NJG HukaMaster

Skruples wrote:

The people who have mentioned The idea that the U.S is here to stay are essentially correct. The U.S has the best military in the world, bar none, and they're buddies with alot of other nations. Short of an international nuclear exchange, which would be bad for everyone the U.S will not be defeated. I'm not saying the United States can't lose a war, I'm saying that no country with any military sense will try and invade.

The logistics of getting an invasion force into the United states would be insane. The only two countries that border the U.S have no respectable military strength, and anyway don't really have any incentive to attack. An invasion by sea would be decimated by air power before it even reached land, and even if a successful beachhead were created the supply lines for reinforcing that beachhead would be enormous. They would be fighting a military superpower on its own turf, and every piece of equipment and every soldier that died would have to be replaced from thousands of miles away.

If a nation were to beat the United States in a war, it would most likely be a defensive victory. As in, the United States was invading them and were turned back, but as we have seen in Iraq and Afghanahowever-you-spell-it the U.S is very, very good at moving lots of troops and equipment around.

And on topic, armored fury looks fun.
Well you saw the movie "Red Dawn" Yeah that could happen, oh wait...Those were Russians. That movie still kicked ass though.
+8|7037|Sacramento, CA (USA)

NJG HukaMaster wrote:

Skruples wrote:

The people who have mentioned The idea that the U.S is here to stay are essentially correct. The U.S has the best military in the world, bar none, and they're buddies with alot of other nations. Short of an international nuclear exchange, which would be bad for everyone the U.S will not be defeated. I'm not saying the United States can't lose a war, I'm saying that no country with any military sense will try and invade.

The logistics of getting an invasion force into the United states would be insane. The only two countries that border the U.S have no respectable military strength, and anyway don't really have any incentive to attack. An invasion by sea would be decimated by air power before it even reached land, and even if a successful beachhead were created the supply lines for reinforcing that beachhead would be enormous. They would be fighting a military superpower on its own turf, and every piece of equipment and every soldier that died would have to be replaced from thousands of miles away.

If a nation were to beat the United States in a war, it would most likely be a defensive victory. As in, the United States was invading them and were turned back, but as we have seen in Iraq and Afghanahowever-you-spell-it the U.S is very, very good at moving lots of troops and equipment around.

And on topic, armored fury looks fun.
Well you saw the movie "Red Dawn" Yeah that could happen, oh wait...Those were Russians. That movie still kicked ass though.
You're right that movie does kick ass.
+3|6909|Candy Land
That would be sweet if it was snowing while we played the game in alaska it would add to tactics and hiding places, and don't forget SNOWBALL FIGHTS, SNOWCONES, AWW AND SNOWMEN!!!!!!
+15|6968|Boise, ID

BACK ON TOPIC! For cryin' out loud, this is a GAMING forum!

Like another poster - does anyone know for SURE if Armored Fury is going to be released like first stated on the 28th of March?

There doesn't seem to be a seperate section for it like Euroforce on the EA website, am I missing something?

-]Eucalyptus[- wrote:

i like the idea of defending America but there is no way the MEC could possibly ever land its forces on the USA.

It is impossible. It is illogical. BUT, it is a game

The MEC does not have the amphibious capability to even consider doing so. Any defeats USA may suffer in forward deployment theaters does not mean the same will happen with America on the defense. America on the defense will ultimately defeat any force, provided air superiority is maintained (as it is and always will be) and the oceans that line both coasts are protecting America. The only realistic thing that is possible is the Alaskan landing of Chinese forces. The Chinese would probably have to walk all over the canadians to get to the USA (im sure the canadians would let them through) but they'd suffer numerous air attacks, all the while not having any air superority of their own (they have no carriers).

There's also the factor of the nuclear option. If mainland USA were to be invaded, and although the nuclear option would be the last measure, be assured that it WILL be used if the USA is close to defeat.

If America goes down, the world goes with it.

In that respect, you cannot defeat America and America is here to stay.

China would be better off defending it's sphere of influence (Asia) and dominating through economic influence.

