Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6755|132 and Bush

IRONCHEF there has been a serious deficiency in leadership. Americans are looking for something, anything to grab on to. Pretentious though it might be, the candidate who shows a clear direction will be the one to move the undecided votes. At least at this point in the campaign. The attacks are great for venting frustration, but they only solidify an already solid base. I've felt up until recently Obama has been getting some bad campaign advice. He lost his traction when he and Biden shifted their focus to Palin. Over the last couple weeks he went back into a more presidential role. That bodes very well for him and it has been reflected in the polls.

Honestly I think there is no way McCain will miss the debate.
In McCain's absence, the Senator is willing to make the scheduled debate a townhall meeting, a one-on-one interview with NewsHour's Jim Lehrer, or the combination of the two, the official said.
IF McCain lets Obama turn Friday into a 90 minute campaign commercial he is a fool. Truly.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+385|6645|Northern California
I agree on the lack of leadership point you make, and I do see the "strateegery" in McCain's showboating..hell, if he produces a good bill that both sides agree on..and they will if he doesn't stray much from what's already there, he'll truly have suceeded in his photo-op and shown serious presidentiality that will tank Obama.  He'll claim that it was ALL his idea (even though 95% of it was plagiarized from the current bills being debated).  However....if his idea falls on deaf ears..which it may do because the Dems aren't stupid and know he's grandstanding (they've plainly said so already), he's done..debate or not.

So for his sake, and the pretty lady's sake, he better come up with a hell of a plan and actually sell it!

Yeah, I agree, he needs to make the debate and would be a fool if he missed it.  No amount of rhetoric will help him after that.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-09-25 11:33:11)

+36|6315|United States Of Hamerica
This is a stupid move. You don't simply suspend a campaign. That's what the Running Mate is for. Put Sarah Palin into the mix and have her resume the campaign. You don't suspend the campaign just like if the quarterback fell sick, you put in the backup and let the show go on. Now, why wouldn't they want Sarah Palin to continue the campaign? Instead, they'd rather suspend the whole shebang? I mean, both McCain and Palin doesn't have to be in DC to "save" the economy.

usmarine wrote:

usmarine wrote:

k.... but why wouldnt obama debate mccain 10 times before this one?  may i have a good reason?
maybe you guys are confused since obama has spent most of his time "serving his state" running for president, so it may just seem natural to you guys.

thought i would get a good reason
Someone else somewhere else said that McCain could be running out of money for his campaign. Could that be a reason for this?
God Save the Queen
+628|6497|tropical regions of london
"Time Out Iran, We've got problems in Afghanistan and Iraq, could you give me a couple of months to sort this out before we take care of you?"
+385|6645|Northern California

mr.hrundi wrote:

Someone else somewhere else said that McCain could be running out of money for his campaign. Could that be a reason for this?
That's why he picked Palin!  Bake sales and bikini car washes!
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6755|132 and Bush

mr.hrundi wrote:

Someone else somewhere else said that McCain could be running out of money for his campaign. Could that be a reason for this?
He had money problems early on in the race. He is doing fine now (understatement?). In fact part of putting the campaign on hold meant halting fund raising. Obama has set a goal of $100 million this month. At an average of $3 million a day I don't know how he could maintain that if he has to break from fund raising to go to Washington.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
God Save the Queen
+628|6497|tropical regions of london
he's still giving interviews.  he's still running ads.  the only thing he's trying to suspend is his drop in the poll numbers.

Last edited by God Save the Queen (2008-09-25 15:39:08)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6755|132 and Bush

God Save the Queen wrote:

he's still giving interviews.  he's still running ads.  the only thing he's trying to suspend is his drop in the poll numbers.
I just watched a 90 second borderline infomercial from Obama. I can't say that I've seen or heard anything from McCain today.

Edit: This explains it.. as of 5 PM yesterday. … 43815.aspx
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

God Save the Queen wrote:

he's still giving interviews.  he's still running ads.  the only thing he's trying to suspend is his drop in the poll numbers.
I just watched a 90 second borderline infomercial from Obama. I can't say that I've seen or heard anything from McCain today.

