Support fanatic :-)

lowing wrote:

I read all of the responses and I am not surprised, the point is alcohol is established in the UK, if you are offended by the customs traditions, consumptions etc of a society, instead of MOVING THERE and start protesting and petitioning, costing money and time on behalf of the local govt. to process your bullshit, I submit that you d onot MOVE THERE in the first place and stay where ever you came from, where you are not so "offended".

As far as the Mormons in Utah? the Mormons were there long before any outsiders moved in and started bitching about them.

It is the same thing as moving next ot an airport, then bitching to the govt. that the noise level is unacceptable. Sure you can petition and protest all you want, it is legal and you have the right, but you are still an idiot and you are still costing the tax payers money.
And there was Muslims in Bedford even before the Tesco was planned, but why do you bitch about a group of people protesting ... it's not against the law to protest is there ?

You really don't have a case here until the city council refuses Tesco to sell alcohol against the will of the majority ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Spearhead wrote:

The article wrote:

More than 150 people
Wow that sure is a lot of people... holy shit RUN

Being intolerant of intolerance is hypocritical lowing.  The freedom to make the wrong choice is still freedom.  It's how democracy works.  The Nazi's didn't force the German people to support them, the German people let the Nazi's take over. 

Let the chips fall where they may, in the end, people get what they deserve.  Just look out for yourself and the ones you care about (isn't that what you say about poor people in almost every other thread?).  So the fuck what if a bunch of muslims don't want alcohol in some area. 

I find it funny how you specifically target Islam for detrcating from society when all religions do.  No, hard-core Christians are not as backwards and crazy as them.  But, that is only because the USA and western society as a whole has moved past all that.  Contrary to what you think lots of Muslims are good people.  Some aren't.  Lots of Americans are good people.  Some aren't. 

More generalization.... wow.  Lazy.
I read and I had to re-read your post a few times, I admit, this post still leaves me baffled. I have no idea what your opinion is on anything anymore.

Not all religions detract from a society, if that society is based on, adopts, believes and practices the morality of that religion. Such as the US.

Now, if Christians flooded an Islamic country and tried to impose its morality and laws and beliefs  then yes, Christianity would be the religion that detracts from that society and its beliefs.

Beduin wrote:

lowing wrote:

I read all of the responses and I am not surprised, the point is alcohol is established in the UK, if you are offended by the customs traditions, consumptions etc of a society, instead of MOVING THERE and start protesting and petitioning, costing money and time on behalf of the local govt. to process your bullshit, I submit that you d onot MOVE THERE in the first place and stay where ever you came from, where you are not so "offended".

As far as the Mormons in Utah? the Mormons were there long before any outsiders moved in and started bitching about them.

It is the same thing as moving next ot an airport, then bitching to the govt. that the noise level is unacceptable. Sure you can petition and protest all you want, it is legal and you have the right, but you are still an idiot and you are still costing the tax payers money.
Nothing to do about it really. You can sit and bitch about it all you want.
You have the right to bitch about it, the same right they have.
Great news for you: The bigger a minority gets, the more they have to say.
Thats how it works-am sure you know that.

Is it a problem? No
Do you have a problem? Yes.

Now, what to do with your problem?
-You can bitch about it.

Note: I agree on many things you say. But i choose to look at it
positively, cause it is a sign of healthy democracy.
But am pretty sure we dont agree on whats the problems roots- as"Why are they here".
I am not bitching, I am pointing out that for a group of people that want nothing more than to just "blend in" and adopt western society, THEY are sure doing a lot of bitching for change to that society to accomadate them.
Just to show how utterly pointless these petitions are:

