+1,452|6546|The Gem Saloon
i dont know...for me it would have been a pretty cut and dry situation.

guys with assault rifles and hand grenades shooting innocent people=direct threat
people running around like chickens with their heads cut off=indirect threat

all i know is that there were eighty people who probably didnt have the chance to defend themselves.

given the situation of looking down the business end of a kalashnikov, i would much rather have every opportunity to NOT die.

Varegg wrote:

lowing wrote:

Varegg wrote:

India is not a part of the ME lowing ...
Oh gimme a break, you know what he was saying and you know what I am saying.

That very fact makes it an even worse scenerio.
They are not even a Muslim country you know, only about 10% are Muslim while there are 80% Hindus ...
The point being, Islamic terrorism is not isolated it is not rare, it is not a minor threat. Might be time to pull your head out.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

lowing wrote:

That very fact makes it an even worse scenerio.
Do you think you can be a Muslim and be free on intolerance from people like you when traveling through Western countries?

Didn't think so.
If you are going to ask me a question I will thank you to let me answer it before you decide to answer it for me.

Yup they can, or are you suggesting that Muslims in the US has to be worried about being kidnapped by the hundreds and shot based on their nationalities?

Last edited by lowing (2008-11-27 00:58:11)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

At the risk of this turning into another gun debate, I'll just say that your more likely to hit another innocent victim as you are the actual gunman in a situation like that.

edit: ^^ directed at parkers comment

Last edited by TheAussieReaper (2008-11-27 01:01:47)
I noticed that not many from the left are saying too much or maybe its just the time of day. Anyhow, whether many of you want to believe or not. Radical Islam is a real problem in too many countries to just say it is just a few nutters. Let me make this clear.....RADICAL ISLAM....Islam in itself (depending on who is interpreting and preaching it) does not approve or accept these types of actions.

Even Muslims who live abroad know that Radical Islam is out of control. Almost every Muslim I know feels the outreaching hand of radical Islam even into Muslim neighborhoods here in the U.S.. Radical clerics, radical sharia interpretations..etc, etc. In my opinion it is only going to get worse until people, especially Muslims themselves, wake up and take their religion back.

To all the people in here claiming that terror attacks are due mostly because of American foreign policy and its supporters...where does India fit in that scenario? It doesn't. Are you all going to scream and wonder why these attacks weren't prevented? Blame the Indian government for not securing its borders and blame everyone else except the murderers themselves?

Attacks like 9-11, Spain, Britain, Kenya, USS Cole, Tanzania...etc, etc, etc and now in India are nothing more than animals that hate others different than themselves and being taught this from an early age, brainwashed to die for nothing. From the early reports, most of these gunmen looked like kids or teenagers....No country is immune from these types of attacks. Probably the strictest security in the world (Israel) cant even stop attacks similar in nature. The point is, attacks like this will happen no matter what country it is and no matter how much security you have because they will find a way. Radical Islam is more of a threat than most of you want to believe and its not going away anytime soon.
Support fanatic :-)

lowing wrote:

Varegg wrote:

lowing wrote:

Oh gimme a break, you know what he was saying and you know what I am saying.

That very fact makes it an even worse scenerio.
They are not even a Muslim country you know, only about 10% are Muslim while there are 80% Hindus ...
The point being, Islamic terrorism is not isolated it is not rare, it is not a minor threat. Might be time to pull your head out.
Maybe time to pull your head out too lowing because the actions of the US and it's allies is equally considered terrorism in the Muslim parts of the world ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Varegg wrote:

lowing wrote:

Varegg wrote:

They are not even a Muslim country you know, only about 10% are Muslim while there are 80% Hindus ...
The point being, Islamic terrorism is not isolated it is not rare, it is not a minor threat. Might be time to pull your head out.
Maybe time to pull your head out too lowing because the actions of the US and it's allies is equally considered terrorism in the Muslim parts of the world ...
Yeah, I know, terrorism against terrorist, who woulda thunk it.
Little BaBy JESUS

