I drew this about 8 years ago, when I was in high school. It's the only drawing I have scanned at the moment...
The dragon/dwarf was in a D&D rulebook...I changed it a little, but the rest is from imagination.
From an artistic standpoint, it could have more depth to the shading, and theres a few proportion issues (although the guy in the center is supposed to be human, the guy behind him an elf, and the guy in the dragon's mouth a dwarf, so that's not what I'm referring to...)
The full-sized scan lets you really zoom in...there were details present that I was trying to do, but they were literally so small that I couldn't really make them out even as I was attempting to draw them in - if that makes sense. I wasn't able to really see them 'til I zoomed in on the scan. The dragon wrapped around the central character's sword pommel is a good example.
I really felt I did a good job with shading the dragon scales and with the minute details like the chainmail armor and weapons' engravings, the appearance of the wood (especially the grain) and the landscape, while bland, was my first real attempt at putting a background into one of my pictures (I like the dragon's cave at the bottom left).
I really need to start drawing again...