Hey, its our old buddy nitro getting busted again! Cool find heart attack! Very interesting topic matey! Good thing he was reported to bf2rankedservers.com again.
Interesting to see at least one msx 'super'mod is also a member here. That guy should be banned from bf2s.
Btw I was wondering about nitro91 and what happend to him after chuy banned him from the forums. So he s still padding/hacking/exploiting with his msx/xsm buddy's. I didnt think he was gonna change anyways.
Interesting to see at least one msx 'super'mod is also a member here. That guy should be banned from bf2s.
Btw I was wondering about nitro91 and what happend to him after chuy banned him from the forums. So he s still padding/hacking/exploiting with his msx/xsm buddy's. I didnt think he was gonna change anyways.