So I enjoying playing sniper on sharqi, I've earned gold expert, etc there.  I wanted to broaden my horizons (and get more gold ) so I decided to try my hand at Helo, I've gotten decent at it and love the flights.  Well I was fortunate enough to get into the gunner seat on this round.  And the usual TK'ers and helo-whores on my favorite server (just ask the name) found a new strategy to get me out of the helo without killing me.  Shotgun-X decided to let me hang just enough outside of the NO-COMBAT zone so MY health starts to diminish - MEANWHILE, the other asshole Major_Whiz is quickly running to their RV spot so he can take my place.  WTF!!!  And this is every round, every time anyone gets in the chopper besides those two together!  I spoke with the members of my squad at the time, and this seems to be a recurring thing with these two, they everntually get kicked after 50 votes when everyone has been affected but NEVER BANNED.  This is because there is no active Admins who monitor the server, which I don't mind due to my high PING rate living here in Turkey.  Okay, just wanted to vent.  PLEASE DONT USE THIS TACTIC, share the vehicles.


Last edited by thefacilitat0r (2006-03-12 08:20:25)

Typical white person.
+389|6798|San Antonio, Texas
This "tactic" has been around for awhile. Just put c4 on the side before you get in, as an insurance.
+3,135|6776|The Hague, Netherlands

thats why i mostly dont play sharqi. karkand = shargi without helo whores, you have the tank whores but you can take them out real easy (if you know were to shoot)

Last edited by -=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| (2006-03-12 08:18:37)
Yea, C4 will ruin there little party - But it's just the fact they can't let anyone else get their stats up.  I love sniping but just want to try my hand at Helo too.  I can't stand Karkand, but love all the sniping on Sharqi. 

Tell the admin to get his ass on the server and ban those fags.
+-2|6738|England, UK
Its in these situations, unless an admin can help, where a revenge TK IMO is warranted. I'm refering to the first post btw. The twat that took you to edge of the screen deserves to be TK'd. I definitely don't condone TK's for vehicles etc etc and I never ever have but sometimes in extreme situations, as in two players are hogging the heli by underhand means, they deserve to die. I would have flown one of them to the edge of the screen or made sure that the heli didn't take off at all if that type of shit was happening to me. And hence, they will not profit from their underhand tactics.
Team killers really really piss me off. One of my worst experiences was when we were coming into land for repairs after the best round start I had ever got, 30 points when the next best was 7. I was gunner and this wanker sniped me out of the attack heli, then he got in. That mofo didn't get in the heli for the rest of round by whatever means necessary, mostly DOA point blank in his face. Anybody who snipes me out of the attack heli isn't going to enjoy the rest round. And I have to admit, I have taken someone to the edge of the screen. A dickhead who sniped me out of the attack heli earlier in that round, then had the cheek to fly with me as gunner. It felt good and hopefully taught the twat a lesson. TK's don't pay.

Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-03-12 11:11:19)

+-2|6738|England, UK

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

This "tactic" has been around for awhile. Just put c4 on the side before you get in, as an insurance.
LOL. I like it. C4 insurance policy. Nice.
Pope Picard II

That's 24/7 Sharqi Insomnia365 is it not? 15 rounds of Sharqi and no admins, its a blast, but yes I play there all the time and Shotgun-X is constantly doing that shit.

The greatest thing about that server though, is that the helis always spawn camp eachother, so go on MEC and you can cap flags and ground fight (Don't even try to fly lol) only having to worry about one USMC tank that may or may not get through, while MEC has the club house APC and the T90. Fun server, but bad people show up sometimes. There's also a lot of time stat padders who sit in the AA on MEC and afk all day long...tyme44 being the worst of all of them. The irony...

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

That's 24/7 Sharqi Insomnia365 is it not? 15 rounds of Sharqi and no admins, its a blast, but yes I play there all the time and Shotgun-X is constantly doing that shit.

The greatest thing about that server though, is that the helis always spawn camp eachother, so go on MEC and you can cap flags and ground fight (Don't even try to fly lol) only having to worry about one USMC tank that may or may not get through, while MEC has the club house APC and the T90. Fun server, but bad people show up sometimes. There's also a lot of time stat padders who sit in the AA on MEC and afk all day long...tyme44 being the worst of all of them. The irony...
You know it bro, the best server out there.  But there is indeed some assholes who showup.  AND THE ROUND AFTER I POSTED THIS _ IT HAPPENED AGAIN, Needless to say, I got some revenge!!  Shotgun-X did his usual TK Force and flew to the edge --- right next to the mountain -- so I began unloading rounds into the mountain and damaging the chopper, then he would fly away to get health at the helo pad and go back, meanwhile I'm shooting that asshole Major_Whiz all up, lol.  It lasted for about 5 mins until he caught on to my tactics.... I can't stand those assholes!  And in the meantime, I'm still not learning how to fly the chopper better.  Although I'm getting closer to the top 1,000 rank in sniper kits.  But Zenmaster - thanks for knowing what I'm talkin about, that server is the best
So here's another screenshot of these pricks:

Here's my shitlist on that server:

101st ECR.RR

Should be interesting to see their TK's, Vehicle Damage, etc. stats on here, damn, lemme go check that.....