Make it an offense to unnessaseraliy use snail poison  26 votes
Stop the Cruel Selling of Snails in Brixton/Dalston Market    123 votes
ban incandescent light bulbs.    20 votes
allow the Church of Scientology the religious status it deserves.    26 votes
Breathalyse All Airline Pilots Before Flying     8 votes
SAVE OUR CHURCHES !!!!!!!      77 votes
Ban the use of mobile phones in confined public spaces.   16 votes
Ensure that leaders of other countries stop their citizens using live cats and dogs as shark bait    88 votes
Ban perfumes in public places    9 votes
suspend the rights of citizenship of all convicted prisoners - including their Human Rights.    34 votes
Make spitting in a public place a serious criminal offense   33 votes
Ban GPS systems in motor vehicles    7 votes
Cats should be licensed and owners should past a test to own one and only have the right to own one in exceptional circumstances .   17 votes
not bring back the anti-witchcraft laws of this country   102 votes
Encourage a major bid to bring WWE Wrestlemania to a British city   24 votes
Bring back the School Nit Nurse    327 votes
to re-categorise lap dancing clubs as Sex Encounter Establishments.    1283 votes
Reduced the noise from the use of fireworks and put a cap on the lengh a display can run. Due to them frightening domestic and wildlife animals, and disturbing our peace.   150 votes
Remove the Right for a Pregnant Woman to urinate in a Policemans helmet   10 votes
Allow pet owners the opportunity to have peternity leave to look after new born animals    19 votes

THESE THINGS ARE UTTERLY STUPID. They rarely get anywhere and the only reason to care about the Tesco one is if you hate Muslims. There's far crazier petitions with far more votes with far worse repercussions if anyone cares about them. By all means everyone has the right to petition for whatever crap they care about, but clearly the only reason to single out the one in the OP is due to hatred of Muslims.

(EDIT) It appears that bitching about random crap IS fitting in with British society

Last edited by PureFodder (2008-09-24 13:31:29)

+226|6783|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

lowing wrote:

Beduin wrote:

lowing wrote:

I read all of the responses and I am not surprised, the point is alcohol is established in the UK, if you are offended by the customs traditions, consumptions etc of a society, instead of MOVING THERE and start protesting and petitioning, costing money and time on behalf of the local govt. to process your bullshit, I submit that you d onot MOVE THERE in the first place and stay where ever you came from, where you are not so "offended".

As far as the Mormons in Utah? the Mormons were there long before any outsiders moved in and started bitching about them.

It is the same thing as moving next ot an airport, then bitching to the govt. that the noise level is unacceptable. Sure you can petition and protest all you want, it is legal and you have the right, but you are still an idiot and you are still costing the tax payers money.
Nothing to do about it really. You can sit and bitch about it all you want.
You have the right to bitch about it, the same right they have.
Great news for you: The bigger a minority gets, the more they have to say.
Thats how it works-am sure you know that.

Is it a problem? No
Do you have a problem? Yes.

Now, what to do with your problem?
-You can bitch about it.

Note: I agree on many things you say. But i choose to look at it
positively, cause it is a sign of healthy democracy.
But am pretty sure we dont agree on whats the problems roots- as"Why are they here".
I am not bitching, I am pointing out that for a group of people that want nothing more than to just "blend in" and adopt western society, THEY are sure doing a lot of bitching for change to that society to accomadate them.
You seem to have conveniently avoided my post Lowing about the bitter battle that was fought between Tescos and Christians in my own town, where they had to open a new store elsewhere just to sell Alcohol.  Last time I checked we are still part of the UK.. so what's your answer? 'cause from where i'm sitting it looks like it's ok for Christians to object to tescos selling Alcohol, but not Muslims? that right?

PureFodder wrote:

Just to show how utterly pointless these petitions are:

Make it an offense to unnessaseraliy use snail poison  26 votes
Stop the Cruel Selling of Snails in Brixton/Dalston Market    123 votes
ban incandescent light bulbs.    20 votes
allow the Church of Scientology the religious status it deserves.    26 votes
Breathalyse All Airline Pilots Before Flying     8 votes
SAVE OUR CHURCHES !!!!!!!      77 votes
Ban the use of mobile phones in confined public spaces.   16 votes
Ensure that leaders of other countries stop their citizens using live cats and dogs as shark bait    88 votes
Ban perfumes in public places    9 votes
suspend the rights of citizenship of all convicted prisoners - including their Human Rights.    34 votes
Make spitting in a public place a serious criminal offense   33 votes
Ban GPS systems in motor vehicles    7 votes
Cats should be licensed and owners should past a test to own one and only have the right to own one in exceptional circumstances .   17 votes
not bring back the anti-witchcraft laws of this country   102 votes
Encourage a major bid to bring WWE Wrestlemania to a British city   24 votes
Bring back the School Nit Nurse    327 votes
to re-categorise lap dancing clubs as Sex Encounter Establishments.    1283 votes
Reduced the noise from the use of fireworks and put a cap on the lengh a display can run. Due to them frightening domestic and wildlife animals, and disturbing our peace.   150 votes
Remove the Right for a Pregnant Woman to urinate in a Policemans helmet   10 votes
Allow pet owners the opportunity to have peternity leave to look after new born animals    19 votes

