plop plop flop flop
+11|6698|west liberty IA
So this is the story of my parents/relatives came to America. My grandmother (from my mother side) housed 7 kids (then 6 after my older Aunt was killed getting run over by a car) in Ignacio Allende Durango Mexico. My grandma husband (and no I will not recognize this man as my grandpa) leaves my grandma to pursue his dreams to earn more money in America, but later blowing it all off in alcohol and dies of a liver failure. My Grandma was fed up with her life and her house and believe me when I say they live dirt poor after seeing the place intact it had no roof my mom bathed in a bowl, my mom and here bothers and sisters slept tight in a small room, etc, etc, etc.
   My father graduated from a car mechanic school sponsored by Chrysler in Juarez (you know that shit town by El Paso, Texas). My mother and father married in Allende and my mother wants his support even though he was supposedly gonna continue his education in the school. In case you were wondering my father home was at the shitty side of Allende called "el lomo" apparently he was middle class but el lomo isn't the best place to grow up.

  So my family of my mother's side had gone and left to go to America and apparently not everyone went cause you can only pay so much to the person getting you over. So my mom and dad and the youngest 2 of my aunts and uncle stayed. My Grandma and the other 4 started life in Chicago south side doing any job they can living in a small apartment they were saving enough for the rest of the family to go cross the border well at least my aunts and uncles finish high school. So in around 1978 my parent finally were the last to cross and they did via boat.

  So life in America had a rough start since they had no money and getting a job in Chicago was hard to come by apparently and my dad could not show off his diploma since the entire he and illegal. Some people has screwed over my dad like night in the winter my mom was pregnant (with me gasp) and she and my dad both went driving in this 1970 Mustang that my dad had fixed and refurbished apparently it look nice, until that night some jerk was driving drunk hit my dad car while there was a stop sign in place so you figure that the guy driving drunk was at fault well my dad did not had an ounce of English and the other guy did and weasel his way out and made it seem like my dad was at fault so the insurance didn't came in and my dad was stuck paying the fines. So around the time I was born Oct 10, 1988 my parents had made enough money to buy residency papers. Realizing that they need more money my dad looks for a job finds out there is a turkey plant in West Liberty, IA.

  Life in West Liberty this town majority was white now mostly Hispanic because of the plant. Both my parents worked there at least trying to get by eventually moving up in the world. While the rest of my family was struggling my favorite aunt got knocked up and the cousin I am closest to was born her father left the time she was born in fact we have no clues where this asshole resides and was not paying child support I figure he live in Mexico, but sources tells us he left Mexico to live some place in Central America.  Since my aunt was to young to take care of her my grand mother decides to do it. After so many years my aunt meets another man who is sort of a unstable guy, but they took my cousin back with force. Ultimately, her step dad loved her till my cousin was born started abusing her my mom steps in after having a talk to my cousin she 5 during the time and she said that her step dad threatens with a knife. So my mom takes her away she lives with us for a while then we passed to her great aunt from her mother side since we could trust her she sort of became her second mother. Well anyways my aunt eventually divorces the man he later got some psychiatric help which has stable him a bit and just recently graduated at the University of Iowa as a nurse and funny thing is most of us are proud of him. Anyways my cousin who is like a sister to me has never had a father figure so my dad is the father figure for her and she is in college now.

My uncle from Muscatine IA had a messed up life join a gang as soon as he got to Chicago ( he was one the last ones to cross) he didn't pay much attention in school so my grandma sent him to us (You got to realize that my parents are like the negotiators of the family if a problem happens within the family ties we take care of it.) My mom made him drop out of school since he could not pay attention with his school work (he later regrets while he worked in the turkey plant). Well his struggle was with misinterpreted story with the police apparently the cops raided his home arrested him for a gang related beating which took place at a club at Muscatine his alibi was that he was at my lil brothers birthday party cops didn't believe him even when we stuck up for him say that the alibi was true. They said that he was associated with gang members of la mar de selva truchas (MS13) he just live a in a trailer court with a bunch of those cats. Well anyways he did 1 year of jail, but lives a good life as a factory worker with his nurse wife have a family of 4.

