Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6755|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
Picture the scene...

You're on the West side of the bridge defending the Train Accident on Karkand......
You see several enemy infantry running aimlessly towards you.......
But you are under a train carriage sniping with your trusty L85 so they can't see you.......
Easy kills for a minute or so, until.......
One enemy soldier darts towards one of the low walls at the side of the bridge and dives for cover....
He jumps up from cover and throws a grenade before dissapearing again before you can think to fire a shot.....
And the grenade lands so close you could kiss it (remember you are under a train carriage).....
Lather rinse and repeat - the same guy throws all of his nades using the same method and kills one or two people with every single one.

Cheat or no cheat?

This same guy held our team at bay for a good minute using his tactic of popping up and throwing hand grenades in perfect positions, every time. Now I wouldn't normally complain, maybe he's just a sad bastard who has no life outside of BF2 and he practises this tactic on a daily basis, but he did a few other things that made me suspicious -

Bunny-Hopping and firing every weapon under the sun (including sniper rifles) with amazing accuracy, it was as if DICE never got rid of it. I spend a lot of time sniping but I have never seen anyone jump in the air, land and make a perfect headshot everytime - impossible and unsportsmanlike in my opinion - Carlos Hathcock would roll in his grave.

Holding off our entire team for several minutes with a sniper rifle, no matter which way you tried to flank him or catch him out he was always scoped in on where you were about to appear from.

Killed me, I respawned and he was waiting, i go another way round and he's waiting for me again. Eventually i took a squad with me and we took him out but he killed 3 of them leaving me alone to kill him, luckily i was a medic.

He ALWAYS seemed to know where everyone was, he was ALWAYS prepared and if you caught him as he spawned he would just bunny hop, spin round and mow you down.

There were too many amazing instances to speak of, i could pretty much recall every single time he killed me or one of my squad and most of them were unbelievable.

In the end our team started leaving the server because it was just getting ridiculous, he ended up with 60 or so kills and he didnt once use a vehicle, this is something i can accomplish myself on a good day but he was doing it without breaking a sweat.

I'm sure a lot of more experienced players are going to flame the shit out of me and call me a noob, but i've been playing online FPS's for years and I know a dodgy player when I see one. I have also played a fair bit of BF2 and this is the first time I have ever played a game where I am certain I am up against someone who isn't on a level playing field. I don't consider myself a bad player, my stats aren't awesome but i am a strong team player and I usually end up dying a lot for this endeavour.

As a final point I would just like to say that I am nearing the 100 hour mark of playing as a sniper, i've always been a sniper (and a good one at that) in online games and i'm hoping to get that Gold badge sometime this week, I made a post a while ago saying that I was going to write a definative sniper guide (yes I know there are lots out there already - flame away) and i'm going to make a big effort to get the guide finished this week to commemorate my achievement. Watch this space.

Oh and by the way, here is the dirty cheating bastards BF2S profile - http://bf2s.com/player/macamba/
Say Hello to My 11-87
I agree.  Sounds fishy.
+-2|6830|U.K DURHAM
could well be a hacker but then again he might have had 1 of them days when he just kicks ass real bad. i know me and a few mates have just come off a server we got called hackers but it was all down to my mate commander as soon as any 1 got out of the base we get on top of them as soon as we can and close em in. any strays we send helo or plane in on them. might just have been the same type of thing a good commander can do wonders. so does team talk and spotting enemy well i must say he sounds a little bit dodgy. but then again he might just be good.

Last edited by A=10 (2006-03-07 18:29:14)

+-2|6830|U.K DURHAM
hey i just seen =FDX=VEga you from Yorkshire nice 1 where in Yorkshire are ya.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6683|Your moms bedroom
20% accuracy?? doesnt sound like a cheater? maybe just a really good day.........maybe you were under a uav for most of the round?
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6755|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
I would have said no cheat for sure, but the perfectly aimed grenades and many other things made me think cheat. I've been called a hacker many a time, but this time I was 100% certain. So were several other people on my team, many of them high ranked players, most of whom left the server.

