M.O.A.B wrote:
Seems a weird time of year for fires
We have the same problem here a year ago in San Diego. Over 2100 homes burned no more than 3 miles from my place. Homes all the way to the coast were destroyed.
Here's a map:

Now look at this map of the Satillite map of the moisture content of planet material (red is the driest):

The fire, obviously followed the reddest areas for the most part. We KNOW WHERE this dead stuff is, yet we do nothing about it.
The problem is all the environmentalists who think ever twig and broken stick is a natural wonder of the world...they won't let us burn during the rainy season to clear out all the dead brush - like a garden you should prune a forest to allow the living plants to grow.
For example, in eastern San Diego county there's a place very famous for its Apple Pies called Julian that's right next to Cuyamaca Rancho State Park. Well there was this beatle that killed ALOT of trees in the forest, yet the environmentalists sued NOT to have the DEAD trees removed.
Two years later the trees catch fire and burn more than half the town down.