Back to my family around 2000 my dad quits the factory and after a couple of months being a trucker he finally gets his citizenship now he can use his Mexican diploma and he did now works for a truck and repair shop in West Liberty my mom also quits and sues Louis Rich after a permanent injury (her left shoulder now pops in each rotation after surgery) she right now works for another factory that deals less stress on the shoulder. Right now my family consist of me, my parents, my lil bro, my grandma, and my later divorce uncle. This story has kept me going to continue my education in a sense this is what I'm fighting for this is what motivates me. Right now this is my second year in college and things could not be better right now family pressure is on me and my cousin as we could be the first to graduate from college in our family.

I was wondering if anyone else has a story to fight for? Why they are motivated for moving on with life no matter what the struggles are? Do you look up to someone as a guide either someone you know or someone famous? Do you have a story is all I am asking.

Latino Link
less busy
+586|6877|Kubra, Damn it!

My story's pretty boring. Typical white, middle-class male in America. It's cool that you're working to better yourself despite the hardships your family has gone through. Good luck with your school and I hope you succeed!!!
+270|6586|Cedar Rapids, Iowa

chittydog wrote:

My story's pretty boring. Typical white, middle-class male in America. It's cool that you're working to better yourself despite the hardships your family has gone through. Good luck with your school and I hope you succeed!!!
Same, my life hasnt been as interesting. Your story was even more interesting sine i live in cedar rapids and i recognized all the towns (ive been to west liberty countless times). I usually would go there to visit my cousins.  So where are you going to college? iowa?
my grandpa came to this country with my wee dad with 200 dollars and a wife. And now he could buy whatever he wants for the rest of his life.

What happens in the middle is irrelevant, its just that he worked hard, didnt get lucky and worked like anyone else, saved his money, never complained and never quit. Anythings possible.
Go Ducks.
Thanks for sharing man, it's really amazing and inspiring to read. Also, I have a ton of respect for you posting it here, which can often not be the most friendly environment.
Already I'm voting sticky on this one, as when more people get the time to write the stories of their families, it will be quite an amazing thread.
be nice
+2,646|6495|The Twilight Zone
Respect man
God Save the Queen
+628|6385|tropical regions of london
My mom came to this country from the dominican republic when she was 12 years old and she owns her own business now. 

My father came here from nicaragua for political reasons.  I think he's an accountant now.

I have a cousin who was a practicing doctor in the dominican republic, when he first came to the states, he was a bus boy in virginia.
be nice
+2,646|6495|The Twilight Zone

God Save the Queen wrote:

My mom came to this country from the dominican republic when she was 12 years old and she owns her own business now. 

My father came here from nicaragua for political reasons.  I think he's an accountant now.

I have a cousin who was a practicing doctor in the dominican republic, when he first came to the states, he was a bus boy in virginia.
What do you do?
God Save the Queen
+628|6385|tropical regions of london
be nice
+2,646|6495|The Twilight Zone

God Save the Queen wrote:

It was an honest question. Nevermind, I'm not interested anymore.

Last edited by .Sup (2008-08-19 13:20:42)
God Save the Queen
+628|6385|tropical regions of london
less busy
+586|6877|Kubra, Damn it!

God Save the Queen wrote:

He meant outside of the forums.

Give me their names so I can pass them to ATG!!!! now!!

No seriously. Fair play to your family, they have came through allot with perseverance they got their slice of the shinny American dream. Your life will be much easier due to their struggle through life. You should thank them every day.
plop plop flop flop
+11|6698|west liberty IA

Madhadda1 wrote:

chittydog wrote:

My story's pretty boring. Typical white, middle-class male in America. It's cool that you're working to better yourself despite the hardships your family has gone through. Good luck with your school and I hope you succeed!!!
Same, my life hasnt been as interesting. Your story was even more interesting sine i live in cedar rapids and i recognized all the towns (ive been to west liberty countless times). I usually would go there to visit my cousins.  So where are you going to college? iowa?
was going to Iowa Wesleyan, but to expensive so I now go to Kirkwood just for this semester and then I'm going to that party college called University of Iowa.

   Btw whoever messaged me on xfire grow some balls and stay in the argument if you are gonna argue with me (yes i know he was trolling), but saying im a spick who leeches off other countries is wrong I'm a American citizen weather you like it or not, can't accept it go back to the country where your family is from.
God Save the Queen
+628|6385|tropical regions of london

chittydog wrote:

God Save the Queen wrote:

He meant outside of the forums.
in that case, I just do my thing.  Ya know b.  word is bond yo.
+5,233|6571|Global Command
Thanks for sharing LL.

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