
m3thod wrote:

usmarine wrote:

or maybe she got knocked up like what sometimes happen to young women?  i dunno, nobody has mentioned that for some reason.
What about the conspiracy theory bit where our sexy Sen Palin may have covered up the immoral deeds of her daughter...and therefore demonstrating she is absolutely perfect for the role she has been selected for.
i thought it didnt matter what politicians did in their personal life?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

jord wrote:

m3thod wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Bristol isn't even a very good name. At least Chelsea sounds somewhat feminine.
If you're an Arsenal fan I'm going to floor you.

Also, she's hot. I'd do her, we'll just put a bag over her stomach.
I like to see Liverpool win (im old) but i dont really give a fuck when they lose.....unlike my brothers who go mental.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

usmarine wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

usmarine wrote:

or maybe she got knocked up like what sometimes happen to young women?  i dunno, nobody has mentioned that for some reason.
Unless I'm completely misunderstanding what you're saying, isn't that what the OP's about?
i forgot to add "and had an abortion."  nvm.
I thought her mother was pro life though? Or was she pro choice, I forget.
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.

m3thod wrote:

jord wrote:

m3thod wrote:

If you're an Arsenal fan I'm going to floor you.

Also, she's hot. I'd do her, we'll just put a bag over her stomach.
I like to see Liverpool win (im old) but i dont really give a fuck when they lose.....unlike my brothers who go mental.
I would if Gerrard would go away, he's overrated now.

North ftw

ghettoperson wrote:

usmarine wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Unless I'm completely misunderstanding what you're saying, isn't that what the OP's about?
i forgot to add "and had an abortion."  nvm.
I thought her mother was pro life though? Or was she pro choice, I forget.
well that would be a good conspiracy also.  or shes a fatty
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine wrote:

m3thod wrote:

usmarine wrote:

or maybe she got knocked up like what sometimes happen to young women?  i dunno, nobody has mentioned that for some reason.
What about the conspiracy theory bit where our sexy Sen Palin may have covered up the immoral deeds of her daughter...and therefore demonstrating she is absolutely perfect for the role she has been selected for.
i thought it didnt matter what politicians did in their personal life?
As GStQ stated, integrity is everything.....if she has lied and covered up an illicit pregnancy....where does it stop? when will it stop? Will it ever stop?

How many repubs here enjoyed the conservative drivel that bush bandered did that turn out.

Last edited by m3thod (2008-08-31 13:31:38)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

m3thod wrote:

usmarine wrote:

m3thod wrote:

What about the conspiracy theory bit where our sexy Sen Palin may have covered up the immoral deeds of her daughter...and therefore demonstrating she is absolutely perfect for the role she has been selected for.
i thought it didnt matter what politicians did in their personal life?
As GStQ stated, integrity is everything.....if she has lied and covered up an illicit pregnancy....where does it stop? when will it stop? Will it ever stop?

How many repubs here enjoyed the conservative drivel that bush bandered did that tuen out.
its just a blowjob remember? 

didnt inhale.

has nothing to do with anything is what i gather from the left.  so why should this matter.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine wrote:

m3thod wrote:

usmarine wrote:

i thought it didnt matter what politicians did in their personal life?
As GStQ stated, integrity is everything.....if she has lied and covered up an illicit pregnancy....where does it stop? when will it stop? Will it ever stop?

How many repubs here enjoyed the conservative drivel that bush bandered did that tuen out.
its just a blowjob remember? 

didnt inhale.

has nothing to do with anything is what i gather from the left.  so why should this matter.
I've never defended Clinton (in a serious manner) but I preferred him over Bush.  Anyway all post ww2 US prez are cunts in IMO.

I'm not inferring anything of this should matter, my stance is if this illicit pregnancy cover up is actually true it may provide an indication to an unscrupulous rather sit on it and letting their powerbase grow it may be wise to nip the bitch in the bud while it's still feasibily possible and negate any future define 'is' scenarios.

Last edited by m3thod (2008-08-31 13:41:06)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

i didnt mean you.
mason and serge would be whom i am talking about.
God Save the Queen
+628|6489|tropical regions of london

usmarine wrote:

or maybe she got knocked up and had an abortion like what sometimes happen to young women?  i dunno, nobody has mentioned that for some reason.
wouldnt that hurt the conservative base even more?
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
So wait a damn minute here.....are you guys saying Obama is NOT a muslim?
Malloy must go

God Save the Queen wrote:

usmarine wrote:

or maybe she got knocked up and had an abortion like what sometimes happen to young women?  i dunno, nobody has mentioned that for some reason.
wouldnt that hurt the conservative base even more?
i bet it would.  i am just saying it is a possibility.
God Save the Queen
+628|6489|tropical regions of london

Kmarion wrote:

We are sorry, but the page you requested is not available.
old ladies have kids with down syndrome, its rare for a young person
God Save the Queen
+628|6489|tropical regions of london
wish people would click the links

The believers have a few scattered points:

1. Bristol Palin left school for an extended period of time, due to mononucleosis according to her family for the last 4-5 months of Trig's pregnancy. Some classmates claimed later that they had seen Bristol Palin pregnant.

2. Sarah Palin did not reveal to anyone outside her family that she was pregnant until 8 months into her pregnancy. Even then, she showed no signs of pregnancy. Alaskan news outlets commented on this, but did not go further. There are pictures of her at Super Tuesday (just a month before the baby was born).