Parker wrote:

i dont know...for me it would have been a pretty cut and dry situation.

guys with assault rifles and hand grenades shooting innocent people=direct threat
people running around like chickens with their heads cut off=indirect threat

all i know is that there were eighty people who probably didnt have the chance to defend themselves.

given the situation of looking down the business end of a kalashnikov, i would much rather have every opportunity to NOT die.
Except pulling a gun (since its concealable i guess it would usually be a small pistol) on multiple terrorists is basically asking to get shot... u might get one of the terrorists (notice might) and u'd be the big hero etc etc. except then suddenly ur body is trying to occupy the same space as 20 rounds from a Ak-47.

Bottom line: if u like action movies and want to die, guns blazing, being the hero. then pull ur pistol on the terrorists.
if u want to live. then run like the other hundred people around u.

Last edited by Little BaBy JESUS (2008-11-27 01:09:28)

Little BaBy JESUS

lowing wrote:

Varegg wrote:

lowing wrote:

The point being, Islamic terrorism is not isolated it is not rare, it is not a minor threat. Might be time to pull your head out.
Maybe time to pull your head out too lowing because the actions of the US and it's allies is equally considered terrorism in the Muslim parts of the world ...
Yeah, I know, terrorism against terrorist, who woulda thunk it.
sorry ur slightly mistaken there. its terrorism against civilians.
and US terrorism against civilians, and every now and a then, some terrorists.

EDIT: sorry for double post.

Last edited by Little BaBy JESUS (2008-11-27 01:11:10)


Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

lowing wrote:

Varegg wrote:

Maybe time to pull your head out too lowing because the actions of the US and it's allies is equally considered terrorism in the Muslim parts of the world ...
Yeah, I know, terrorism against terrorist, who woulda thunk it.
sorry ur slightly mistaken there. its terrorism against civilians.
and US terrorism against civilians, and every now and a then, some terrorists.

EDIT: sorry for double post.
really? Please show me where the US has purposely targeted civilians for kidnapping, being blown up at markets, in schools, on buses etc....
Little BaBy JESUS

lowing wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

lowing wrote:

Yeah, I know, terrorism against terrorist, who woulda thunk it.
sorry ur slightly mistaken there. its terrorism against civilians.
and US terrorism against civilians, and every now and a then, some terrorists.

EDIT: sorry for double post.
really? Please show me where the US has purposely targeted civilians for kidnapping, being blown up at markets, in schools, on buses etc....
Mabye not officialy "on purpose" But try telling me the reason for invading iraq again? oh and i guess the 80,000-90,000 civillians killed in iraq since american invasion are all terrorists right?
Support fanatic :-)

lowing wrote:

Varegg wrote:

lowing wrote:

The point being, Islamic terrorism is not isolated it is not rare, it is not a minor threat. Might be time to pull your head out.
Maybe time to pull your head out too lowing because the actions of the US and it's allies is equally considered terrorism in the Muslim parts of the world ...
Yeah, I know, terrorism against terrorist, who woulda thunk it.
This is the new "cold war" except it is very hot ... you certainly don't see the historic reference if you can't see what is going on, millitary interventions cause terror and insurgent like actions ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

lowing wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

sorry ur slightly mistaken there. its terrorism against civilians.
and US terrorism against civilians, and every now and a then, some terrorists.

EDIT: sorry for double post.
really? Please show me where the US has purposely targeted civilians for kidnapping, being blown up at markets, in schools, on buses etc....
Mabye not officialy "on purpose" But try telling me the reason for invading iraq again? oh and i guess the 80,000-90,000 civillians killed in iraq since american invasion are all terrorists right?
I see so now it is "maybe not on purpose".......Well I can show you where Islamic terrorist did those things and ON PURPOSE! So already your accusations fail.

We restarted the war with Iraq because they did not comply with UN resolutions that they agreed to, in keeping us from kicking their ass any further in '91. Coupled with intel that had Iraq in possession of WMD's right after 911.

