
ShadowsStrike wrote:

Fuck...Leavin in 10 mins...
You've got about as much to be nervous about as Mike Tyson entering the ring against the guy from the Mr. Muscle adverts .

Seriously, GCSE's are such overhyped tosh. Most sixth-form / colleges will accept anyone with half-decent grades, and they're the only institutions/establishments that actually care about GCSE grades. Unless you're seeking full-time employment straight out of secondary-school, in which case you probably know what you're signing up for anyway and don't need high academic ambitions!

Last edited by Uzique (2008-08-21 01:44:24)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6690|Long Island, New York
What exactly are the GCSE's? Equivilent to SATs?

Uzique wrote:

ShadowsStrike wrote:

Fuck...Leavin in 10 mins...
You've got about as much to be nervous about as Mike Tyson entering the ring against the guy from the Mr. Muscle adverts .
It's even worse, because I don't need mine. But I'm still shitting it because of what my parents will think, and what my mates will get etc.
Served and Out
+642|6714|Southampton, UK

Uzique wrote:

ShadowsStrike wrote:

Fuck...Leavin in 10 mins...
You've got about as much to be nervous about as Mike Tyson entering the ring against the guy from the Mr. Muscle adverts .

Seriously, GCSE's are such overhyped tosh. Most sixth-form / colleges will accept anyone with half-decent grades, and they're the only institutions/establishments that actually care about GCSE grades. Unless you're seeking full-time employment straight out of secondary-school, in which case you probably know what you're signing up for anyway and don't need high academic ambitions!
Everyone knows that, but for us who are awaiting our GCSE results, it is the biggest thing (2 years of not so hard slogging on coursework, and for Kyle - Revising) that has happened so far, so to know what we got through those 2 years IS a big deal. Just to pretty much sum up "It's finished, thank fuck"

I don't need my GCSE grades ( Starting Basic Training 7th Sep ) But alot of my mates do, because some smart as fuck ones are going to specialized colleges, or need specific grades to carry out courses of which they can achieve A-levels/Dip's in. (ie: law, Physiology etc)
+1,352|6646|N. Ireland

naightknifar wrote:

and for Kyle - Revising
heh, of course I revised a bit ... just whenever I felt like it or if I felt I didn't know the material well enough Anyway, post arrives at about 12:30 so that's when I'll know mine.

naightknifar wrote:

Uzique wrote:

ShadowsStrike wrote:

Fuck...Leavin in 10 mins...
You've got about as much to be nervous about as Mike Tyson entering the ring against the guy from the Mr. Muscle adverts .

Seriously, GCSE's are such overhyped tosh. Most sixth-form / colleges will accept anyone with half-decent grades, and they're the only institutions/establishments that actually care about GCSE grades. Unless you're seeking full-time employment straight out of secondary-school, in which case you probably know what you're signing up for anyway and don't need high academic ambitions!
Everyone knows that, but for us who are awaiting our GCSE results, it is the biggest thing (2 years of not so hard slogging on coursework, and for Kyle - Revising) that has happened so far, so to know what we got through those 2 years IS a big deal. Just to pretty much sum up "It's finished, thank fuck"

I don't need my GCSE grades ( Starting Basic Training 7th Sep ) But alot of my mates do, because some smart as fuck ones are going to specialized colleges, or need specific grades to carry out courses of which they can achieve A-levels/Dip's in. (ie: law, Physiology etc)
But my point is that even those specialised colleges aren't that hard to get into. People that complain about A-Levels being easy should probably focus their educational criticism on the 'general knowledge' GCSE exams that are lurking quietly in the background. Nobody needs 9+ A*'s unless their life goal is to get into Cambridge or something like that, and even then it's do-able without such an impeccable track-record.

Just remember even if your results aren't as you'd hoped for, most Universities and employers look at how capable a student/employee can be in the future-- potential in other words. People don't forever judge you (and condemn you) based on mistakes or slip-ups you made when you were 16. A lot of brilliant University students and a lot of exceptionally successful business-people weren't focussed and mature students either when they were 16. So no pressure! Chill out and enjoy the prom & parties more than anything, that's all I remember of my GCSE-summer .

Last edited by Uzique (2008-08-21 02:01:34)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Served and Out
+642|6714|Southampton, UK

Uzique wrote:

naightknifar wrote:

Uzique wrote:

You've got about as much to be nervous about as Mike Tyson entering the ring against the guy from the Mr. Muscle adverts .