She is notably a very trim woman, so it would likely be difficult to hide a pregnancy.

3. There are supposed photos showing Bristol Palin having gained weight, possibly significantly so in the abdomen. I haven't been able to verify these.
4. Sarah Palin went into labor in Dallas just before she was due to deliver a keynote address at the Republican Governors' Energy Conference, and flew to Seattle, then Alaska while still in labor. … -scrutiny/

Supposedly, she was in labor during the 8 hour flight, and the crew and attendants did not know.

(Quote from the Article Above):

""Governor Palin was extremely pleasant to flight attendants and her
stage of pregnancy was not apparent by observation as she didn't show
any signs of distress," Boren said."

This is extremely risky behavior, and you are advised by doctors, traditionally, not to fly once you are past 7 months pregnant. If airlines are made aware, sometimes they will prevent you from flying. Sarah Palin did not inform the flight.

5. Sarah has had four children before, and a prolonged labor that lasted a flight from Dallas to Alaska is extremely unlikely, as labor times usually decrease with the number of births.

6. There is also some rumor of an interview with a co-worker of Todd Palin at the oil fields in Prudhoe Bay (North Slope, where Todd Palin worked for BP), though I haven't been able to verify this. The co-worker claims Todd told him of the situation, supposedly.
7. Likewise, there were at the time a few classmates of Bristol's that claimed they had seen her pregnant.
8. Sarah Palin appeared 4 months before the baby's birth in Vogue magazine, and was "trim and lithe." (Searching for photos.)

Now, the counterpoints are that:

-Of course, this is all very far-fetched. Republicans would have vetted her and this would have never slipped past them

-She may not have been showing the pregnancy, despite her trim and slim frame, because of the low birthweight of infants with Downs Syndrome.

-Mothers at 44 (as Sarah Palin is), have an extremely high rate of Downs Syndrome in their children. However, this does not exclude Bristol Palin, as very young mothers also have an increased risk of Downs Syndrome in their children.

The attached photo is Sarah Palin at Super Tuesday (2-05-08), credit to Brian Wallace of the Juneau Empire.

I had another photo of Palin at the Dallas RGEC, but I cannot seem to locate it.

I was hoping someone at CNN could just clear this matter up. It might make interesting filler, to have a story on what the internet has been talking about!

Paul Tosone

Atlanta, GA


-A picture of Governor Palin at home with her family that was printed in the Anchorage Daily News, taken six weeks before Trig's birth on March 9th. … 83-t3.html

-This is a picture from the Alaskan Governor's website. It is only dated "2007." Some say that Bristol here appears to have perhaps a baby bump. … de_v01.jpg

-An Alaskan PodShow Podcast called Hike of the Week. Sarah Palin appears here and takes a hike and tour with the host. She is seven and a half months pregnant. … au-alaska/

-The Alaskan Government website has removed links to some photographs of the Palin family. This probably has nothing to do with this story here, but I thought I should mention it, for posterity.

-Here is an article posted on DailyKos that compiles much of the same information I have here. … 486/580223
-Here is an excerpt from a Wallstreet Journal article, accounting her labor, according to her:

Gov. Palin's opted to board a jet from Dallas in April
while about to deliver a child. Gov. Palin, who was eight months
pregnant, says she felt a few contractions shortly before she was to
give a keynote speech to an energy summit of governors in Dallas. But
she says she went ahead with it after her doctor in Alaska advised her
to put her feet up to rest. "I was not going to miss that speech," she

She rushed so quickly from the podium afterwards that
Texas Gov. Rick Perry nervously asked if she was about to deliver the
baby then. She made it to the airport, and gave birth hours after
landing in Anchorage to Trig, who is diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
"Maybe they shouldn't have let me fly, but I wasn't showing much so
they didn't know," she says."
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6836|Tampa Bay Florida
The righties are now going to act like "omg how can you say that" when 3 months ago they were hand in hand disputing Obamas faith and patriotism.  And since it didnt work now they're pretending that it never happened.

She doesnt look pregnant at all in that pic and her daughter is either a fatass or she's the one who had the kid.

id still hit both of them
+721|6727|the dank(super) side of Oregon
I bet they have matching tramp stamps.

am i wrong or do you think cnn, msnbc, or the la times would run full speed with this story?  why havent they?
+721|6727|the dank(super) side of Oregon

usmarine wrote:

am i wrong or do you think cnn, msnbc, or the la times would run full speed with this story?  why havent they?
Gustav circle jerk?

Reciprocity wrote:

usmarine wrote:

am i wrong or do you think cnn, msnbc, or the la times would run full speed with this story?  why havent they?
Gustav circle jerk?
no.  news people jump at the chance to break the story first.  i am curious as to why they havent.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6836|Tampa Bay Florida

usmarine wrote:

am i wrong or do you think cnn, msnbc, or the la times would run full speed with this story?  why havent they?
I dont know, maybe the liberal media forgot about it

Spearhead wrote:

usmarine wrote:

am i wrong or do you think cnn, msnbc, or the la times would run full speed with this story?  why havent they?
I dont know, maybe the liberal media forgot about it
right.  not a chance
+721|6727|the dank(super) side of Oregon

usmarine wrote:

no.  news people jump at the chance to break the story first.
well, maybe FOX will break the story.

Reciprocity wrote:

usmarine wrote:

no.  news people jump at the chance to break the story first.
well, maybe FOX will break the story.
i would like to see someone break it ffs.  there must be a reason nobody has right?

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