THESE THINGS ARE UTTERLY STUPID. They rarely get anywhere and the only reason to care about the Tesco one is if you hate Muslims. There's far crazier petitions with far more votes with far worse repercussions if anyone cares about them. By all means everyone has the right to petition for whatever crap they care about, but clearly the only reason to single out the one in the OP is due to hatred of Muslims.
I have said repeatedly  I do not hate Muslims, I hate Islam, it is a violent, intolerant religion that has no place in a free and tolerant and EQUAL society. This does not make me a hypocrite. To ignore the advancements that western society has made only to appease a religion that clearly does not hold western morality and values as a cornerstone for their existence is comprimising that society to say the least.

Countless examples of appeasement and PC at the feet of Islam in the west have been given, only to be dismissed, denied or ignored by you.  Added up it is pretty clear, the UK is an appeasing nation for the cause of peace and fear of retaliation.

IG-Calibre wrote:

lowing wrote:

Beduin wrote:

Nothing to do about it really. You can sit and bitch about it all you want.
You have the right to bitch about it, the same right they have.
Great news for you: The bigger a minority gets, the more they have to say.
Thats how it works-am sure you know that.

Is it a problem? No
Do you have a problem? Yes.

Now, what to do with your problem?
-You can bitch about it.

Note: I agree on many things you say. But i choose to look at it
positively, cause it is a sign of healthy democracy.
But am pretty sure we dont agree on whats the problems roots- as"Why are they here".
I am not bitching, I am pointing out that for a group of people that want nothing more than to just "blend in" and adopt western society, THEY are sure doing a lot of bitching for change to that society to accomadate them.
You seem to have conveniently avoided my post Lowing about the bitter battle that was fought between Tescos and Christians in my own town, where they had to open a new store elsewhere just to sell Alcohol.  Last time I checked we are still part of the UK.. so what's your answer? 'cause from where i'm sitting it looks like it's ok for Christians to object to tescos selling Alcohol, but not Muslims? that right?
Link please, since alcohol is part of Christian ceremony I see it as hypocritical
lol. Where is the appeasement in your OP story?

CameronPoe wrote:

lol. Where is the appeasement in your OP story?
Has it been decided yet?

Would you call it appeasement if it goes in their favor, probably not, so why are you bothering even asking. You have not admitted to a single case of appeasement that has ever been presented anyway.

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lol. Where is the appeasement in your OP story?
Has it been decided yet?

Would you call it appeasement if it goes in their favor, probably not, so why are you bothering even asking. You have not admitted to a single case of appeasement that has ever been presented anyway.
That's because no nationally binding laws have been made on the backs of the needs/desires of any particular single minority. Unless of course British national common law has been changed, perhaps you can enlighten us.

Oh and ftr, what do you think their decision will be?

And what on earth are you doing reading 'The Bedford Times'???? That would be like a British person reading the Wisconsin Dells Gazette!

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-09-24 13:50:25)

+226|6783|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

lowing wrote:

... the UK is an appeasing nation for the cause of peace and fear of retaliation.
A devout Shia Muslim has been given a suspended prison sentence for forcing two boys to beat themselves during a religious ceremony.

A jury at Manchester Crown Court found Syed Mustafa Zaidi, 44, guilty of two counts of child cruelty last month.

The boys, aged 13 and 15, were forced to beat themselves with a zanjeer whip, with five curved blades.

Zaidi, of Station Road, Eccles, was given a 26-week sentence, suspended for 12 months.

A second order which will also last for 12 months means that if Zaidi is found to have allowed or encouraged anyone under the age of 16 to beat themselves he could be returned to court for sentencing.

Judge Robert Atherton, at Manchester Crown Court, said: "I reject the suggestion that they were forced to participate, although I consider it likely that the fervour of events is also likely to have affected their wish to participate."

  The sensitivities this case raised are significant

Supt Paul Savill

The boys both received multiple lacerations to their backs, mainly superficial, with several deeper cuts caused by the bladed whip.

