Anyone paying attention to this?
1) Eliminating pre-tax status of 401k contributions. So it's no longer a pre-tax deduction. Oh, and then you get taxed on it when you withdraw. … c%3A168719
2) Is this where the Social Security Bailout is going to happen? By the government seizing 401k plans for everyone? … /83/58.php
"All workers would receive a $600 annual inflation subsidary, but would be required to invest 5 percent of their pay into a guarnateed retirement account adminstered by the SSA. Rate of return = 3%"
Plus I heard Barney Frank proposed a mandatory requirement of having everyone cash-out their current accounts and reinvest in the new program...oh, and collect tax on the cash out.
Good God I hope this isn't true.
1) Eliminating pre-tax status of 401k contributions. So it's no longer a pre-tax deduction. Oh, and then you get taxed on it when you withdraw. … c%3A168719
2) Is this where the Social Security Bailout is going to happen? By the government seizing 401k plans for everyone? … /83/58.php
"All workers would receive a $600 annual inflation subsidary, but would be required to invest 5 percent of their pay into a guarnateed retirement account adminstered by the SSA. Rate of return = 3%"
Plus I heard Barney Frank proposed a mandatory requirement of having everyone cash-out their current accounts and reinvest in the new program...oh, and collect tax on the cash out.
Good God I hope this isn't true.