80,000 -90,0000 civilians killed, do you wanna take a stab as to how many were killed by US action and how many were killed by insurgents and terrorists? Or are you simply content in blaming the US for them all?

Varegg wrote:

lowing wrote:

Varegg wrote:

Maybe time to pull your head out too lowing because the actions of the US and it's allies is equally considered terrorism in the Muslim parts of the world ...
Yeah, I know, terrorism against terrorist, who woulda thunk it.
This is the new "cold war" except it is very hot ... you certainly don't see the historic reference if you can't see what is going on, millitary interventions cause terror and insurgent like actions ...
There was no military interventions before before '01 and after '91 gulf war suspended operations. there were however, plenty of terrorists attacks.
Little BaBy JESUS

lowing wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

lowing wrote:

really? Please show me where the US has purposely targeted civilians for kidnapping, being blown up at markets, in schools, on buses etc....
Mabye not officialy "on purpose" But try telling me the reason for invading iraq again? oh and i guess the 80,000-90,000 civillians killed in iraq since american invasion are all terrorists right?
I see so now it is "maybe not on purpose".......Well I can show you where Islamic terrorist did those things and ON PURPOSE! So already your accusations fail.

We restarted the war with Iraq because they did not comply with UN resolutions that they agreed to, in keeping us from kicking their ass any further in '91. Coupled with intel that had Iraq in possession of WMD's right after 911.

80,000 -90,0000 civilians killed, do you wanna take a stab as to how many were killed by US action and how many were killed by insurgents and terrorists? Or are you simply content in blaming the US for them all?
Oh im not saying they were all killed by Americans. but i have a feeling that insurgents wouldnt be blowing themselves up, using IEDs, sniping people if America wasnt there... or do u think the muslims are so crazy they'd blow up people in Iraq for laughs?

As for the WMDs... god still using that line? 5 years later, no WMDs found. their glorious leader was found hiding in a hole and then executed.
sounds like a massive threat to america right? a 3rd world country in the middle east that supposidly has WMDs, yet have massive unemployment, aging weapons, poor training. wow, i can see how they were a massive threat to america the most powerful nation in the world

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

lowing wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

Mabye not officialy "on purpose" But try telling me the reason for invading iraq again? oh and i guess the 80,000-90,000 civillians killed in iraq since american invasion are all terrorists right?
I see so now it is "maybe not on purpose".......Well I can show you where Islamic terrorist did those things and ON PURPOSE! So already your accusations fail.

We restarted the war with Iraq because they did not comply with UN resolutions that they agreed to, in keeping us from kicking their ass any further in '91. Coupled with intel that had Iraq in possession of WMD's right after 911.

80,000 -90,0000 civilians killed, do you wanna take a stab as to how many were killed by US action and how many were killed by insurgents and terrorists? Or are you simply content in blaming the US for them all?
Oh im not saying they were all killed by Americans. but i have a feeling that insurgents wouldnt be blowing themselves up, using IEDs, sniping people if America wasnt there... or do u think the muslims are so crazy they'd blow up people in Iraq for laughs?

As for the WMDs... god still using that line? 5 years later, no WMDs found. their glorious leader was found hiding in a hole and then executed.
sounds like a massive threat to america right? a 3rd world country in the middle east that supposidly has WMDs, yet have massive unemployment, aging weapons, poor training. wow, i can see how they were a massive threat to america the most powerful nation in the world
"but i have a feeling that insurgents wouldnt be blowing themselves up, using IEDs, sniping people if America wasnt there... or do u think the muslims are so crazy they'd blow up people in Iraq for laughs?" <------ yer kiddin' right? Might wanna check yer history books.

It is no line, intel DID place WMD's in Iraq and that was the intel that was approved by the US ( both parties) and the UN.

