Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6791|Toronto, ON
What's with snipers not using the M95 more often?

If I hit them once, I just pull out my pistol and tap they're gone.
Alpha as fuck.

Nyte wrote:

What's with snipers not using the M95 more often?

If I hit them once, I just pull out my pistol and tap they're gone.
Crosshairs were too big if I remember right. Its like it swallowed the guys head and was the most inacurate. Alot of bullet drop on it before. Worthless.

Its alot better now I hear. Since the patches......and since I hear them .50 calibers go through the side of my head more often now.

Haven't tried it since I failed on it a while ago.  M24 is my choice. Haven't unlocked the L yet.

The real question about the M95 is...

Why the hell does the .50 cal bullet from it not kill someone in one shot if they get hit in the body, but the .50 cal from the hummer does?
bad touch

i use it for helo rapage, just take out the crew and take it away LS
+8|6703|New York
Before I unlocked the L96A1 I was using the M95, and I'll admit it has gotten better.
But I'm still not a fan of the huge crosshairs. I stick with the M24 on the US and the L96A1 on MEC and PLA.
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6666|Britain and Damn proud of it!
M24 is my choice. Haven't unlocked the L yet.
Same here, the only time i use the M95 is if im on the MEC, Goddamn i want that L96A1......
Because people use the L96 more, or like being up close and personal with the SVD or PLA Type-88 oh I can never remember it. lol.

I use the M95 because well I don't have the L96A1 yet.   I use the pistol tactic a lot too.
bad touch

only pussies use semi auto snipers

up close and personal with the SVD or PLA Type-88
when people do that, they arent sniping

wtf.panda wrote:

The real question about the M95 is...

Why the hell does the .50 cal bullet from it not kill someone in one shot if they get hit in the body, but the .50 cal from the hummer does?
Good point. I have a theory that maybe the armor per class plays a part. I understand the armor on the support, assault and AT class is pretty good but you can't really determine what class your shooting to test that theory. Not in EVERY case at least. Maybe see a medic through your scope and purposely hit him in the body and see what happens. They have weak armor as the sniper and eng do. But then you got to be sure they have full health to be 100% on point with this theory. Now you have to determine the distance he should supposedly die from the body shot in one hit. A 50m shot will definitely damage him more  than a 200m shot.
But giving the option of one-hit headshot why bother?

But the gun on the Hummer may have different logistics making it more powerful than the M95 .50 caliber shot.

Need a soldier here to explain that one.


PS- In real life, I believe I would die from a body shot dealt from a .50 caliber M95.  Especially due to my lack of body armor.
In real life the 200m shot would do more damge then the 50m shot, because there is no chance you body could stop the bullet at 50m, hell it might not even stop the bullet at 200, so it will just go right through you, so unless it hits a vital you will just have a wicked puncture wound but not fatal, you get the in hunting alot if you hunt with too large a calibar and are too close
Captain Input
+4|6668|Sunshine Coast, Queensland
A wicked puncture hole with an even more 'radical' exitwound no doubt.
a .50 cal will blow a plate sized hole in you, doesnt matter what range. And if you get a headshot, all you will have afterwards is a headless body and some mush on the floor.
The m96 is known to take out big block engines of trucks at 1000 meters why should it not kill someone in one body shot especially in the upper body? the armor are troops where will not stop a 50 cal round and if it hit from say the bottom of the ribcage to the head you would be dead. maybe not that second . (if it hit you in the lowe rib area it would be a lethal shot, but not immediate. (would take out the lungs, stomach or liver (depending on side) diapram basically you would be dead in minutes from lack of air if you didn't bleed to death first.) and in the head 50cal rounds basically obliterate the head. with the exception of the buller scrazing along the skin their is no way to survive a 50 cal round to the head even with kevlar helmet on.

but i prefer the m24 or the l96. especially the latter.It is slightly less accurate than the m24, but with pencil thing sights and extremely quite it more than makes up for it.
The main disadvantages of the M95 are the thick crosshairs making the enemy's head smaller than the actual crosshair at 200m range. It also seems to have a longer 'settle' time than the other sniper rifles. Oh, and it's LOUD as well.

That said, I will use the M95 when playing MEC/PLA as I don't have the L96A1 unlocked yet, but once I do I will only use the M95 when I feel like spawncamping a main base.

Last edited by vassili_zaitsev (2006-03-10 17:41:04)

Even if the shot pasted through you, you'd be dead.  The force of the blast would mess your organs pretty badly even if the shot didn't directly hit them.

I don't know if this is true but one some occasions I've taken down people with one shot and am fairly certain they had full health,  Mind this is very close range.  I should look into this further.

