lowing wrote:
1. Hey drama queen, no one is dying because of this " economic crisis". He isn't altering shit, he is stating that he will take from someone who has earned money, and give it to someone who he thinks needs it more. This is not the function of govt in America Cam. What makes you think I do not car eabout our troops? Where in the world did that come from? Our troops contribute to society and protects while doing so. Does the word entitlement somehow strike a nerve Cam? That is exactly what American are turning into. A society of entitlement over a society of opportunity.
Give it time lowing, give it time. Bottom line is this: get a fucking clue about economics and the circulation of capital because you evidently have none. Take a course or something. Try learning. So you care about the troops because they 'contribute to society'? Well what about all those people who are hoarding their capital (and preparing to sit on it for the long haul) and as a consequence putting people out of jobs, i.e. being detrimental to society? So many contradictions. lol. If socialism was a society of entitlement the unemployment rate in the EU wouldn't be within 1% of that of the US. Period.
lowing wrote:
3. Key word again Cam, THEIR capital NOT yours or mine. Our govt. was never intended to be that powerful.
Also, so what how they made their money, what business is it of mine or yours if it was old or new or found money?
Contributing to society. Being productive. Spurring growth. Things I admire. Betting on shares dropping in value? Shipping jobs out to India and China? Repackaging debt and assigning fake credit ratings to it? Not so admirable. It's all of our business because it can affect us all.
PS Your government was intended to be that powerful - or is it written down in your consitution otherwise? I thought it was empowered to tax the populace, perhaps I'm wrong.
lowing wrote:
4. I get paid by a private company. If you wanna split hairs, ULTIMATELY we all are getting paid by the govt. I also support our troops the work I do has directly saved 6 lives. as I have state before you can scream until the cows come home, you are not going to shake the pride I take in that fact. Yer right I do hate Islam, and I hate it so much that they can keep right here in the ME where it belongs.
The fact is this election will have a record turn out by the black community for one reason. The black candidate. This is not racist, this is fact.
Be proud of your government contract. Without the government you would never have made it to Iraq, no doubt creaming the dollars in. Some of the consultants at work (Parsons-Brinckerhoff) got offered work in Iraq - the money was
very impressive I have to say. They turned it down though (not through any ideological reason, just because of the fact they would be endangering their lives). Just think if old Bushie had never invaded? You'd probably be suffering diarrhoea out in Afghanistan or not receiving the risk money you no doubt receive out in US-government invaded Iraq... lol. Picturing you in amongst all those Muslims is quite amusing. Was your contract one of those no-bid contracts? One of the ones that meant your government ensured that you would get the contract?
I really don't see why people exercising their vote, irrespective of their colour, is something to be derided. Do you think they shouldn't vote?
Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-11-03 10:26:17)