oh its Alf again
Well aye, you seen the bling on me?Mek-Stizzle wrote:
http://www.guidofistpump.com/GuidoOompa.jpg1927 wrote:
I will be your guido
I'm guessing you're the one in the middle?
has anyone seen meks virginity? he's shouting he lost it.
Someone help this kid
Someone help this kid
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Hmm Dunno...FatherTed wrote:
has anyone seen meks virginity? he's shouting he lost it.
Someone help this kid
Wait! Ah, here it is! In my pocket.
Now how do I put this back...
Last edited by Gooners (2008-07-02 06:49:57)
Sell it to the hairy dude in the alley. I read in the bathroom stall that he pays good money for young innocent boy-virginities.Gooners wrote:
Hmm Dunno...FatherTed wrote:
has anyone seen meks virginity? he's shouting he lost it.
Someone help this kid
Wait! Ah, here it is! In my pocket.
Now how do I put this back...
Yeah yeah, young innocent virgin (just lost) boy. If you say so
Last edited by Mek-Stizzle (2008-07-02 07:26:00)
Do you know I was only thinking last night exactly how man ice creams were sold yesterday for us to get all that beer. Now I'm not saying my fellow Welshman Sherrif has anything to do with this but he was left in charge of the van. Maybe he knows the answers and can explain how we made such a huge profit. Perhaps he sub-contracted the van out to a fellow bf2s member. One which we havent seen around these parts today, perhaps too sore to sit down.Ultrafunkula wrote:
Sell it to the hairy dude in the alley. I read in the bathroom stall that he pays good money for young innocent boy-virginities.Gooners wrote:
Hmm Dunno...FatherTed wrote:
has anyone seen meks virginity? he's shouting he lost it.
Someone help this kid
Wait! Ah, here it is! In my pocket.
Now how do I put this back...
Meanwhile back in Ibiza, news spreads of a boat full of well hung Thugs from bf2s.com arriving with a portable BBQ. Girls start appearing from beneath the waves like funky,well dressed mermaids, only they dont smell at all fishy.

*Gooners spies fresh wet pussy.1927 wrote:
Meanwhile back in Ibiza, news spreads of a boat full of well hung Thugs from bf2s.com arriving with a portable BBQ. Girls start appearing from beneath the waves like funky,well dressed mermaids, only they dont smell at all fishy.
http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii80 … 5/14-2.jpg
Epic camel-toeGooners wrote:
*Gooners spies fresh wet pussy.1927 wrote:
Meanwhile back in Ibiza, news spreads of a boat full of well hung Thugs from bf2s.com arriving with a portable BBQ. Girls start appearing from beneath the waves like funky,well dressed mermaids, only they dont smell at all fishy.
http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii80 … 5/14-2.jpg
Gooners wrote:
*Gooners spies fresh wet pussy.1927 wrote:
Meanwhile back in Ibiza, news spreads of a boat full of well hung Thugs from bf2s.com arriving with a portable BBQ. Girls start appearing from beneath the waves like funky,well dressed mermaids, only they dont smell at all fishy.
http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii80 … 5/14-2.jpg

1927 wrote:
Gooners wrote:
*Gooners spies fresh wet pussy.1927 wrote:
Meanwhile back in Ibiza, news spreads of a boat full of well hung Thugs from bf2s.com arriving with a portable BBQ. Girls start appearing from beneath the waves like funky,well dressed mermaids, only they dont smell at all fishy.

Last edited by Mek-Stizzle (2008-07-02 09:49:30)
Mek-Stizzle wrote:
http://www.for-cats-only.com/images/sub … umanPo.jpg1927 wrote:
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/170/4293 … 36.jpg?v=0Gooners wrote:
*Gooners spies fresh wet pussy.
For a minute when I heard about this on the radio I thought this thread had really taken off, then they mentioned Facebook/Devon/10,000 people
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ … orbay.html
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ … orbay.html
We disguised it as facebook thing to keep attention off you. You don't want cops searching for those rather large females from last night now do you?1927 wrote:
For a minute when I heard about this on the radio I thought this thread had really taken off, then they mentioned Facebook/Devon/10,000 people
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ … orbay.html

Well one got eaten and the other 3 couldnt make it onto the boat they wre last seen being jabbed with sticks by local fisherman gobsmacked at the sight of walking talking Whales.NooBesT wrote:
We disguised it as facebook thing to keep attention off you. You don't want cops searching for those rather large females from last night now do you?1927 wrote:
For a minute when I heard about this on the radio I thought this thread had really taken off, then they mentioned Facebook/Devon/10,000 people
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ … orbay.html
3 month left overs
no thanks
no thanks
ill take some...
Oooooooh i love leftovers.
I'll take the sloppy seconds...
We will have to have a virtual house warming but if any virtual red wine gets spilled ya fecking 'avin it.
no worries i'll sit outside and drink a beer .. or 2

you learn the true meaning of life when you see houses and cars blow by like leaves on a windy day.