Does anyone else think fanboys are like the outgoing US administration with their paranoia over 'terrorism'?
They fuss over their long-range 'intelligence' sources, raising and lowering the 'threat level' based on some distant and obscure 'threat' or other, slowly working themselves up into such a lather that they have to resort to:
"You're either with us, or against us!"
(NOTE: This thread is not about the outgoing US administration, it is about fanboyism and I will report any derailments in that direction (I'm just using said administration as a useful analogy to get the ball rolling)).
They fuss over their long-range 'intelligence' sources, raising and lowering the 'threat level' based on some distant and obscure 'threat' or other, slowly working themselves up into such a lather that they have to resort to:
"You're either with us, or against us!"
(NOTE: This thread is not about the outgoing US administration, it is about fanboyism and I will report any derailments in that direction (I'm just using said administration as a useful analogy to get the ball rolling)).