Like have your rank symbol on left shoulder, show your ribbons on upper left chest area, etc. I just thought it would seem more realistic.
Squishing Your Head
+1|6715|Bolton UK
Dude, if you got time to look for that in game, u r playing it wrong
+3,135|6776|The Hague, Netherlands

well only the rank would be kinda cool
Yes that would be extreamly cool, but it will increase the loading times alot!
Forklift Whore
+67|6805|Canader , eh?
it just means longer loading times to get every single award for everyone..
Do One Ya Mug !!!
i personally dont think you'll be able to see it that clear.also wouldnt dice/EA have to make a whole set of new skins for all the different ranks. correct me if im wrong

Kick His Ass!
+371|6732|Howell, Mi USA
i like the rank idea also but not awards.... there is already too much lag to deal with in this game.
+22|6702|England, UK
That would be wicked.
ranking ok but thay don't wear awards during combat in the real war only on there parade uniform
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6752|Purplicious Wisconsin
Boy that would be hilarious to see a soldier with a bunch of medals around him, maybe atleast show the one gold star if you are awarded one or more, one silver if your are awarded one or more, one bronze if you are awarded one or more,one navy cross/golden scimitar/people's medallion(depending which side you are on) if you are awarded one or more, and one purple heart if you are awarded one or more but that is it on medals. Also certain types of ribbons below your rank on both shoulders, also show your rank on both the right and left shoulders, and also if you are a medic have a red cross on your front helmet for the USA atleast.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6752|Purplicious Wisconsin
Note: only the Medals on your right chest.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Not realistic. Ribbons and medals are only worn on dress uniforms.
+17|6832|Dayton, Ohio

Groupe wrote:

Like have your rank symbol on left shoulder, show your ribbons on upper left chest area, etc. I just thought it would seem more realistic.
a little more realistic? 

in combat a persons ribbons and awards are not worn.  i'm not sure about rank insignia's. 

so if you wanted to be already are.

edit [as for already see a persons rank in front of their name in combat so...]

Last edited by WormGuts (2006-02-09 16:45:02)

Official Hell Bound Turbo Action Club Member
+17|6747|Gütersloh, Germany
I'd like to see a screen after the battle with players who earned an award or got promoted during the round
Aspiring Objectivist
What I would like to see is blood & parts flying off & head getting blowen in half with the matter on you.
atleast to the level that SOF2 did it.
Well in the US military the ranks are warn but there all subdued black (painted flat black) so they would be to hard to see anyhow and that is kinda the point. (don't want snipers seeing a general insignia and knowing who to take out)
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6755|Riva, MD
You don't show your awards on the field uniform.  Only your rank and maybe some patches.  From what i've heard BF2 has very little room to work with for something like this anyway.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2006-02-10 10:42:52)

I wanna expand on Groupes idea (yes I searched before I made my own post about this).

You're all right about adding extras to the 'in game' uniforms, but how about some sorta 'Stats' page uniform picturing the dress uniform of your most played army, your chevrons on your sleeve or your bars on your shoulders, and all Ribbons and Medals show on the uniform. As for badges maybe they could graphic in some sorta display box.

The purpose of having this is trivial beyond just another cool feature to jazz up your accomplishments. And its a lag free addition too

One of the better suggestions I've seen, even if it is a bit short sighted. A rank on your sholder where belongs would be perfect, that should definently be added. The rest of the awards however should stay in BFHQ. First of all, if you put all your ribbons and medals on your character they'd either be too small to see, or you'd be a walking shinny. Second, these guys are right, you wouldn't wear your service ribbons and medals into combat!
so does this mean not showing the rank next to the name overhead? either way cool idea, dont care about medals and ribbons. it would end up lookin like this..

EvilJebus wrote:

One of the better suggestions I've seen, even if it is a bit short sighted. A rank on your sholder where belongs would be perfect, that should definently be added. The rest of the awards however should stay in BFHQ. First of all, if you put all your ribbons and medals on your character they'd either be too small to see, or you'd be a walking shinny. Second, these guys are right, you wouldn't wear your service ribbons and medals into combat!
No no..I didn't mean 'in game/in action' (as I said in my post). I mean in the menu before you join a game/whatever, click on the Stats tab, and then maybe a sub tab under there with a nice visual uniform and all your accomplishments displayed nicely.

Then again maybe you were were referring to the original poster, I can't tell.
Sorry Ion, was replying to the original post not your. Your idea is good, I'd like to see my most played character dressed up in some nice uniform with ribbons and all, thats definently a good idea, so is a rank on your sholder, both would be nice additions.
bad touch

yes, you are going to wear your purple hearts and combat action medal DURING battle, egofest
Thanks Evil

Nice sig Stryyker

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