The 21st Century is China's Century
No offence but the MEC isn't real. But I agree that even if they made one, they couldn't land on America. Now China, they might be able to do something, but we might be able to tear them up with our bombers and the like, I say China has a chance, the MEC(if made) would not.

On topic, I don't know about Euro Force, but I know I am going to try to get AF, defending America sounds like a good idea, I think the middle east is too sandy, and china desn't have any fun maps.

Last edited by a_n00bt00b (2006-03-13 20:27:42)

The Forum Alien
+89|7086|The planet Tophet
i am china

Major_Spittle wrote:

R`-Nomad-DL wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:


Generalizing my butt, 5% my butt. 

#1 For one thing Nazis & Skin Heads have nothing to do with Christianity.  Trust me that I doubt they care if you don't believe in Christ when you join.... but hmmm, seems to me that all these Muslim nuts do everything while quoting the koran.
#2 Christian Churches and leader everywhere denounce these groups, and help the victims of hate crimes by these groups.... no matter what religion they are.  Besides, wasn't it mostly Christians that defeated the Nazis and helped the Jews, don't Skin Heads typically attack Blacks no matter what religion they are.
#3 Muslims can't even get along with each other, Sunni's, Shiites, elc.  All the Muslim countries end up warring with their neighbor no matter whether it is a Muslim country or not. Name one Muslim country with an actual free government where other religions have the same rights in that country. hmmmm.  Yep, islam is quite the great religion.
#4 Even you the great "moderate muslim" is threatening people in the name of your religion you Muslim Supremacist POS. Over a Cartoon, how arrogant you human waste.
#5 Muslim countries don't even provide any significant (if any) foriegn aide to other Muslim countries in need due to disasters or otherwise. Yeh, Islam is such a compasionate giving religion compared to all the others.
#6 Mohamad was a murderous thug who would kill off an entire villige if they would not convert to his religion, make a cartoon about that you retard..... don't remember Christ cutting off peoples heads that refused to convert. Hell, Mohamads followers are still cutting off peoples heads in his name, and Muslim governments all seem to with-hold rights to non Muslims due to the teachings of Mohamad the wonder murderer. Infidels are inhuman.....yeah islam.

Your just a turd, aren't you late for blowing yourself up in front of a rival Mosque or something?
i have been extremly offended by your vulgur way of talking.... and now i wonder how u consider yourself a christian (or this is what i suppose u r) while u r lacking the principles of ethics... as for Islam we beleive in christianity and you know it.... the religions of the book are based on manners and ethics. so please if u r thinking of talking to me further more , reconsider it... and again respect people to be respected.
thank you....
Now back to your points ignoring the wonderful style u were using in expressing your baseless information.
ok... Now to start i would like to let you know that NONE of the governements of islamic countries are by any means applying the rules of islam! and yes this is true! coz i live there and i know what i am telling u about.... another thing is.... Our governements are nothing but some useless money collectors while of course leaning their heads to mother america... So now any muslim country acts on governal bases are basicly hoax and irresponsible. And hence there isnt democracy applied in our countries then we are not able to get rid of such tyrents controlling us.... And to let you know, almost none of the people are happy with current situations, and if u try to do smth u r nomore! And this is smth i feel ashamed of, but nothing to do, or at least for now...

oh yes, what you have said about our prophet (SAWS), is extremly unacceptable of you, anyway it was in matter reflecting how ignorant you are in history.... coz the most thing i hate is the people talking about things they never heard or read about.... u r just reflecting some other's points of view which with all my respect may be built on hate and ingorance and sometimes spite. you need to read more about him and then judge yourself and not just go on with the wave, repeating words like a parrot
anyway i advice u to read this article about the prophet before u think of replying, coz i think that would be a wise step from you or anyone intending to reply, so that we dont waste time in hasstles and so on:

