Braddock wrote:
What's your point Pug... are you asking us to feel sorry for these guys because they might have to take three holidays a year instead of four?
His point was to recycle some repug talking points into a nice fantasy parable/campaign commercial. It does show just how ignorant some people have become as a result of 30 years of brainwashing in how our taxation system really works and what Reaganomics really was about.
- Progressive taxation gives rich people a disincentive to get richer and discourages the middle-class from "pulling themselves up by their boot straps". Patently false, progressive taxation has no such incentive inherent.
- Lowering taxes on lower income workers and taxing corporations more will result in price inflation. Patently false, money supply and liquidity (or lack thereof) drives inflation. Increasing buying power of the middle and lower classes means booming consumer economy if goods supply is kept stable.
- Taxing the rich means they will create fewer jobs, cutting taxes on the rich means they will create more jobs. Patently false, see above with money supply and liquidity. Dry up liquidity, the rich will throw their money to more growing economies. This theory only works in a vacuum where the rich can only spend/invest money locally, which is not realistic.
- There are many systems of "nationalized healthcare" being proposed. The one mentioned in the fable above has already been tabled. Private insurance companies will NOT go quietly into the night in the US.
- Paying taxes is un-patriotic or un-American. Patently false, this notion should have been destroyed with the Whisky Rebellion. Of course, nobody pays taxes with a smile on their face regardless of whether they are liberal or conservative.
- Conservatives tax less and spend less. Liberals tax more and spend more. False and false. For the vast majority of Americans, their tax bills have been less under Democratic administrations than under Republican. Government spending in all sectors has been wildly out of control under Republican administrations compared to Democratic administrations.
- Privatisation of government services is cheaper and more efficient. False. In almost no case has this ever panned out. Doing anything "for profit" in a system where profit should not be a motivation is a recipe for abuse, fraud, manipulation by private interests, and general disaster.
- Deregulation is good! False. Regulation is the check and balance of the common man vs. elite interests. Your government is there to protect you from monopolistic and predatory practices in all regards. Just as its the duty of a police force to protect you and a fire department to rescue you, it is a government's job to also keep you from being crushed by massive corporate interests at the expense of your personal safety, fruits of your labor, or the future of your children. Deregulation to allow such interests to take advantage of you in any way is the same as advocating that the police not respond to a robbery in progress.
- Government sucks and is a failure at everything it does and should be drowned in a bath-tub. Debatable. However, electing a party that has this as their basic principle is putting people in power that will ensure that your government will suck and will be a failure at everything it does.