Braddock wrote:
Pug wrote:
Braddock wrote:
Are you saying the WORLD supports America's occupation of Iraq? Because I seem to remember record numbers of people marching in protest around the world and two coalition of the willing Government's losing power as a result of it.
The WORLD did at one time. Remember we are talking about the initial invasion.
Keep focusing on the US instead of the Iran half of the equation. GJ.
The WORLD did not at any time support the invasion. Most Governments, including the likes of Germany and France, did not support the invasion and called for further diplomacy, citing that the inspectors had not even finished giving their findings and many other Governments just steamrolled over public opinion and supported it anyway (and paid the price at the next election e.g. Spain and Australia). Public support around the world was not with the Americans I'm afraid... maybe you've never stepped outside Texas, I don't know, but for the last 8 years a lot of Americans have been pretending to be Canadian over here.
When you are talking about Germaney's, France's and Russia's opposing the invasion of Iraq, do you think they were being idealistic and high-minded, or trying to protect and cover up the fact that they were breaking UN sanctions and the Oil-for-Food policy by trading weapons and ammunition, as well as banned infrascruture to Iraq in exchange for free oil piped to foreign refineries in Syria?
And while I know you were not talking to me, I
have stepped foot outside Texas in the last 8 years. I never claimed I was from any other nation than the US, but since I was in a US army uniform, there was little doubt anyway.