Another point about our prophet.... There exists a cultural vagueness in the West.  This vagueness results from the presence of two different concepts.  The first is a great Western concept that we respect, appraise, and need.  That concept is freedom of speech.  This is a great humane and civilized concept.  On the other hand, there is the great Islamic concept of dignifying Allah’s Messenger (SAWS).  The problem arises due to the lack of understanding of the Islamic Civilization and the Western Civilization regarding these two concepts.  The non-Muslims cannot value the rank of dignifying the Prophet (SAWS).  On the other hand, due to the below-average quality of practical application of freedom of speech, Muslims have a vague understanding of the concept of respecting freedom of speech. 
Accordingly, what is required now?  We do not want to refuse the concept of freedom of speech, absolutely not.  However, the West should alter the freedom of speech so that it does not collide with the very important Islamic value of dignifying the Prophet (SAWS).  Here lies the vagueness and ambiguity.  The West understands very well the freedom of speech (which we appreciate) but it does not understand Islamic values, such as dignifying the Prophet (SAWS) and other Islamic sanctities.  This is where the Western cultural vagueness lies.
I clearly say to the West, you have a problem. You cannot comprehend how much the Muslims love Prophet Muhammad (SAWS).  You are still unable to understand this point.  If you had really encompassed its significance, you would never have accepted what happened.  The West, in general, governments and people, does not apprehend that Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) is dearer to us than our parents, dearer to me than my father and dearer than my mother.  I am sure that any Muslim woman listening to me now, be her religious or not, will swear on that fact.  Just ask, what does Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) mean to you?  It is not even necessary to do that because it is so evident, but you may conduct surveys for yourselves, and you will realize how true what I am saying is.  Ask any youth, be he heedless or pious; ask any Muslim anywhere, in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen or in Egypt.  Ask any Muslim in any village regardless of how religious he is, be he an obedient Muslim or not, a drug user or not, successful in his life or a failure, old or young, ask them, what does Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) mean to you?
I know that the West resists racism as they realize very well what it means.  I also know that they stand up against any anti-Semitic assaults as they recognize the serious consequences of such acts.  Yet, true contradiction lies in respecting Semitism and resisting racialism on the one hand, while humiliating the most valued figure for Muslims, the Prophet (SAWS), on the other. 

anyway i did my best to ignore all your claims, now please all i ask of you is reading that link above then feel free to reply back, oh yeah and we dont need to screw this thread which wasnt meant to be about what we r talking about anyway, so if u feel like talking we may do it in the "serious talk" section, and sorry for any inconvinience i may have caused wether by getting out of subject or even with my moderate english.
thank you
I read some of it, looked like a struggle to find quotes in the quran that made it sound like mohamad was a loving caring person and his religion was peaceful. I think I could do a better job finding Quotes in Mein Komptf(sp) that make Hitler sound like an altar boy. I am sure that whole thing about Muslims wanting to eliminate the Jews is completely a misunderstanding on my part, just like the Nazis were misunderstood.  Strangely I didn't see any passage about waging Jihad and getting virgins..... hmmm ..... is it not true if you do battle in mohamad's name and die, he will fix you up with some 'tang.  Sounds like a cool religion to me, Kill people for me and I will get you laid...LOL Just don't ask why they are still virgins;) Gee, I am sure this too is just a Myth that I, and a significant number of Muslim Clerics, bought into. Oh, and btw I am not religious at all, I could care less other than the fact that people in other religions don't "expect me" to bow before their altar "or else". Also they don't tend to want to kill me or fly planes into my place of work in the name of their religion. The Muslims silence when acts of violence are committed in their religions name is deafening.

