Lotta_Drool wrote:
wtf, Bush and the Americans are evil though. They blew up Iraq to distract people from the fact that 9/11 was an inside job and now for the republican to win the election they have to create another war in the middle east in another country to fear monger people into voting for McCain and his secretary bitch.
Dude, I think you could use a dose of reality. You should hear out the Irish Britians.
I'm seriously hoping you are being sarcastic.
1. It's way too late to start a war to help Republicans win the election. In reality it would probably have the opposite effect and you would see a massive swing for Obama.
2. Americans are evil... Red Cross, Loans to African countries, independent people and corporations giving huge sums of money to unfortunate people in third world countries, US Navy response to the tsunami in India, the list goes on and on.
3. I'm not even going to argue about September 11th, you have your own preset idea on it and nothing I say or do will change your mind.
Dilbert_X wrote:
How so?
Israel has never been used by the US for military purposes, they never contribute their troops except for their own narrow national interests.
See any Israelis fighting and dying in Iraq or Afghanistan? Didn't think so.
The presence of Israel in the ME is an expensive liability to the US, it offers no return whatever, and makes no difference to the supply of oil either.
Israel sending troops into a Muslim country in the Middle East would be the start of a major war, probably World War III. If Israel (Jewish country) attacked any Muslim country the entire region would go to war to attack them. What it does provide the United States is a literal foothold in the ME. I myself have been to Israel to do joint training operations with the IDF a few kilometers (2.1 km I think) from the Palestine border. The United States wants to be able to secure it's oil in the region and Israel is a perfect location to stage from. You have to think from pre and post Iraq invasion the United States will need bases, airstrips, and staging areas.
On another note about the Irish Special Forces for those of you that have never been in the military. If you are sent to Iraq on a deployment you are sent with the realization of knowing you might have to kill someone. If you are sent on a mission you are more than likely going to pull the trigger. You don't sign up for a special operations unit or a volunteer military without the ability and/or want to put rounds down range and on target (shoot and kill someone on the opposing side). So you're ultra awesome Irish Spec Ops are pretty darn good yes, are they morally superior to US Spec Ops, no. They have the same set of mind/mind frame.