VicktorVauhn wrote:
mtb0minime wrote:
First drinking, now smoking... zomg heroin is coming!!!
You da man, Stimey! <-- this is the serious and sincere part of the post
I heard in school that it is a gate way drug, and if you smoke weed you HAVE TO smoke heroin.
Nah I never did, I tried coke, speed, lsd, mushrooms & X though.
The coke was a problem, but was nothing compared to speed they are way too adictive & is why I'll never do them again I liked them way too much. Lsd is fun if you get pure, the stricnine shit sucks on the come down. Mushrooms are nice & natural like weed. X can be fun but your reseptors can get burnt out quick & then you dont get the high anymore, I only did that once. Everything feels fantastic especially sex, the shit can be hairy though with kids dying on it all the time.
My uncle died of herion so I never tried that shit, I hear it's wonderful, but nasty addictive like coke & speed.
Pills can be fun but be careful & research what you are taking.
And there you go all laid out, wish someone would have for me...
Don't get too carried away & be responsible.
LOL! so watch out , weed makes you think everything is as nice as it is, which is just not true.
Last edited by TrollmeaT (2008-08-21 00:14:19)