Seriously, GCSE's are such overhyped tosh. Most sixth-form / colleges will accept anyone with half-decent grades, and they're the only institutions/establishments that actually care about GCSE grades. Unless you're seeking full-time employment straight out of secondary-school, in which case you probably know what you're signing up for anyway and don't need high academic ambitions!
Everyone knows that, but for us who are awaiting our GCSE results, it is the biggest thing (2 years of not so hard slogging on coursework, and for Kyle - Revising) that has happened so far, so to know what we got through those 2 years IS a big deal. Just to pretty much sum up "It's finished, thank fuck"

I don't need my GCSE grades ( Starting Basic Training 7th Sep ) But alot of my mates do, because some smart as fuck ones are going to specialized colleges, or need specific grades to carry out courses of which they can achieve A-levels/Dip's in. (ie: law, Physiology etc)
But my point is that even those specialised colleges aren't that hard to get into. People that complain about A-Levels being easy should probably focus their educational criticism on the 'general knowledge' GCSE exams that are lurking quietly in the background. Nobody needs 9+ A*'s unless their life goal is to get into Cambridge or something like that, and even then it's do-able without such an impeccable track-record.

Just remember even if your results aren't as you'd hoped for, most Universities and employers look at how capable a student/employee can be in the future-- potential in other words. People don't forever judge you (and condemn you) based on mistakes or slip-ups you made when you were 16. A lot of brilliant University students and a lot of exceptionally successful business-people weren't focussed and mature students either when they were 16. So no pressure! Chill out and enjoy the prom & parties more than anything, that's all I remember of my GCSE-summer .
And that is all it's been for the past 2 months. Booze, Sex and parties.

But you'd be suprised how many students focus on their Uni's and most specifically Oxford. It's stupid! Bu hey, I'm a squaddie!
+515|6808|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
My bastard sister got 8 A*'s and 3 A's.

Bitch is always beating me!
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

james@alienware wrote:

My bastard sister got 8 A*'s and 3 A's.

Bitch is always beating me!
Uzique probably got like 38 A*s.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6690|Long Island, New York

Poseidon wrote:

What exactly are the GCSE's? Equivilent to SATs?

+515|6808|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK

Mint Sauce wrote:

james@alienware wrote:

My bastard sister got 8 A*'s and 3 A's.

Bitch is always beating me!
Uzique probably got like 38 A*s.
Very true haha.
+1,352|6646|N. Ireland

Poseidon wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

What exactly are the GCSE's? Equivilent to SATs?

Pretty much, where SATs determine what college you go to (I think?) GCSEs determine if you can get into "6th Form". So at age 11 a person goes into Form 1, then next year Form 2, then Form 3 etc ... and then in Form 5 you have GCSEs. They operate on a point score basis (A=3, B=2, C=1, everything else=0) and each school has different standards.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6690|Long Island, New York

kylef wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

What exactly are the GCSE's? Equivilent to SATs?

Pretty much, where SATs determine what college you go to (I think?) GCSEs determine if you can get into "6th Form". So at age 11 a person goes into Form 1, then next year Form 2, then Form 3 etc ... and then in Form 5 you have GCSEs. They operate on a point score basis (A=3, B=2, C=1, everything else=0) and each school has different standards.
Ah, okay. SATs don't necessarily determine where we go to college, but it looks damn good on your transcript if you do well. Friend of my brother's got a 1540/1600 or something like that. That's damn good.

Karma when I get more to give out.

Mint Sauce wrote:

james@alienware wrote:

My bastard sister got 8 A*'s and 3 A's.

Bitch is always beating me!
Uzique probably got like 38 A*s.
Haha, not as if it's even relevant but I only did marginally better than his sister: 9 A*'s and 2 A's. Anything over 5/6 A*'s though and that's a good enough result to consider any Russell Group University (who are generally the group that look that far back into your track-record). Seriously though, I can't state enough how little GCSE's matter to most Universities. The only thing I mentioned in my application about GCSE's was on my personal statement; a small sentence and reference to my national top-five result for the double-award GCSE English. And even then that was only because it was strictly pertinent to my course-application.

To all of your friends that are aiming for Oxford-level Universities in Year 11... best of luck to them! I just hope they don't assume A-Levels are an easy 2 years . The real University process begins in Year 12, not Year 11. Unless they continue to work hard and earn 3/4 A's at A-Level then the top Universities won't even get as far as looking back at their GCSE grades. It's a shame they have such high-pressure aspirations; during my GCSE's I just had a great laugh and didn't even think seriously about my A-Levels, let alone about my choice of University. Getting grades isn't everything!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
I left school with 0 GCSE's

It's taken me 4 years just to get to HNC computing in college.
Un Moderador

Uzique wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

james@alienware wrote:

My bastard sister got 8 A*'s and 3 A's.