They admitted they wanted to beat themselves, but not under duress and not using Zaidi's zanjeer.

Zaidi also flogged himself during the Ashura ceremony, which commemorates the death of Husayn - a central figure in the Shia faith - in January this year.

He admitted he allowed the boys to use the bladed whip, but denied his actions were wrong, saying: "This is a part of our religion."

Wrongful act

Judge Atherton said that the jury's verdict was "not a comment" on the Ashura ceremony.

"No-one should misinterpret it as being such," he said.

"You must realise that the law recognises that children and young persons may wish to take part in some activities which it considers they should not.

"It is sometimes expressed as protecting themselves from themselves.

"Your wrongful act was providing the means by which they were able to participate."

The boys both suffered cuts from the zanjeer 

He said Zaidi ignored a decision by mosque elders that under-16s could not participate in the ceremony.

Supt Paul Savill, of Greater Manchester Police, said: "This man not only abused the vulnerability of these children but also went against the wishes of his own community, as well as knowingly breaking the law.

"The sensitivities this case raised are significant and we have been working closely with community leaders throughout."

A code of conduct for adults about involving children in the self-flagellation ritual has been drawn up since Zaidi was convicted, Supt Savill said.

Local Muslim leader Safdar Zia said the ceremony could not be eliminated.

"We can and will work to a code of practice so that the children don't get hurt, the law isn't broken, and the people who do want to take part don't get prosecuted," he said.

"But we are not above the law and we never will be and working with the authorities is the best chance we've got to prevent any harm being brought against any children."

The case was unprecedented - the first of its kind to be prosecuted by the Crown Prosecution Service in England and Wales.
hardly appeasement.. … 634275.stm

As for linkage to the dispute in my own town, I doubt any exists, it happened a long time ago at the end of the eighties - and didn't even merit being a major news story... I wonder why?

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lol. Where is the appeasement in your OP story?
Has it been decided yet?

Would you call it appeasement if it goes in their favor, probably not, so why are you bothering even asking. You have not admitted to a single case of appeasement that has ever been presented anyway.
That's because no nationally binding laws have been made on the backs of the needs/desires of any particular single minority. Unless of course British national common law has been changed, perhaps you can enlighten us.

Oh and ftr, what do you think their decision will be?

And what on earth are you doing reading 'The Bedford Times'???? That would be like a British person reading the Wisconsin Dells Gazette! … 60001_en_1

actually yer wrong.

I wonder why this law was written

lowing wrote:

actually yer wrong.

I wonder why this law was written
Because of racism and religious hatred perhaps? You're not one of those anti-semites who agrees with burning jews are you?

Do you not like the way in which the act would prohibit radical Islamists from inciting Muslims to kill infidels or something?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-09-24 14:07:05)


IG-Calibre wrote:

lowing wrote:

... the UK is an appeasing nation for the cause of peace and fear of retaliation.
A devout Shia Muslim has been given a suspended prison sentence for forcing two boys to beat themselves during a religious ceremony.

A jury at Manchester Crown Court found Syed Mustafa Zaidi, 44, guilty of two counts of child cruelty last month.

The boys, aged 13 and 15, were forced to beat themselves with a zanjeer whip, with five curved blades.

Zaidi, of Station Road, Eccles, was given a 26-week sentence, suspended for 12 months.

A second order which will also last for 12 months means that if Zaidi is found to have allowed or encouraged anyone under the age of 16 to beat themselves he could be returned to court for sentencing.

Judge Robert Atherton, at Manchester Crown Court, said: "I reject the suggestion that they were forced to participate, although I consider it likely that the fervour of events is also likely to have affected their wish to participate."

  The sensitivities this case raised are significant

Supt Paul Savill

The boys both received multiple lacerations to their backs, mainly superficial, with several deeper cuts caused by the bladed whip.

They admitted they wanted to beat themselves, but not under duress and not using Zaidi's zanjeer.

Zaidi also flogged himself during the Ashura ceremony, which commemorates the death of Husayn - a central figure in the Shia faith - in January this year.

He admitted he allowed the boys to use the bladed whip, but denied his actions were wrong, saying: "This is a part of our religion."

Wrongful act

Judge Atherton said that the jury's verdict was "not a comment" on the Ashura ceremony.

