Scratching my back
Becuase with half the budget of Beijing 2008 it isnt going to happen!

Are people really expecting London to be just as spectacular?
be nice
+2,646|6606|The Twilight Zone

Meh, so maybe the opening ceremony won't be as spectacular (I don't think they want to sink to the level of CGI fireworks and lip-syncing little girls), but the actual competitions and games (which is what it's really all about) will be better. There won't be as much cheating or unfair judgments I don't think *cough* Chinese gymnastics *cough*
I imagine that a good deal of the budget for Beijing 2008 went towards constructing facilities that already exist in London. I doubt the London olympics are going to be as spectacular, though, and the facilities will no doubt be less impressive.
Evil Overlord
no LOLgdp

Last edited by mikeyb118 (2008-08-24 15:57:31)

God Save the Queen
+628|6496|tropical regions of london
I expect the judges to have greasier palms
Stuff the opening ceremony. Let 'em walk round track holdin' flag and send 'em back t' hostel wi' packet 'a pork scratchin's.

Jobs a guddun'.
People know that no one can throw a fireworks/visual party like China can; combine all of their history and culture with the fact they have a propaganda-heavy Communist government with a budget as wide as their imagination...

But I'm sure us Brits will have our own quirky take on the Olympics. You know, something quintessentially British. I'm actually so glad that Boris Johnson is involved in this- he's absolutely comical! His speech after the closing ceremony was golden, I highly recommend anyone that didn't catch it check it out on Youtube or something . Having a mop-haired blithering village-idiot as our representative is infinitely better than having a sinister and secretive Communist party!

So in short: I'm expecting a good Olympics that hopefully represents the multi-faceted and multi-cultural nature of our society. As much as I'd like an old-fashioned English olympics with fox-hunting and cricket, I'm equally sure that it is an impossibility haha! There will be no reminders of 'ole Britannia... more so the celebration of the 'new' Britain. What it lacks in over-the-top dramatics and ceremonies I'm sure it'll make up for with top-notch facilities, a break backgrop (the city of London) and lots of fine culture of our own British / Western European sort!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

PureFodder wrote:

Stuff the opening ceremony. Let 'em walk round track holdin' flag and send 'em back t' hostel wi' packet 'a pork scratchin's.

Jobs a guddun'.
speaking english would be a good start
I'm moving to Brazil

Spazz wrote:

I'm not expecting London 2012 to be better in terms of opening and closing ceremonies after seeing our performance at the Bird's Nest.

I intend to go to them games too, the Olympic site is only a <20 minute train journey

Last edited by kptk92 (2008-08-24 16:25:01)

+429|6600|Chicago, IL
not even close
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York
Fuck, they could throw sticks around and it'd still be better than Beijing.


Because it's in a free country.

They can save a lot of money by not trying to control the Earths weather for a start...
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Better in terms of less controversy.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
The only way Britian can beat China while still having a British feel is if they ressurect Graham Chapman for the opening ceremony so that they have the complete Monty Python Troope back together to sing the Lumberjack Song.

In other words no.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

A free press. London has already won.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

A free press. London has already won.
Free within reason .

/insert media scepticism and various references to theories/works such as Herman/Chomsky's 'Propaganda Model'.

Just kidding. I think my first post summed up quite nicely what we'll aim for over here come 2012.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina

Kmarion wrote:

A free press. London has already won.
no way can i be better there is way too many poms there

or aussies...bloody backpackers

i dont think it will be that much different to tell you the truth..iam not sure about the facilities they tend to build brand new ones for each olympic games
at least the weather wont be as hot as china was
The UK will put on a better fireworks show by nuking France.
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
The budget just keeps getting bigger, not that that's a positive. I'd rather they spend half a Billion on sorting it out and improving current stadiums, then distribute the 8 Billion left over between the people.

Or even maybe just buy our Army better stuff...

Or make a few more prisons.

Whichever, more useful than spending it on the Olympics which inevitably people will say it's not as good as China. Then we'll get a load of protesters. More hassle than it's worth tbh.
plop plop flop flop
+11|6810|west liberty IA
I'm expecting a air show and a country attacking another country in 4 years. No I don't think that London will top that. Even if there was cgi fire works and a lip synching girl there was still more to the opening ceremony then that i mean the lighting of the torch was cool.

The key to China's success other than their 5000+ year old recorded history is the amount of shear manpower they had to pull all of this off. I doubt any occidental nation could ever pull that off a show like that --- unless they became enslaved by China.

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