Edit: This explains it.. as of 5 PM yesterday. … 43815.aspx
ya i was going to say i didnt see one.  but then again, i didnt turn on the toob until 6.

Kmarion wrote:

God Save the Queen wrote:

he's still giving interviews.  he's still running ads.  the only thing he's trying to suspend is his drop in the poll numbers.
I just watched a 90 second borderline infomercial from Obama. I can't say that I've seen or heard anything from McCain today.

Edit: This explains it.. as of 5 PM yesterday. … 43815.aspx
But Obama didn't say he suspended the campaign (that I know of).
+605|6703|San Diego, CA, USA
Obama and McCain are still making $175k/year as a Senator...they better be doing their jobs in this 'crisis'.  But of course Obama said something to the effect, "Call me if I'm needed."
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6755|132 and Bush

MGS3_GrayFox wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

God Save the Queen wrote:

he's still giving interviews.  he's still running ads.  the only thing he's trying to suspend is his drop in the poll numbers.
I just watched a 90 second borderline infomercial from Obama. I can't say that I've seen or heard anything from McCain today.

Edit: This explains it.. as of 5 PM yesterday. … 43815.aspx
But Obama didn't say he suspended the campaign (that I know of).
No he didn't. Obama has almost half a billion dollars to spend between now and November. He would be wise to make use of it.

This is the one that comes on about 6 times a day.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6119|London, England

Kmarion wrote:

MGS3_GrayFox wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I just watched a 90 second borderline infomercial from Obama. I can't say that I've seen or heard anything from McCain today.

Edit: This explains it.. as of 5 PM yesterday. … 43815.aspx
But Obama didn't say he suspended the campaign (that I know of).
No he didn't. Obama has almost half a billion dollars to spend between now and November. He would be wise to make use of it.

This is the one that comes on about 6 times a day.
He is so nice to listen to, I love hearing him speak
+605|6703|San Diego, CA, USA

Mutantsteak wrote:

He is so nice to listen to, I love hearing him speak
All style no substance.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6755|132 and Bush

Huckabee is on the money again.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Sen. John McCain made a “huge mistake” by even discussing canceling the presidential debate with Sen. Barack Obama…

    Huckabee defeated McCain in the Alabama GOP primary in February. Huckabee said Thursday in Mobile that the people need to hear both candidates. He said that’s “far better than heading to Washington” to huddle with senators.

    He said the candidates should level with the people about the financial crisis and say the “heart of this is greed.”
74% of Americans want the debate to go on.

McCain says he is "hopeful". BS, I've heard enough hope rhetoric. Get your ass on a plane.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Huckabee is on the money again.
yes but huckabee has a show on Fox News now.  just thought i would point that out before the left quoted you.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6755|132 and Bush

Huck has been slamming the republicans as of late. Fox must have left the back door open.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Huck has been slamming the republicans as of late. Fox must have left the back door open.
sour grapes tbh.

dont get me wrong i like him and will watch his show.
Obama is going to wait until the financial bailout bill is ready... then he'll go back to Washington and vote
Love is the answer
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6844|Tampa Bay Florida
I like Huckabee.  a little religous, but thats ok.  Not an asshole like most of the other Republicans were when they were running. 

Looking at how McCain sold out to his party I'd say Huckabee would've been better.  Who really knows though.
+721|6735|the dank(super) side of Oregon
Are the Washington "good ole' boy" Republicans taking their revenge on the Maverick McCain and his republican but not a "republican" campaign?

Reciprocity wrote:

Are the Washington "good ole' boy" Republicans taking their revenge on the Maverick McCain and his republican but not a "republican" campaign?
a little of that i think.  i also think obama can "say" he can do two things at once because paulson was feeding his campaign the details of what was going down way before mccain was made aware of the details.  but, all in due time that stuff will ALL come out.

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