Why do you think that the rest of the world has to study and abide by your religious beliefs, OR ELSE.  Go wax your camel you turd.   O-)--<  (yep that is a pic of Mohamad laying there with his legs spread for you to give him some lovin')
The utter fucking ignorance of some people is so thoroughly pathetic. The religion of Islam is a dignified one, blown out to extreme proportions by fanaticists for whatever their reason. It's kind of sad that jihad has come to mean "religious war", when in actuality, it refers to the spiritual struggle one goes through in order to reach a state of accomplishment and respect within the muslim religion. Were I to choose a religion to follow, I would choose Islam. In Islam, killing is in no way given support. It merely suggests that you defend yourself upon intrusion. This is what, IMO, has drawn out extremists with beliefs that the West is attacking them. Having not really given how we've trespassed the islamic communities, I can only rest footing on the fact that some see disgust in their perspective toward us because we have no overt affiliation with God. A true muslim is, in all accounts, a person of assured integrity. The problem arises when the foolish cross boundaries of ethics and respect. Freedom of speech is to be used in a manner respectful of all parties, without partisanship towards either sides involved. For these papers to constantly republish the Danish cartoons is simply outrageously, oh so bluntly insulting to many followers of the islamic faith. From my perspective, it merely seems as though modern societies have been drawn towards a state of immaturity and lacking integrity, with the "WHAT ABOUT FREEDOM OF SPEECH?!" defense all to common and all too overused. Before you needlessly bash someone unworthy of such treatment, it just [b]might[b] improve the sense given off by you were you to actually provide knowledge of comprehension with the topics being discussed and addressed. Anyways, I merely wanted to clear out any undeserved bias towards the Arab people, and with that, I think I'll note upon the actual topic of the thread.

Armoured Fury will definitely be a great game, and I think it's kind of sad that there will most likely be no other Strike at Karkand. If there were, it would give a lot more variety to the CQC types of battles that many seek.

For Shweezy,

(P.S. Oh, I don't know much about how we store our nuclear weapons or orchestrate our counteractive measures toward a supposed offensive move, but it doesn't seem to be too secure a method. If China was truly determined to bring the U.S. down, I don't see how it could fail. Smuggle a few nuclear bombs in through our ports, time them to detonate along with a corrolating air strike, and our society could be in deep chaos within hours. I'm sure Venezuala [along with others] would have little to no issues with such an act, although it, IMHO, seems very unlikely that they take such a course.)

Last edited by Kniero (2006-03-14 02:04:40)

just nothing

Kniero wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

R`-Nomad-DL wrote:

i have been extremly offended by your vulgur way of talking.... and now i wonder how u consider yourself a christian (or this is what i suppose u r) while u r lacking the principles of ethics... as for Islam we beleive in christianity and you know it.... the religions of the book are based on manners and ethics. so please if u r thinking of talking to me further more , reconsider it... and again respect people to be respected.
thank you....
Now back to your points ignoring the wonderful style u were using in expressing your baseless information.
ok... Now to start i would like to let you know that NONE of the governements of islamic countries are by any means applying the rules of islam! and yes this is true! coz i live there and i know what i am telling u about.... another thing is.... Our governements are nothing but some useless money collectors while of course leaning their heads to mother america... So now any muslim country acts on governal bases are basicly hoax and irresponsible. And hence there isnt democracy applied in our countries then we are not able to get rid of such tyrents controlling us.... And to let you know, almost none of the people are happy with current situations, and if u try to do smth u r nomore! And this is smth i feel ashamed of, but nothing to do, or at least for now...

oh yes, what you have said about our prophet (SAWS), is extremly unacceptable of you, anyway it was in matter reflecting how ignorant you are in history.... coz the most thing i hate is the people talking about things they never heard or read about.... u r just reflecting some other's points of view which with all my respect may be built on hate and ingorance and sometimes spite. you need to read more about him and then judge yourself and not just go on with the wave, repeating words like a parrot
anyway i advice u to read this article about the prophet before u think of replying, coz i think that would be a wise step from you or anyone intending to reply, so that we dont waste time in hasstles and so on:

Another point about our prophet.... There exists a cultural vagueness in the West.  This vagueness results from the presence of two different concepts.  The first is a great Western concept that we respect, appraise, and need.  That concept is freedom of speech.  This is a great humane and civilized concept.  On the other hand, there is the great Islamic concept of dignifying Allah’s Messenger (SAWS).  The problem arises due to the lack of understanding of the Islamic Civilization and the Western Civilization regarding these two concepts.  The non-Muslims cannot value the rank of dignifying the Prophet (SAWS).  On the other hand, due to the below-average quality of practical application of freedom of speech, Muslims have a vague understanding of the concept of respecting freedom of speech. 
Accordingly, what is required now?  We do not want to refuse the concept of freedom of speech, absolutely not.  However, the West should alter the freedom of speech so that it does not collide with the very important Islamic value of dignifying the Prophet (SAWS).  Here lies the vagueness and ambiguity.  The West understands very well the freedom of speech (which we appreciate) but it does not understand Islamic values, such as dignifying the Prophet (SAWS) and other Islamic sanctities.  This is where the Western cultural vagueness lies.
I clearly say to the West, you have a problem. You cannot comprehend how much the Muslims love Prophet Muhammad (SAWS).  You are still unable to understand this point.  If you had really encompassed its significance, you would never have accepted what happened.  The West, in general, governments and people, does not apprehend that Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) is dearer to us than our parents, dearer to me than my father and dearer than my mother.  I am sure that any Muslim woman listening to me now, be her religious or not, will swear on that fact.  Just ask, what does Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) mean to you?  It is not even necessary to do that because it is so evident, but you may conduct surveys for yourselves, and you will realize how true what I am saying is.  Ask any youth, be he heedless or pious; ask any Muslim anywhere, in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen or in Egypt.  Ask any Muslim in any village regardless of how religious he is, be he an obedient Muslim or not, a drug user or not, successful in his life or a failure, old or young, ask them, what does Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) mean to you?
I know that the West resists racism as they realize very well what it means.  I also know that they stand up against any anti-Semitic assaults as they recognize the serious consequences of such acts.  Yet, true contradiction lies in respecting Semitism and resisting racialism on the one hand, while humiliating the most valued figure for Muslims, the Prophet (SAWS), on the other. 

anyway i did my best to ignore all your claims, now please all i ask of you is reading that link above then feel free to reply back, oh yeah and we dont need to screw this thread which wasnt meant to be about what we r talking about anyway, so if u feel like talking we may do it in the "serious talk" section, and sorry for any inconvinience i may have caused wether by getting out of subject or even with my moderate english.
thank you
I read some of it, looked like a struggle to find quotes in the quran that made it sound like mohamad was a loving caring person and his religion was peaceful. I think I could do a better job finding Quotes in Mein Komptf(sp) that make Hitler sound like an altar boy. I am sure that whole thing about Muslims wanting to eliminate the Jews is completely a misunderstanding on my part, just like the Nazis were misunderstood.  Strangely I didn't see any passage about waging Jihad and getting virgins..... hmmm ..... is it not true if you do battle in mohamad's name and die, he will fix you up with some 'tang.  Sounds like a cool religion to me, Kill people for me and I will get you laid...LOL Just don't ask why they are still virgins;) Gee, I am sure this too is just a Myth that I, and a significant number of Muslim Clerics, bought into. Oh, and btw I am not religious at all, I could care less other than the fact that people in other religions don't "expect me" to bow before their altar "or else". Also they don't tend to want to kill me or fly planes into my place of work in the name of their religion. The Muslims silence when acts of violence are committed in their religions name is deafening.

Why do you think that the rest of the world has to study and abide by your religious beliefs, OR ELSE.  Go wax your camel you turd.   O-)--<  (yep that is a pic of Mohamad laying there with his legs spread for you to give him some lovin')
The utter fucking ignorance of some people is so thoroughly pathetic. The religion of Islam is a dignified one, blown out to extreme proportions by fanaticists for whatever their reason. It's kind of sad that jihad has come to mean "religious war", when in actuality, it refers to the spiritual struggle one goes through in order to reach a state of accomplishment and respect within the muslim religion. Were I to choose a religion to follow, I would choose Islam. In Islam, killing is in no way given support. It merely suggests that you defend yourself upon intrusion. This is what, IMO, has drawn out extremists with beliefs that the West is attacking them. Having not really given how we've trespassed the islamic communities, I can only rest footing on the fact that some see disgust in their perspective toward us because we have no overt affiliation with God. A true muslim is, in all accounts, a person of assured integrity. The problem arises when the foolish cross boundaries of ethics and respect. Freedom of speech is to be used in a manner respectful of all parties, without partisanship towards either sides involved. For these papers to constantly republish the Danish cartoons is simply outrageously, oh so bluntly insulting to many followers of the islamic faith. From my perspective, it merely seems as though modern societies have been drawn towards a state of immaturity and lacking integrity, with the "WHAT ABOUT FREEDOM OF SPEECH?!" defense all to common and all too overused. Before you needlessly bash someone unworthy of such treatment, it just might[b] improve the sense given off by you were you to actually provide knowledge of comprehension with the topics being discussed and addressed. Anyways, I merely wanted to clear out any undeserved bias towards the Arab people, and with that, I think I'll note upon the actual topic of the thread.