It is your very attitude that underestimates their intentions which lead to yet another major terror attack, on India.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS

Parker wrote:

i dont know...for me it would have been a pretty cut and dry situation.

guys with assault rifles and hand grenades shooting innocent people=direct threat
people running around like chickens with their heads cut off=indirect threat

all i know is that there were eighty people who probably didnt have the chance to defend themselves.

given the situation of looking down the business end of a kalashnikov, i would much rather have every opportunity to NOT die.
A lot of the targets were tourists... are you saying you'd bring (or, more to the point, allowed to bring) a gun into a foreign country?

yer kiddin' right? Might wanna check yer history books.
Saddam was very good at one thing, and that's keeping the populace in line. Anyone who let off an IED or whatnot would not only be hunted down and killed without mercy, their family and some of the friends would have got capped too.

So no.

There was no military interventions before before '01 and after '91 gulf war suspended operations. there were however, plenty of terrorists attacks.
Yes there were, mostly in places no one cared about and/or former Soviet republics/puppet states (which no one cared about).

Attacks, however, on Western interests were much rarer than at present, and a direct attack on Western countries?

is your very attitude that underestimates their intentions which lead to yet another major terror attack, on India.
Grasping at straws, now, are we?

Last edited by Spark (2008-11-27 01:46:03)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Little BaBy JESUS

lowing wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

lowing wrote:

I see so now it is "maybe not on purpose".......Well I can show you where Islamic terrorist did those things and ON PURPOSE! So already your accusations fail.

We restarted the war with Iraq because they did not comply with UN resolutions that they agreed to, in keeping us from kicking their ass any further in '91. Coupled with intel that had Iraq in possession of WMD's right after 911.

80,000 -90,0000 civilians killed, do you wanna take a stab as to how many were killed by US action and how many were killed by insurgents and terrorists? Or are you simply content in blaming the US for them all?
Oh im not saying they were all killed by Americans. but i have a feeling that insurgents wouldnt be blowing themselves up, using IEDs, sniping people if America wasnt there... or do u think the muslims are so crazy they'd blow up people in Iraq for laughs?

As for the WMDs... god still using that line? 5 years later, no WMDs found. their glorious leader was found hiding in a hole and then executed.
sounds like a massive threat to america right? a 3rd world country in the middle east that supposidly has WMDs, yet have massive unemployment, aging weapons, poor training. wow, i can see how they were a massive threat to america the most powerful nation in the world
"but i have a feeling that insurgents wouldnt be blowing themselves up, using IEDs, sniping people if America wasnt there... or do u think the muslims are so crazy they'd blow up people in Iraq for laughs?" <------ yer kiddin' right? Might wanna check yer history books.

It is no line, intel DID place WMD's in Iraq and that was the intel that was approved by the US ( both parties) and the UN.

It is your very attitude that underestimates their intentions which lead to yet another major terror attack, on India.
Ok refresh my history for me since u seem to be the base of all knowledge and reason.

Oh? my attitude caused the attacks in india.... i see... and here i was thinking that the US creating matyrs and killing civillians and invading countries might have more to do with it. i guess my attitude caused the finacial crisis to? mabye global warming?

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

lowing wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

Oh im not saying they were all killed by Americans. but i have a feeling that insurgents wouldnt be blowing themselves up, using IEDs, sniping people if America wasnt there... or do u think the muslims are so crazy they'd blow up people in Iraq for laughs?

As for the WMDs... god still using that line? 5 years later, no WMDs found. their glorious leader was found hiding in a hole and then executed.
sounds like a massive threat to america right? a 3rd world country in the middle east that supposidly has WMDs, yet have massive unemployment, aging weapons, poor training. wow, i can see how they were a massive threat to america the most powerful nation in the world
"but i have a feeling that insurgents wouldnt be blowing themselves up, using IEDs, sniping people if America wasnt there... or do u think the muslims are so crazy they'd blow up people in Iraq for laughs?" <------ yer kiddin' right? Might wanna check yer history books.

It is no line, intel DID place WMD's in Iraq and that was the intel that was approved by the US ( both parties) and the UN.

It is your very attitude that underestimates their intentions which lead to yet another major terror attack, on India.
Ok refresh my history for me since u seem to be the base of all knowledge and reason.