"No-one should misinterpret it as being such," he said.

"You must realise that the law recognises that children and young persons may wish to take part in some activities which it considers they should not.

"It is sometimes expressed as protecting themselves from themselves.

"Your wrongful act was providing the means by which they were able to participate."

The boys both suffered cuts from the zanjeer 

He said Zaidi ignored a decision by mosque elders that under-16s could not participate in the ceremony.

Supt Paul Savill, of Greater Manchester Police, said: "This man not only abused the vulnerability of these children but also went against the wishes of his own community, as well as knowingly breaking the law.

"The sensitivities this case raised are significant and we have been working closely with community leaders throughout."

A code of conduct for adults about involving children in the self-flagellation ritual has been drawn up since Zaidi was convicted, Supt Savill said.

Local Muslim leader Safdar Zia said the ceremony could not be eliminated.

"We can and will work to a code of practice so that the children don't get hurt, the law isn't broken, and the people who do want to take part don't get prosecuted," he said.

"But we are not above the law and we never will be and working with the authorities is the best chance we've got to prevent any harm being brought against any children."

The case was unprecedented - the first of its kind to be prosecuted by the Crown Prosecution Service in England and Wales.
hardly appeasement.. … 634275.stm

As for linkage to the dispute in my own town, I doubt any exists, it happened a long time ago at the end of the eighties - and didn't even merit being a major news story... I wonder why?
Because, they are not perceived as a group who will bring violence and chaos if they do not get their way?

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

actually yer wrong.

I wonder why this law was written
Because of racism and religious hatred perhaps? You're not one of those anti-semites who agrees with burning jews are you?

Do you not like the way in which the act would prohibit radical Islamists from inciting Muslims to kill infidels or something?
Cam, why do you think this law was written, how about a little honesty about it
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6731|Tampa Bay Florida

lowing wrote:

I read and I had to re-read your post a few times, I admit, this post still leaves me baffled. I have no idea what your opinion is on anything anymore.

Not all religions detract from a society, if that society is based on, adopts, believes and practices the morality of that religion. Such as the US.

Now, if Christians flooded an Islamic country and tried to impose its morality and laws and beliefs  then yes, Christianity would be the religion that detracts from that society and its beliefs.
I never said hard core Christians don't detract from our society.  I pointed out that they do, just not as much as hard core Muslims do in their respective societies.  Because that's the argument you guys always use.  Fuck Islam, forget about how crazy some Christians are in this country just because they don't use bombs to blow people up.

It's more than just religious competetition.  The Middle East is pretty fucked up, therefore, the hard core religious people will be incredibly fucked up.

Western society is not very fucked up compared to the middle east, but that doesn't mean hard core religious people here aren't fucked up.  It's more about geography and power more than it is who's god they believe in.  Same bullshit, different places.

Stingray said it best.

Stingray24 wrote:

That's right.  An atheist cannot truly know religion, especially an atheist that insults the religious.

Last edited by Spearhead (2008-09-24 14:32:42)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6622|SE London

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lol. Where is the appeasement in your OP story?
Has it been decided yet?

Would you call it appeasement if it goes in their favor, probably not, so why are you bothering even asking. You have not admitted to a single case of appeasement that has ever been presented anyway.
Even if they were not to get their license because of this (and they will get their license - that's virtually a certainty), how would that differ from the sorts of petitions by annoying idiots wanting speed bumps put on their roads or that don't want a strip club built in the neighbourhood? People make petitions about stuff, sometimes those petitions get listened to - more often than not, they don't.

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Has it been decided yet?

Would you call it appeasement if it goes in their favor, probably not, so why are you bothering even asking. You have not admitted to a single case of appeasement that has ever been presented anyway.
That's because no nationally binding laws have been made on the backs of the needs/desires of any particular single minority. Unless of course British national common law has been changed, perhaps you can enlighten us.

Oh and ftr, what do you think their decision will be?

And what on earth are you doing reading 'The Bedford Times'???? That would be like a British person reading the Wisconsin Dells Gazette! … 60001_en_1

actually yer wrong.

I wonder why this law was written

Actually he's not at all wrong. How can a law potentially covering any and everyone have been made to suit the needs of any single minority?