Bitch is always beating me!
Uzique probably got like 38 A*s.
Haha, not as if it's even relevant but I only did marginally better than his sister: 9 A*'s and 2 A's. Anything over 5/6 A*'s though and that's a good enough result to consider any Russell Group University (who are generally the group that look that far back into your track-record). Seriously though, I can't state enough how little GCSE's matter to most Universities. The only thing I mentioned in my application about GCSE's was on my personal statement; a small sentence and reference to my national top-five result for the double-award GCSE English. And even then that was only because it was strictly pertinent to my course-application.

To all of your friends that are aiming for Oxford-level Universities in Year 11... best of luck to them! I just hope they don't assume A-Levels are an easy 2 years . The real University process begins in Year 12, not Year 11. Unless they continue to work hard and earn 3/4 A's at A-Level then the top Universities won't even get as far as looking back at their GCSE grades. It's a shame they have such high-pressure aspirations; during my GCSE's I just had a great laugh and didn't even think seriously about my A-Levels, let alone about my choice of University. Getting grades isn't everything!
This man speaks the truth. GCSE's, or the Scottish equivalent, Standard Grades, are an insult to intelligence.
+1,352|6646|N. Ireland
Hmm, I do agree. All I need is 10 points to get back in and a complete moron can easily do it. Why do the Scots have something different?

Pass rates up; A*-C grades are on the rise; A*-A grades have also increased.

BBC News wrote:

More than a fifth - 20.7% - were awarded either A* or A grades.
See... what are you lot worrying about .

Just have to wait for the media to start churning out the A-Level-esque "Are our children's exams too easy?" hype now!

Kylef wrote:

Hmm, I do agree. All I need is 10 points to get back in and a complete moron can easily do it. Why do the Scots have something different?
Bloody secessionists!

Last edited by Uzique (2008-08-21 02:48:55)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Un Moderador

kylef wrote:

Hmm, I do agree. All I need is 10 points to get back in and a complete moron can easily do it. Why do the Scots have something different?
Because Scotland has one, independent, education board called the SQA. They make all the exams and distribute them to all the Scottish schools. Unless that school has chosen to do the IB or A-levels ( which is incredibly rare ) they are supplied with the SQA exams.
Although the SQA is thinking of binning the SGs and making a new, more "full bodied" examination.
+1,352|6646|N. Ireland
Note Northern Ireland's rates!
Touches Himself At Night.
English: A*
English Lit: A*
Biology: A*
Chemistry: A
Physics: A*
French: A* (I was very surprised...)
Electronics: A*
History: A*
Latin: A
Maths: A*

So its obviously quite good but I'm more concerned about the A Levels I do...I think Uzique.

I was a bit dissapointed that I got an A in Chemistry, I would rather an A* there and an A in French...i suppose it might have been a borderline mark but at the end of the day i got what i got and I cant be arsed to do a resit when its already good.

Last edited by Sgt.Davi (2008-08-21 03:05:15)


kylef wrote:

Note Northern Ireland's rates!
They have similar good performance in A-Levels too. Not sure why, must be the quality of the air over there .

Shame you have to move to mainland UK to go to any decent Universities though .

Just kidding!

Sgt.Davi wrote:

Congrats- you only sat 9 GCSE's though? I assume by the Latin GCSE that you're attending a grammar school or something of the like?

Last edited by Uzique (2008-08-21 02:56:52)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+75|6635|Birmingham UK

Sgt.Davi wrote:

English: A*
English Lit: A*
Biology: A*
Chemistry: A
Physics: A*
French: A* (I was very surprised...)
Electronics: A*
History: A*
Latin: A

So tits obviously quite good but I'm more concerned about A Levels TBH....
good hand ...

but "so tits"

+1,352|6646|N. Ireland
Cool, Davi
I don't think these are bad for 3 hours of revision overall

Religious Studies (without Coursework) - D
English - B
English Literature - B
Mathematics (Modular) - C
French (LF+RH+CWK) - C
Science - B
Additional Science - B

I also took AS Level Philosophy (first year of an A level)

A/S Philosophy - C

And my music results I don't have I'm hoping they come through the post as they are a different qualification.

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