That is illogical. Do you really think we are in a position to go out and modernize the rest of the world? Create customers and workers? We are country of consumers now, not producers. We are doing exactly what our founders warned us to stay away from. We need to concentrate our efforts at home. An indefinite hand out only exacerbates the problem.san4 wrote:
Being sugar daddy for corrupt Arab governments is one thing, but the richest country in the world helping modernize poor local economies would be something very different. I don't know about friends, but we'd create customers and workers.Kmarion wrote:
I could do without playing the role of sugar daddy. That doesn't mean you have to "withdrawal" from the world. A purchased friend will never respect you. We are weakening ourselves at home. Make your bed before you leave.san4 wrote:
This is a time to be engaging with the world, not withdrawing from it.
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