Yes the Barrets can destory engine blocks that's why the US Coast Guard uses them to halt drug runners (can't sell drugs if you're dead in the water).   However, if they made it a one shot kill weapon in the game well that'll be the only thing people would use, wouldn't be a fun game anymore.
Well i know ive never shot a .50 cal weapon my experianc was with a .338 on game, so there is a size difference for sure. It would only make that big of an exit wound if your body was able to slow down the bullet. If someone shot you with a .50 cal from an extremly close range, and it didnt hit an organ you would have a half inch hole that would hurt like hell, but it wouldnt be fatal, since its was going 3000 feet per second, and your puny human flesh wasnt enough to stop it. Not saying you puny, but humans as a whole are when it comes to bullets =p

I know I just finsihed reading the Blackhawk down book, and the ammo they used traveled too fast, and they had a problem stopping people because the bullets would go stright through them. Thus unless you hit an organ it didn't slow them down in the slightest. Well plus they where doped up on a naturl root like meth, but what ever =p
Aspiring Objectivist
I like the l96 doubt i'll be playing with the others for a while.
Bringing Sexy Back
Fuck sake this is all we need another: "Well a .50cal would blow your frickin torso in half dude." You guys can take that part of the discussion to one of the other 500000000 threads about it so everyone else can carry on with the theme of the original post.

Belikeron: What did you think of BHD the book after watching the film? talk about differeces I loved hearing the story from the somalians side. Also the film makes it out to be some big heroic American win where all the US guys own everyone, whereas the book notes the fresh out of bootcamp rangers not knowing what to do in combat and depending on Delta Force. Did they acheive their mission? Sure. But at what cost? Plus to be pulled out of operation restore hope so soon after kinda rubs salt on the wound. All in all the book makes a much better story than the film, even though I love the film.

If you enjoyed that go watch & read Jarhead same thing as BHD much better book than the film but both awesome.

On topic: it's M24 or AWP for me man, although .50cal kills through cockpit glass has a warm feeling inside to it.
L9 Ftw!!!!!!
Yea i watched Jarhead but didnt dig it, I do want to read the book though, jsut reading Gates of Fire right now which happens to be <3<3<3

Man it went into the gorey details in BHD, I wander how many we accually wounded/killed, it never really says. I guess no one really knows because they had them buried before dawn and drug thier wounded/dead off like we do.
Someone who can!
Generally I'll take the L9 for it's superior accuracy, but if I expect I'll be attacking an airfield I'll bring along an M95, just in case.

I like the L96, I have it and it's pretty cool.

But the M95 can be just as good.

By my logic, both rifles are almost the same damage wise so neither is superior until it comes to the user.

If you can aim well with the scopes, then you can be incredibly lethal.

I've been practicing for a while with it, and now I prefer the M95 > L96.

1.2 made is so much more accurate/easier to aim, so now it's glass penetration is the tiebreaker for me.
It is to note that in a small fire fight, L96's gunshot sound gets muffled easier compared to M24 or the M95.
This gives the sniper a slight advantage for concealment of his/her(paying respect to those female players out there) location.

Its a bummer that I haven't got the L96 yet. I use it when I kill a guy with L96...

Why did I have to use those free unlocks so fast and did not realize that L96 is comming out... T.T
In BHD we lost 18 soldiers I think.  Which isn't much at all considering how many of them we killed (we don't actually know the numbers).  It was a poorly concieved assult IMO, bad time of day and all that.

Reason we had trouble stopping them is because they're drugged up, I don't remember what they smoke but it makes them very hard to stop.

Also if a .50 cal went through you at close range you'll probably die eventually, you guys must not understand the kick that thing gives.  Let's but it this way, a BAR would stop anyone if it hit them (say for maybe the hand), the .50 will stop you.  It won't blow your chest away unless it had an explosive round.

Please imagin a half inch hole in your chest.  Please tell me that that is survivable.  I know the human body is fragile and resiliant at the same time but a 0.50 round doesn't seem survivable.

I've fired 0.73 cal round from a musket and of course they're traveling at lower velocity but those leave a big f-ing hole.
Uhhh I dont know the exact deaths i htink it was around 18, and like a total of 84 casualties.

They didnt smoke anything it was a root they chewed on, or a leave or some shit they ate it though. It dyed thier teeth black so they could tell who did it. They had accually requested thier own tanks and APCs, but Washington denied them those, so that is why they didn't have any to rescue them.

In the overall picture it wouldnt of mattered though, as most of the casulties that where fatal happened in the first convoy, that was not a rescue party but for speed to pick up the prisoners, so it wouldn't of had tanks and apcs with it anyways.

It is an awsome book though, anyone who hasn't read it needs to do them selves a favor and get it.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/014028 … p;n=283155

You are right id assume about the 50cal though as ive never shot one. I only know that with smaller calibars that are still quite large .308 and .338, that if you are too close to an animal with too hot of a load it will go right through them and not slow down. Thus if no vitals are hit you have a very short blood trail and the animal never dies. Now if the animal stops the bullet its ofcourse dead. If it doesn't though its like an arrow wound, stright puncture.

Now if it was a half inch thick arrow it would be differnet ofcourse, I really don't know for sure, was just using my own experiance with smaller large calibar weapons.

Last edited by belikeron (2006-03-10 22:15:38)

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