Ok, well, im demanding in what i want via key binds. Basicly i want Mouse wheel up to (A) Switch to my sidearm, and (B) Zoom In. And i want Mouse wheel down to (A) Switch to my main gun, and (B) Zoom Out.  I have read though tweakguilds and they didint have a thing. I also tryed doing it manuany by adding these four lines to my controls.con file:

ControlMap.addAxisToTriggerMapping c_PIWeaponSelect2 -1 IDFMouse IDAxis_2 0
ControlMap.addAxisToTriggerMapping -1 c_PIWeaponSelect3 IDFMouse IDAxis_2 0


ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PINextItem IDFKeyboard -1 IDFMouse IDAxis_2 0
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping -1 c_PIPrevItem IDFKeyboard IDFMouse IDAxis_2 0

Only the top ones work when i test it out though.

So, any ideils on how to get this to work (without pissing off PB)?