wrote:
When vehicle drops were first introduced you could drop them on th carrier. Not very sporting when you fly into one while reloading...
Bornas, there's not really much you can do. The next patch is supposed to fix the vehicle drop exploit. But really we're reliant on punk buster to stop hackers. Just play on a different server.
for the lulz.
Supply crate drop for the us team? Amount of fucking times I flown into a supply crate dropped on the airfield -.-JoshP wrote:
nah i mean like a coordinated floor made out of vehicle drops that just rapes the entire US team on the carrier, and you can do this once per round (basically all the vehicles would kill the aircraft + infantry on the carrier)cospengle wrote:
When vehicle drops were first introduced you could drop them on th carrier. Not very sporting when you fly into one while reloading...
Bornas, there's not really much you can do. The next patch is supposed to fix the vehicle drop exploit. But really we're reliant on punk buster to stop hackers. Just play on a different server.
for the lulz.
Just need to make it like 1942 and drive your carrier to the redline...for the lulz of courseJoshP wrote:
nah i mean like a coordinated floor made out of vehicle drops that just rapes the entire US team on the carrier, and you can do this once per round (basically all the vehicles would kill the aircraft + infantry on the carrier)cospengle wrote:
When vehicle drops were first introduced you could drop them on th carrier. Not very sporting when you fly into one while reloading...
Bornas, there's not really much you can do. The next patch is supposed to fix the vehicle drop exploit. But really we're reliant on punk buster to stop hackers. Just play on a different server.
for the lulz.
omfg hax, glad you showed us this.
i usually fly into arty tbhShadowsStrike wrote:
Supply crate drop for the us team? Amount of fucking times I flown into a supply crate dropped on the airfield -.-JoshP wrote:
nah i mean like a coordinated floor made out of vehicle drops that just rapes the entire US team on the carrier, and you can do this once per round (basically all the vehicles would kill the aircraft + infantry on the carrier)cospengle wrote:
When vehicle drops were first introduced you could drop them on th carrier. Not very sporting when you fly into one while reloading...
Bornas, there's not really much you can do. The next patch is supposed to fix the vehicle drop exploit. But really we're reliant on punk buster to stop hackers. Just play on a different server.
for the lulz.
still, that guy's awesome idea of being able to have shitloads of vehicles dropping on the carrier, like arty on steroids, pure rape, you can't deny that that would be hilarious, can ya?
@Pervert..... i need to reinstall 1942 and do this it's so funny when people scream at you for doing stupid things with the carrier on maps like Midway
Last edited by JoshP (2008-12-08 13:53:47)
When you readline the carrier, it is even funny when the other team is asking: "Why is everyone no more on the other team?" or "Where is everyone?"JoshP wrote:
@Pervert..... i need to reinstall 1942 and do this it's so funny when people scream at you for doing stupid things with the carrier on maps like Midway
It is also fun to beach the carrier right in front of the big guns or just take the carrier out in the middle of nowhere and do "donuts." You should see the planes trying to launch, it is lulz. Every once and a while someone will make it up when you are doing donuts, but for the most part they crash trying to take off.
I get the vehicle drop hack used about 1 in every 2 games, and an aimbotter like that about 1 every 5 games- it seems to be getting worse, not better, am I the only one who thinks this?
Depends what you mean by hackers. The hackers who are just better players or actual proven or obvious hackers?H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:
I get the vehicle drop hack used about 1 in every 2 games, and an aimbotter like that about 1 every 5 games- it seems to be getting worse, not better, am I the only one who thinks this?
Freedomfighter just has the bestest aim.
I've plauyed with him heeps. He is good.
The vehicle haxs are somebodie elsem i swear.
I've plauyed with him heeps. He is good.
The vehicle haxs are somebodie elsem i swear.