War Man wrote:
-=]V[-i-n-i-o-n=- wrote:
He's 72? Shouldn't there be a an age limit when taking office in the USA?
I mean.. that's kind of pushing it.. If he does get elected and is voted in for a second term, he'd be there until he's 80, wouldn't he?
Maybe this is normal though.. I'm Canadian so I'm not all up on American politics.. But I'm interested in knowing what will happen if John McCain takes office and has some serious health problems while he is the President.. If he was to pass away while in office, would Vice Pres. Palin take his position for good until the next term? What if she's not really ready to be President?
IMO it's a pretty big issue.. If what I stated above was to happen everyone would have to look at Palins capabilities for Vice Pres. and President as well when voting in the two of them this election.
The reason why the U.S. came up with the idea of VP while establishing their government after the American Revolution is because of the possibility that the President might of either died or resigned
nukchebi0 wrote:
We've already had eight years of alcoholism in office. But really, seeing Palin's interview on CBS makes me wonder why anyone in their right mind would vote for McCain. I am seriously scared looking at her clear lack of intellect, and, of course, her dogmatic lying.
*Facepalm* no point of explaining things to you.
No, there is no point explaining things to you. If I wanted a perfect example why homeschooling should be amended out of the Constitution, I would use you. Your parents have clearly indoctrinated you to support conservatives, and have left you without a shred of rational or critical thought. I recognize faults with Obama. I wrote a student council speech that said nothing in terms of a real message, but mentioned 'change' 27 times in 300 words, purposely mocking how some of what Obama says is empty rhetoric. I have analyzed both sides, and I know Obama is not perfect. Its just that the other side is a complete travesty.
I would rather have nebulous promises coming from someone with demonstrated intelligence, than pathetic lies, rash, injudicious decisions and a clear lack of higher order thinking. McCain is guilty of the former two, but his health compels us to consider Palin seriously as a presidential candidate. She is terribly guilty of the first and last offense. I hate jumping on this bandwagon, but I know at least two teachers in my school who would be more competent and effective presidents than she would be. They are way more articulate, have a better sense of leadership, and have demonstrated their intelligence through their teaching methods, comments in class, and college educations (Dartmouth history major and Notre Dame law school graduate). Seriously, go beyond what your parents are shoving down your throat. You might feel a bit liberated when you can think on your own.
I could go on a whole rant about how McCain/Palin popularity at all just is a sad testament to the anti-intellectual nature of Americans, but I don't feel like wasting time writing it.
Kmarion wrote:
The going rate for a political cancer attack ad is 50k on MSNBC. I wonder what they charge for aneurysms.
I know you support McCain because you are wealthy, but please consider the differences between a one-time procedure on someone who is 65 and has no history of physically traumatic experiences, with a four-time occurrence on someone 72 years old who has a history of repetitive physical trauma. Also consider the fact that Biden is not the presidential candidate, while McCain is, and that Obama's health is obviously is good shape. It doesn't really prove that much, and the non-affiliated group that produced the ad has a legitimate concern that should be highlighted.
Last edited by nukchebi0 (2008-09-26 01:31:48)