Do that in a  couple of the servers I play in and you will find your self banned.  I'm speaking of flying to the edge.  I really hate idiots who think the helo is theirs and their buddies.  I have mostly given up trying to get in a helo unless I'm playing with someone I know on Teamspeak.  I find that the helo whores for the most part are the biggest jerks in the game.  As a result I tend to be an armor whore.  Usually a lot safer and occassionally I get to kill the helo whores unexpectedly. It's so much fun to see them bitch about getting killed specially when they can't find where you killed them from.
Just to make you feel better my alter ego went onto a server with him and Tked him till they kicked me

He was in there being and asshole as expected
In fact I torchured him for about half and hour

I suggest that everyone get an alter ego and go beat up an asshole

It feels good

Its not as fun as taking or saving a life

but its fun
+99|6675|New York
Try switching sides so you can kill them. If you can't switch sides, switch servers. This is what I have decided to do myself when I get into situations like these.  Don't let someone keep you from having a good time gaming, just work around it the best that you can.
if chopper whores start to get to ya you should do what i do...on sharqi jus drive a vodnik into the chopper as its about to take off and blow the tk'ers motherfuking chopper up *jumping out before impact of course* **works better if the vodnik is on fire**...i spent a whole round doing it to some cunts that were really giving me the shits and believe me it got to them hahahahaha
I L0v3 C4k3
I know that server!
I play there sometimes because it's sharqi only and no lagg:)
Some of the ppl that thefacilitat0r mentioned are real shitheads..

Binximus wrote:

if chopper whores start to get to ya you should do what i do...on sharqi jus drive a vodnik into the chopper as its about to take off and blow the tk'ers motherfuking chopper up *jumping out before impact of course* **works better if the vodnik is on fire**...i spent a whole round doing it to some cunts that were really giving me the shits and believe me it got to them hahahahaha
C-4 Insurance Policy - The Phantom Vodnik - Very interesting ideas guys, I think this might piss them off just as much as their TK-Forcers piss me off.  Hua

Mushroomcar wrote:

I know that server!
I play there sometimes because it's sharqi only and no lagg:)
Some of the ppl that thefacilitat0r mentioned are real shitheads..
I might even say one of the best i've seen except when those "real shitheads" come through and dick it up for everyone else.

101st clan. I do not have either got any good experience with those wankers!
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6882|Bryan/College Station, TX
I guess what you could do is know the exact spawn time of the chopper after it's destroyed and then based upon this time know when you see them spawn that it's been 15 seconds. Once you know the exact time then you can TK both of them 5 seconds out and by the time they have spawned you and some other gunner will be already in the air with the chopper. As long as you are good you could possibly stay in that thing the entire game and really piss them off as they sit on the chopper pad and get repeatedly kill by the Cobra or sitting there and do nothing. At least this way you will have a permanent 2 man team that is guarding the UAV and Scan for the commander. Heh forced defense as they attempt to whore the Mig.

Last edited by kilroy0097 (2006-03-13 04:56:38)

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
#1. Get Vodnik

#2. Camp the MEC repair pad.

#3. Problem solved. Those jeeps tear the chopper to shreds.
+42|6678|Montreal, Canada
Shotgun-X has 1,249 TK's !!

KurtisMayfield wrote:

#1. Get Vodnik

#2. Camp the MEC repair pad.

#3. Problem solved. Those jeeps tear the chopper to shreds.
Incorporating the C-4 Insurance Policy on the Phantom Vodnik... I just got chills up my spine, I'm gonna sleep good tonight

mporlier wrote:

Shotgun-X has 1,249 TK's !!
I knew that guy would have quite a collection, I just noticed mine too.  Most of mine come from taking out TKers or just running in to Vodniks with armor...... that makes me so pissed - AND OF COURSE, they punish for the TK..... geez

kilroy0097 wrote:

I guess what you could do is know the exact spawn time of the chopper after it's destroyed and then based upon this time know when you see them spawn that it's been 15 seconds. Once you know the exact time then you can TK both of them 5 seconds out and by the time they have spawned you and some other gunner will be already in the air with the chopper. As long as you are good you could possibly stay in that thing the entire game and really piss them off as they sit on the chopper pad and get repeatedly kill by the Cobra or sitting there and do nothing. At least this way you will have a permanent 2 man team that is guarding the UAV and Scan for the commander. Heh forced defense as they attempt to whore the Mig.
Damn, you've got it down to a science.  Thanks for the tip!


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