Yeah, like i would be seen working for Tesco. WTF do you think i am....English?SamTheMan:D wrote:
10) you are the illegal immigrant worker surgeon is talking aboutm3thod wrote:
1) The locker isn't yours.
2) Just because you've managed to use the locker (against company policy) for a extended period of time still doesn't make it yours.
2) The locker belongs to Tesco and has never left the possession of your employer
3) You're only permitted use of the locker during the periods you're working within the place of employment.
4) Use of the locker outside the hours of a working shift is against company policy and you are liable to be punished using the company disciplinary procedure
5) It is a requirement once the need for the locker had finished you were required to relinquish the use of the locker
6) What you are doing is more akin to putting a reserved sign on your favourite seat in your local so no one is able to sit there until your arrive for your next visit.
7) I seriously doubt a highly reputable employer such as Tesco would employ illegal immigrants
8) Your extremely short sighted reasoning is showing.
9) The foreign worker is within his rights to report you to management
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.