How? That makes no sense whatsoever.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ah so now lowing you reveal your true reason for posting your latest anti-Muslim tirade, you don't like the fact that this brave "Lionheart" (lol gimme a break) is to be arrested on "suspicion of Stirring up Racial Hatred by displaying written material” contrary to Racial and Religious Hatred Bill sections 18(1) and 27(3) of the Public Order Act 1986.

Lionheart (lol) wrote:

The cultural weapon in the hands of the modern Jihad within Great Britain, silencing the opposition using our own laws against us - The Dumb Filthy Kaffir’s as the Moslem would say to his children behind closed doors.

    What has become of my homeland, the land my forefathers fought and died for on the battlefields of the world when one of their children is forced into the position of facing years in prison for standing up for what is right and just within British society.

    At least my words of truth have obviously now reached people’s eyes and ears, with the powers that be now intent on silencing me - Third World Tyranny in a supposed 21st Century democracy!

    I wonder if the Moslem peer Lord Ahmed was one of the people behind trying to silence me, I did wonder about why he crashed his car and nearly killed himself over Christmas, let that be a lesson to you - 1 Chronicles 16:22 Saying, “Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.”

    How dare any Moslem try and silence the truth from being told by an Englishman about the Islamic enemy in our midst within the British homeland.

    Who have I killed, who have I threatened to kill? No one, all I have done is written about my reality on a computer screen, and now I face going to prison in my own country for standing up for myself and others.
Yeah, there's nothing at all suspicious with this guys rantings. And tbh I doubt there is such a guy. The whole story seems rather out of place. Especially considering that this guy posted online. I don't think the law is relevant to such material. Then again he was only arrested to "suspicion".

But gee the site makes a good point "Read and heed Lionheart’s words America"


TheAussieReaper wrote:

Ah so now lowing you reveal your true reason for posting your latest anti-Muslim tirade, you don't like the fact that this brave "Lionheart" (lol gimme a break) is to be arrested on "suspicion of Stirring up Racial Hatred by displaying written material” contrary to Racial and Religious Hatred Bill sections 18(1) and 27(3) of the Public Order Act 1986.

Lionheart (lol) wrote:

The cultural weapon in the hands of the modern Jihad within Great Britain, silencing the opposition using our own laws against us - The Dumb Filthy Kaffir’s as the Moslem would say to his children behind closed doors.

    What has become of my homeland, the land my forefathers fought and died for on the battlefields of the world when one of their children is forced into the position of facing years in prison for standing up for what is right and just within British society.

    At least my words of truth have obviously now reached people’s eyes and ears, with the powers that be now intent on silencing me - Third World Tyranny in a supposed 21st Century democracy!

    I wonder if the Moslem peer Lord Ahmed was one of the people behind trying to silence me, I did wonder about why he crashed his car and nearly killed himself over Christmas, let that be a lesson to you - 1 Chronicles 16:22 Saying, “Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.”

    How dare any Moslem try and silence the truth from being told by an Englishman about the Islamic enemy in our midst within the British homeland.

    Who have I killed, who have I threatened to kill? No one, all I have done is written about my reality on a computer screen, and now I face going to prison in my own country for standing up for myself and others.
Yeah, there's nothing at all suspicious with this guys rantings. And tbh I doubt there is such a guy. The whole story seems rather out of place. Especially considering that this guy posted online. I don't think the law is relevant to such material. Then again he was only arrested to "suspicion".

But gee the site makes a good point "Read and heed Lionheart’s words America"

I have nothing for or against his rantings except it USED to be covered under free speech, until the appeasement legislation got passed. Now it is criminal to speak out against a religion. Now, I asked Cam, so I will ask you, why would you feel the need for such legislation?

Cam said there was no national law passed that he was aware of and to enlighten him.........Well, you are now enlightened.
+226|6783|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

lowing wrote:

Because, they are not perceived as a group who will bring violence and chaos if they do not get their way?
Tell that to all the Catholics that were murdered here because of their faith by so called Fundamental Christians...
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6622|SE London

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Ah so now lowing you reveal your true reason for posting your latest anti-Muslim tirade, you don't like the fact that this brave "Lionheart" (lol gimme a break) is to be arrested on "suspicion of Stirring up Racial Hatred by displaying written material” contrary to Racial and Religious Hatred Bill sections 18(1) and 27(3) of the Public Order Act 1986.

