cpt.fass1 wrote:
Hmm nothing happens over night and our Respect and credibilty is trashed right now. It's going to take some actual leadership to get us back on track through diplomecy.
It did for you and me. 9-11. Since when has our respect and credibility in the world stopped us from defending our interests? Good grief. Why do we need a pass from the likes of Putin and AmIadinnajaket? Get us back on track through diplomacy? Did you dust off some old 04' John Kerry talking points? You don't barter with those that want to see you annihilated. Man is a waring motherfucker. The crazies are in it for the long haul. Sure they'll tell you everything is cool. Wouldn't you?
cpt.fass1 wrote:
Raising Taxes? How else are we going to pay for the rediculas hole that we're in? What do you think McCains going to do? We really need to start fixing our problems from the ground up, we have so many bankrupt Counties and States that are struggling to finish the fiscal year and that's because our tax and spend system is horrible..
Bankrupt like Cali? How's their tax system, environmental policies like? Did you know that Ford makes a gas car that gets 67 mpg (it may be higher, I don't remember) but it will never be sold here in the US. Won't make EPA standards. Yet the 18 wheeler you see on the road... You are right. Our tax and spend system is horrible, but it's better than what OB would do.
cpt.fass1 wrote:
You have to spend all the money in your budget in order to get the same or increased budget the next quarter, and if they over spend they're going to get there money somehow let it be Tickets issued by cops, taxing your income or property or just generally fucking the citizens(by which I mean those not in government jobs)
I know how irresponsible county spending adversely effects a state, and so do COMPETENT leaders not community organizers bent on a Socialist ideal. Government jobs get cut. Unless you vote for Obie. And then you can pay them too.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.