+3|6860|Coeur D' Alene, ID
I know that there are rules in place for a reason, and everyone should follow those rules.  But to be rediculed AFTER you follow the rules is unacceptable.  Before every post I put on here (besides this one cause I don't care right now) I do a search.  Sometimes I come up with over 20 pages of results no matter how I search that topic, and if I can't find what I'm looking for I post the topic.  I got verbally BASHED by several people for reposting (and have seen others get worse) and I don't think it is right.  If someone reposts, don't judge them too quickly, JUST DON'T READ THE FRICKEN MESSAGE, or if it is a repost, be fair about it and tell them the correct answer and move on your way.  Before there is a stronger search engine (not complaining as chuy is fuckin awesome and does a bad ass job with this site, my favorite out of the 234908329847 bf2 sites out there) in place then you shouldnt judge.  That rule is intended to LIMIT!!!!! the reposts, not to eliminate them.

Just because it's the internet and there hasn't been an any new technology that allows someone to e-hoe slap a douche bag doesn't mean you should be a douche bag and an asshole, one day you are going to slip and act like that in "real life" to someone like me and get your balls pinched with pliers...get a life, and you never know you might ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO KISS A HUMAN GIRL ONE DAY!!!*gasp*, good day.......*fuckin dick internet nerds*

+31|6974|St. Louis, MO
I know what you mean.Although some things do get reposted,let the forum mods do thier job.Regular forum members who say"please delete this post" or "post this in the proper section" makes them seem like anal tools.Some find reposting is annoying I understand,but it does kinda keep the forum from getting boring.
I'm not saying that people shouldn't use the search funtion or anything but as much as this game changes using the search function can often gets you nothing but very old outdated post.
+8|6918|Kannapolis,North Carolina
**Stands up and applauds both of you**

Well said Fuzzyballs.
There is no need to post "please delete this post" or "post this in the proper section" in the thread. That is what the report feature is for. It helps us mods spot problematic sections in the forums.

"That rule is intended to LIMIT!!!!! the reposts, not to eliminate them."
No, we have 0 tolerance for repetitive posts and WILL fly out and hunt you down, Jay and silent Bob style! :p

Good point though. Simply replying with "Search!" isn't helping. Help a brotha out and leave a link.
Typical white person.
+389|6910|San Antonio, Texas
I agree. But, when I know there's another post that answers their question all I do is tell them that there is another post about the topic and give them a hotlink.

I hate the people that just say,"Your a n00b that doesn't know anything, like there's another 9835982759223 posts about this" and then don't get them a link to anyone of the other posts.

By the way, there's already a topic about this.
Pew Pew!
+216|6998|San Francisco

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

By the way, there's already a topic about this.
lol... Ba-ZING!

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