Lionheart (lol) wrote:

The cultural weapon in the hands of the modern Jihad within Great Britain, silencing the opposition using our own laws against us - The Dumb Filthy Kaffir’s as the Moslem would say to his children behind closed doors.

    What has become of my homeland, the land my forefathers fought and died for on the battlefields of the world when one of their children is forced into the position of facing years in prison for standing up for what is right and just within British society.

    At least my words of truth have obviously now reached people’s eyes and ears, with the powers that be now intent on silencing me - Third World Tyranny in a supposed 21st Century democracy!

    I wonder if the Moslem peer Lord Ahmed was one of the people behind trying to silence me, I did wonder about why he crashed his car and nearly killed himself over Christmas, let that be a lesson to you - 1 Chronicles 16:22 Saying, “Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.”

    How dare any Moslem try and silence the truth from being told by an Englishman about the Islamic enemy in our midst within the British homeland.

    Who have I killed, who have I threatened to kill? No one, all I have done is written about my reality on a computer screen, and now I face going to prison in my own country for standing up for myself and others.
Yeah, there's nothing at all suspicious with this guys rantings. And tbh I doubt there is such a guy. The whole story seems rather out of place. Especially considering that this guy posted online. I don't think the law is relevant to such material. Then again he was only arrested to "suspicion".

But gee the site makes a good point "Read and heed Lionheart’s words America"

The hilarious part is that lowing seems to think this law has been made to help Muslims act with impunity. Whereas in actual fact one of the things it was brought in to combat was anti-semetic hate speech by radical Islamic clerics like Abu Hamza. It is not there to help any specific minority, but all groups targeted for racial or religious reasons.

Spearhead wrote:

lowing wrote:

I read and I had to re-read your post a few times, I admit, this post still leaves me baffled. I have no idea what your opinion is on anything anymore.

Not all religions detract from a society, if that society is based on, adopts, believes and practices the morality of that religion. Such as the US.

Now, if Christians flooded an Islamic country and tried to impose its morality and laws and beliefs  then yes, Christianity would be the religion that detracts from that society and its beliefs.
I never said hard core Christians don't detract from our society.  I pointed out that they do, just not as much as hard core Muslims do in their respective societies.  Because that's the argument you guys always use.  Fuck Islam, forget about how crazy some Christians are in this country just because they don't use bombs to blow people up.

It's more than just religious competetition.  The Middle East is pretty fucked up, therefore, the hard core religious people will be incredibly fucked up.

Western society is not very fucked up compared to the middle east, but that doesn't mean hard core religious people here aren't fucked up.  It's more about geography and power more than it is who's god they believe in.  Same bullshit, different places.

Stingray said it best.

Stingray24 wrote:

That's right.  An atheist cannot truly know religion, especially an atheist that insults the religious.
Yeah he is wrong, I just posted a national law that was written for this very thing.

yes the ME is fucked up and it can stay in the ME, I do not want or need the morality and beliefs that fucked it up to be blended into western society.

lowing wrote:

Cam, why do you think this law was written, how about a little honesty about it
Because isolated incidents of radical Islamism being taught in backstreet mosques called for it? Because the BNP found a new hobby-horse in anti-Islamism when they had gotten bored of anti-semitism?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

lowing wrote:

I have nothing for or against his rantings except it USED to be covered under free speech, until the appeasement legislation got passed. Now it is criminal to speak out against a religion.
Not even your laws for freedom of speech in the US allow for hate speech, Nazi rallies, KKK pride parades to take place.

There is no "appeasement legislation" to be found with this bill.

The proof is in the wording of the legislation anyway,
In this Part “religious hatred” means hatred against a group of persons defined by reference to religious belief or lack of religious belief.”
It even covers lack of religious belief. There's no minority or majority this bill is appeasing too. Just because some blogger named Lionheart has been arrested on suspicion of stirring the peace and ranting about Muslims you think that's appeasement taking place? He could have been blogging about Christians in the same way and still been arrested.

Citizens of the UK don't want this guy to come home and start shooting Muslims cause he may be suffering PTSD. It's probably for his own good this guy was arrested and checked out.

Last edited by TheAussieReaper (2008-09-24 14:49:44)

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