Oh? my attitude caused the attacks in india.... i see... and here i was thinking that the US creating matyrs and killing civillians and invading countries might have more to do with it. i guess my attitude caused the finacial crisis to? mabye global warming?
nope, do your own legwork, I will give you a hint, look up the reason Saddam was tried and executed, alos try looking up his 2 sons and read articles about them.

Look, I already asked you to show me where the US purposely targets civilians for bombings murder, rape, etc..... you failed t odo this, in fact you back pedaled on it. The US did not invade Iraq, the US went to war with Iraq. Along those same lines I guess the US invaded Germany and Japan.

You use the word invade on purpose to try and project a sense of unwarranted or unprovoked action, this is bullshit and you know it.
Support fanatic :-)

lowing wrote:

Varegg wrote:

lowing wrote:

Yeah, I know, terrorism against terrorist, who woulda thunk it.
This is the new "cold war" except it is very hot ... you certainly don't see the historic reference if you can't see what is going on, millitary interventions cause terror and insurgent like actions ...
There was no military interventions before before '01 and after '91 gulf war suspended operations. there were however, plenty of terrorists attacks.
Of course not ... no interventions and no sanctions of any kind between 1945 and 1991, no links to what i'm talking about at all lowing, you are correct that the innocent foreign policy of US and it's allies does not provoke anyone ... then what is the explanation for all these terror attacks? ... because there must be one right? ... or is it just Muslims killing for fun because they have nothing better to do?

Try to figure out what causes terror lowing ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Varegg wrote:

lowing wrote:

Varegg wrote:

This is the new "cold war" except it is very hot ... you certainly don't see the historic reference if you can't see what is going on, millitary interventions cause terror and insurgent like actions ...
There was no military interventions before before '01 and after '91 gulf war suspended operations. there were however, plenty of terrorists attacks.
Of course not ... no interventions and no sanctions of any kind between 1945 and 1991, no links to what i'm talking about at all lowing, you are correct that the innocent foreign policy of US and it's allies does not provoke anyone ... then what is the explanation for all these terror attacks? ... because there must be one right? ... or is it just Muslims killing for fun because they have nothing better to do?

Try to figure out what causes terror lowing ...
Ummmmmmm ohhhhhhh I dunno. Radical thinking maybe? Lets see, if the US did not invest in the ME for oil and help develope ways of getting it out of the ground, none of those countries would be as rich as they are. Is there any chance that the citizens (who are being denied, by their own govts. and religion, any kind of quality of life while the few govt officials get rich), are tired of poverty?

Is there any chance that these people are getting tired of watching Americans flourish while they are kept in povery because the govts. keep the money gained from the sale of oil to themselves? Could it be that these people, whose lives are so bad that they see death as a release and a better option than living this life be, the problem? I dunno, you tell me.

In short, envy of watching Americans live great quality of lives at the expense of them, is the perception I think they rally behind. However it is their own govts. keeping them down, not the US.

Last edited by lowing (2008-11-27 02:02:59)

Support fanatic :-)

lowing wrote:

Varegg wrote:

lowing wrote:

There was no military interventions before before '01 and after '91 gulf war suspended operations. there were however, plenty of terrorists attacks.
Of course not ... no interventions and no sanctions of any kind between 1945 and 1991, no links to what i'm talking about at all lowing, you are correct that the innocent foreign policy of US and it's allies does not provoke anyone ... then what is the explanation for all these terror attacks? ... because there must be one right? ... or is it just Muslims killing for fun because they have nothing better to do?

Try to figure out what causes terror lowing ...
Ummmmmmm ohhhhhhh I dunno. Radical thinking maybe? Lets see, if the US did not invest in the ME for oil and help develope ways of getting it out of the ground, none of those countries would be as rich as they are. Is there any chance that the citizens (who are being denied, by their own govts. and religion, any kind of quality of life while the few govt officials get rich), are tired of poverty?

Is there any chance that these people are getting tired of watching Americans flourish while they are kept in povery because the govts. keep the money gained from the sale of oil to themselves? Could it be that these people, whose lives are so bad that they see death as a release and a better option than living this life be, the problem? I dunno, you tell me.