I have my good days where I seem to get loads of kills and i feel unstoppable, but this guy really was unstoppable.
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6755|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
In answer to A=10 - i'm just outside Hull (please don't judge me for this :-p)

I don't think accuracy has anything to do with being a cheater and I was checking for UAV's - this was something I had considered as a reason for him knowing where everyone was all the time.
+-2|6830|U.K DURHAM
well mate we do get them i have seen a few that i thought was cheating and then it turns out they are pure hacking fucks. i know what ya saying i must admit i have seen a few i think ffs that was bull shit online games will never be cheat free sorry to say. always some tit that will hack away what ever it costs them plus i cant see how 20% accuracy means he dont cheat. if you ever have had a look on some stats of hackers that have been caught they never had realy high  accuracy well some did and some not.
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
probably some n00b got pissed off with being pwned, or just a good day, it happens
Paper Is My Hobbyhorse
Yeah. Don't think so. I guess he was paying attention to the UAV and got his tactics worked out...his account doesn't look pretty "cheaty" to me either.
A good Haxer will do what it takes to keep his or hres stats in check.  If I kill 60 people IAR I'm gonna get myself wacked a good 40.  I still get the points for all the kills.  You fugure most of the hax are for points which go towards badges so getting killed a few times in the process to cover up tracks is the smart thing to do...you still get your badge. From what I have seen ingame and all, it sounds to me like a cheater of some sort.  This is just a theory, and I'll explaine.  I play 90% on servers where the big boys play at.  This gives me a good challenge and it forces me to become a better player.  In my experiences on these high level player servers,  I have never encountered what you have.  Granted I have been owned several times but not by one person sans armour.  It usually takes a few people with TS or Vent. working as a team to own like that guy did, good commander or not even if he was having an "A" game.  Then again ...who knows.

=FDX=VEga wrote:

Picture the scene...

You're on the West side of the bridge defending the Train Accident on Karkand......
You see several enemy infantry running aimlessly towards you.......
But you are under a train carriage sniping with your trusty L85 so they can't see you.......
Easy kills for a minute or so, until.......
One enemy soldier darts towards one of the low walls at the side of the bridge and dives for cover....
He jumps up from cover and throws a grenade before dissapearing again before you can think to fire a shot.....
And the grenade lands so close you could kiss it (remember you are under a train carriage).....
Lather rinse and repeat - the same guy throws all of his nades using the same method and kills one or two people with every single one.

Cheat or no cheat?

This same guy held our team at bay for a good minute using his tactic of popping up and throwing hand grenades in perfect positions, every time. Now I wouldn't normally complain, maybe he's just a sad bastard who has no life outside of BF2 and he practises this tactic on a daily basis, but he did a few other things that made me suspicious -

Bunny-Hopping and firing every weapon under the sun (including sniper rifles) with amazing accuracy, it was as if DICE never got rid of it. I spend a lot of time sniping but I have never seen anyone jump in the air, land and make a perfect headshot everytime - impossible and unsportsmanlike in my opinion - Carlos Hathcock would roll in his grave.

Holding off our entire team for several minutes with a sniper rifle, no matter which way you tried to flank him or catch him out he was always scoped in on where you were about to appear from.

Killed me, I respawned and he was waiting, i go another way round and he's waiting for me again. Eventually i took a squad with me and we took him out but he killed 3 of them leaving me alone to kill him, luckily i was a medic.

He ALWAYS seemed to know where everyone was, he was ALWAYS prepared and if you caught him as he spawned he would just bunny hop, spin round and mow you down.

There were too many amazing instances to speak of, i could pretty much recall every single time he killed me or one of my squad and most of them were unbelievable.

In the end our team started leaving the server because it was just getting ridiculous, he ended up with 60 or so kills and he didnt once use a vehicle, this is something i can accomplish myself on a good day but he was doing it without breaking a sweat.

I'm sure a lot of more experienced players are going to flame the shit out of me and call me a noob, but i've been playing online FPS's for years and I know a dodgy player when I see one. I have also played a fair bit of BF2 and this is the first time I have ever played a game where I am certain I am up against someone who isn't on a level playing field. I don't consider myself a bad player, my stats aren't awesome but i am a strong team player and I usually end up dying a lot for this endeavour.

