Dilbert_X wrote:
The Big Three know that small cars are the money maker for the time being. Trucks have stopped being the number one seller for the first time ever. They (and foreign makers) are redirecting resources from truck assembly to medium/small car assembly. The facts of where the companies are going seem to disprove your contention.
Its incredibly hard to make money on small cars.
I worked on the previous Fiesta, I know.
Ford America just doesn't understand the diesel market, not in Europe or America.
At one time the Detroit Three built huge cars. Then OPEC turned off the oil taps.
Yells and screams for small cars and more MPG. OPEC turns the taps back on.
The Detroit Three come back with:
and the
K car
People get use to higher fuel price's. People want more interior space, more "Toys" inside more "Refinements".
Bigger cars make a comeback. MPG takes a backseat to Horsepower.
Then the SUV craze.
Oil through the roof again.... Screams and yells for smaller cars and better MPG..........
EV1 came in response to California's call for Zero emissions.
Funny thing about that was that, the EV1 went farther then the Volt...with ten year older teck.
And when the Zero Emissions bill failed the EV1s, that were on lease, started to come back and ended up crushed.
Now, lets look and the "Running Cost" of the EV1 and Volt.
No oil changes
No tune-ups and the parts that go with it.
In facts, the only thing you need to do is check and replace dead cells and rotate the tires.
Think about the parts.....
Think about the PRICE of the parts.
Think about the LABOUR to put the parts on
How about making the parts?
Really think the Volts going to get the support it should?