In short, envy of watching Americans live great quality of lives at the expense of them, is the perception I think they rally behind. However it is their own govts. keeping them down, not the US.
Good points lowing and that has something to do with it but that is also considered a kind of intervention, intervention can be done in more ways than millitary ...

But you have to admit there are more underlying issues than this that causes US citizens to be a legit target amongst many groups as soon as they step out of their own country ... this buildup against the US and western part of the world has taken years, many many years ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Little BaBy JESUS

lowing wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

lowing wrote:

"but i have a feeling that insurgents wouldnt be blowing themselves up, using IEDs, sniping people if America wasnt there... or do u think the muslims are so crazy they'd blow up people in Iraq for laughs?" <------ yer kiddin' right? Might wanna check yer history books.

It is no line, intel DID place WMD's in Iraq and that was the intel that was approved by the US ( both parties) and the UN.

It is your very attitude that underestimates their intentions which lead to yet another major terror attack, on India.
Ok refresh my history for me since u seem to be the base of all knowledge and reason.

Oh? my attitude caused the attacks in india.... i see... and here i was thinking that the US creating matyrs and killing civillians and invading countries might have more to do with it. i guess my attitude caused the finacial crisis to? mabye global warming?
nope, do your own legwork, I will give you a hint, look up the reason Saddam was tried and executed, alos try looking up his 2 sons and read articles about them.

Look, I already asked you to show me where the US purposely targets civilians for bombings murder, rape, etc..... you failed t odo this, in fact you back pedaled on it. The US did not invade Iraq, the US went to war with Iraq. Along those same lines I guess the US invaded Germany and Japan.

You use the word invade on purpose to try and project a sense of unwarranted or unprovoked action, this is bullshit and you know it.
Lowing, i NEVER SAID THAT THE US DELIBERATELY TARGETS CIVILIANS. if u can show me where i said that ill be happy to respond. i said that the US killing of civilians etc fuels terrorism. i didnt say that soldiers are deliberately killing civillians. also i dont know where u got this "rape" thing from i never even mentioned the word. "the US went to war with Iraq" is just a nicer way of saying "the US invaded iraq". it means the same thing.

also, "You use the word invade on purpose to try and project a sense of unwarranted or unprovoked action, this is bullshit and you know it."

Lol, and i still feel that the war was neither warranted or provoked, im not trying to make it look like that, it is like that.

explain this, Osama bin laden and al qaeda killed 3000 americans. so Afganistan is invaded, fair enough we all say, america has the right to capture or kill the terrorists that did this. So why were so many more troops used in the "war on iraq" than afganistan. terror cells that were hiding in afganistan had attacked america... and yet the country where none of the attackers were hiding, based, or came from was attack with a much larger force.

and dont try to justify the "war on iraq" by the things saddam had done. sure he was a terrible person who did terrible things, yet tens of thousands more people have been killed during the iraq war than saddams entire regime. Interesting... that does sound like freedom and democracy prevailing? So why hasnt america stopped all the other brutal dictators, people that have killed hundreds of thousands of people?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS
Look, I already asked you to show me where the US purposely targets civilians for bombings murder, rape, etc..... you failed t odo this, in fact you back pedaled on it. The US did not invade Iraq, the US went to war with Iraq. Along those same lines I guess the US invaded Germany and Japan.
From the end first. They did, invasion isn't always wrong.

The US is commonly seen by basically everyone in the middle east as invading Iraq. Whether their definition of an invasion is the same as yours is irrelevant, that is the important detail and what must be taken into consideration.

No one ever said the US 'targets civilians etc', what is being said that US foreign policy actions have caused a enourmous amount of anger and hatred amongst many and this is a backlash.

That being said I think this whole debate is irrelevant to this paticular attack. In my view, this attack was more about a very, very, very divisive conflict that everyone seems to have forgotten about - Kashmir. This looks like a northern ireland style attempt to derail a peace process beginning to come to fruition.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Non US/UK passports ftw.

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