As a final point I would just like to say that I am nearing the 100 hour mark of playing as a sniper, i've always been a sniper (and a good one at that) in online games and i'm hoping to get that Gold badge sometime this week, I made a post a while ago saying that I was going to write a definative sniper guide (yes I know there are lots out there already - flame away) and i'm going to make a big effort to get the guide finished this week to commemorate my achievement. Watch this space.

Oh and by the way, here is the dirty cheating bastards BF2S profile - http://bf2s.com/player/macamba/
From the sounds of things...I would personally say it was the Aimbot/Cham/No Fog Multihack. Chams aka X-Ray exploits a DirectX 9 flaw and depending on the method used, highlights all players in red or blue or some other color, despite them being behind walls or other objects. That would explain being to able to know exactly where you are.
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6755|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
ok thanks for all your opinions, i've heard of what grazer is talking about (isn't that what nitro was using?) but this cheat wouldn't explain his amazing grenade aiming. That was what confused me the most.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

I pictured it, then i realized, WTF am i doing on karkand.

So i disconnected and found a nice full map rotation server.
Dropped on request
Some people are very good with nades. And if this guy knows where everyone is it's not too hard to hit em every time.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

But under the train?!
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6755|'Ull, Yorkshire, England

polarbearz wrote:

But under the train?!
Exactly, plus there was the fact that he wasn't spending enough time with his head above the wall to aim effectively. I can lob grenades pretty accurately but he was up and down faster than Jordan's undercrackers (the page 3 girl not the basketball player).

Btw I was on a full map rotation server as well, I love my big open maps just as much as Karkand (which I hate for sniping)
I thought I was good because I killed a 4 man squad ALONE, that after my flag.  They killed me as I was running toward the next flag so I knew they were coming.  When I spawned I threw a c4 down at the base of the flag as 1 of the enemy was running up.  I switched to remote and blew it almost taking myself out too, but getting 2 guys (I didn't even see the 2nd guy).  I knew there were more so I threw another c4 on the flag and sure enough someone was shooting at me as I backed away.... got him too with that c4.  Switched to my M4 and ran around the corner too see the last enemy laying on the ground and I shot the snot out him.  I had to stand there for a few seconds because I was amazed with myself. 

I've seen more and more of what I think is cheating.  If I'm running and get sniped (1 shot 1 kill), it's ok... I've done it myself a few times.  If I get killed 2 or 3 times that way then I know I'm being cheated.  When I run into an enemy and I'm dead without hearing a shot 2 or 3 times....
a fly
+105|6687|The netherlands
if im sniping i get the same person in the head sometimes 5 times in 2 min's. yes, it are noobs running in straight lines. or people going in the vodnik gun, with sniper its to easy to shoot them, a few days ago in karkand(not the only map i play) someone went in a vodnik, i shot him out, he went back in again, did the same, and once more, then i shot a few other people, got owned by a nicely trown grenade.  (i have negative ratio with the rifle cause of noob time)
Got milk?
My grenade accuracy is about 40%, so 1 out of two grenades finds it's target. Often I throw grenades in the UAV area even if I don't have a visual contact. Maybe he was doing it the same way. I don't know how to explain it. You have to feel it or practice I guess.

About quick headshots: probably luck. I've been killed that way many times. Anyway his stats doesn't look like hacker's stats.

But the words about 60 kils IAR on foot +amazing sniper shooting make me think. Even tho his stats don't show it he could use a hack that day, but sure not all the time.
462nd NSP653
Devout Moderate, Empty Head.
There's no real way to tell unless an admin gets a PB screenie or something. As others have said before, we've all had those days where we seemed to be on fire. I'm like most here... if those miracle shots happen a couple of times in a 32-64 player server then I just bit my lip and think damn, the cat just may be good... not a reason to act like a noob and whine about cheating when getting owned... but if it is non-stop and even experienced players (200+ hours played) are also seeing / feeling something weird, then I say your gut instinct is usually right.  Move to a different server.

If you're like me...I hate getting owned.  So next map, I consciously hunt down those who owned me the previous map. If they are good, they'll tough it out and grudge match with you... if they are hacks/cheats, they'll bail on the server cuz they ain't got a competitive bone in their body... that's why they hack.


Last edited by 462nd NSP653 (2006-03-09 11:31:57)

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