lowing wrote:
Morpheus wrote:
lowing wrote:
Good example, yet the rest of the relgious people did not rejoice over this, they viewed this as tragic, brainwashing.
Anyway, to actually answer your question, (at least to me) Heaven is a reward for living a life deemed worthy... If we've lived as we should, then we go to heaven... "speeding up the process" as you would say, defeats that whole purpose.
edit: @ PBFcomics
Ok but if you came down with a terminal desease, why fight it to stay alive, why not rejoice your departure to the eternal life?
If I knew it was terminal, then I'd take the time to make the most of it. When I die, I'd want to say I made the most of it.
Honestly, though I can't speak for other people. I'm a theater technician, not a psychologist, although sometimes, people just get scared, I guess.