Armoured Fury will definitely be a great game, and I think it's kind of sad that there will most likely be no other Strike at Karkand. If there were, it would give a lot more variety to the CQC types of battles that many seek.

For Shweezy,

(P.S. Oh, I don't know much about how we store our nuclear weapons or orchestrate our counteractive measures toward a supposed offensive move, but it doesn't seem to be too secure a method. If China was truly determined to bring the U.S. down, I don't see how it could fail. Smuggle a few nuclear bombs in through our ports, time them to detonate along with a corrolating air strike, and our society could be in deep chaos within hours. I'm sure Venezuala [along with others] would have little to no issues with such an act, although it, IMHO, seems very unlikely that they take such a course.)
Maybe another ban will knock some fucking sense into you, ie you are fucking ignorant and thoroughly pathetic Have fun with that one bucko.
as i see it the west has been invaded

they give us oil,we give them money, they invest the money in western stocks taking control of powerful corporates

lol, they dont need to invade, there already here )))))))))))
+-1|6933|Cairo - Egypt
i dont get it! why did u just kick Kniero ?

cant find any forum violation he may have initiated..... ????
+17|7024|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)

a_n00bt00b wrote:

-]Eucalyptus[- wrote:

i like the idea of defending America but there is no way the MEC could possibly ever land its forces on the USA.

It is impossible. It is illogical. BUT, it is a game

The MEC does not have the amphibious capability to even consider doing so. Any defeats USA may suffer in forward deployment theaters does not mean the same will happen with America on the defense. America on the defense will ultimately defeat any force, provided air superiority is maintained (as it is and always will be) and the oceans that line both coasts are protecting America. The only realistic thing that is possible is the Alaskan landing of Chinese forces. The Chinese would probably have to walk all over the canadians to get to the USA (im sure the canadians would let them through) but they'd suffer numerous air attacks, all the while not having any air superority of their own (they have no carriers).

There's also the factor of the nuclear option. If mainland USA were to be invaded, and although the nuclear option would be the last measure, be assured that it WILL be used if the USA is close to defeat.

If America goes down, the world goes with it.

In that respect, you cannot defeat America and America is here to stay.

China would be better off defending it's sphere of influence (Asia) and dominating through economic influence.

The 21st Century is China's Century
No offence but the MEC isn't real. But I agree that even if they made one, they couldn't land on America. Now China, they might be able to do something, but we might be able to tear them up with our bombers and the like, I say China has a chance, the MEC(if made) would not.

On topic, I don't know about Euro Force, but I know I am going to try to get AF, defending America sounds like a good idea, I think the middle east is too sandy, and china desn't have any fun maps.
I have addressed this with someone else. I know the MEC isn't real. I'm just saying even if it is real, the sum total of all arabic countries would not be able to pull off such a feat as to land an amphibious army across the mediterranean (or alternatively, through the red sea, into the indian ocean, curve around Cape Horn and keep traveling the coast of West Africa, if they are feeling >>>REALLY<<< wild!!!) and then across the Atlantic Ocean to eventually reach North America (Or Central America/South America to establish a base there and work their way up) and commence an attack on the world's sole superpower (current superpower).

a_n00bt00b wrote:

I think the middle east is too sandy
lol.... i like you

Last edited by -]Eucalyptus[- (2006-03-14 15:08:07)

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