I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7151|Cologne, Germany

if you paint something on somebody else's property without their permission, it's vandalism, regardless of wether it could be considered art or not.

But the punishment should fit the crime. Obviously, every country has its own definition on appropriateness, but I think the death penalty is too much...

jail ? I don't know. I guess it would depend on the kind of damage caused. 1 million GBP is a lot though. I am not sure if community & cleanup service is a sufficient enough punishment for that kind of damage. Let's say, for example, I destroyed 50 cars, each worth 20,000 GPB.
I am pretty sure I'd go to jail for that, too...

Also, I'd agree that there is a difference between tagging, and graffiti. Writing my "name"on a trashcan ain't art. A sophisticated graffiti, however, could be.  But that is never a justification for damaging other people's property. Real artists either ask for permission or paint on their own stuff.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7151|Cologne, Germany

usmarine wrote:

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

Granted, I don't own the place where I live, but if I did, I would be happy for someone to brighten it up with some art.
bollocks.  sheer bollocks.  now i truly know that you are full of crap.
to be honest, the apartment complex I live in could use a paint job. It's red brick on the outside, and looks like shit. 
+3,611|6931|London, England
It's only a matter of time before you'll be having "LOL WUT" on the walls of places

That's the van our band uses on the left and our friend's on the right.
Grow up, or die

ATG wrote:

God Save the Queen wrote:

ATG wrote:

So, today I flew into Erie, PA.
stay there
They have internets here too tard.
Seriously ATG, would you mind telling us your age??
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

xBlackPantherx wrote:

ATG wrote:

God Save the Queen wrote:

stay there
They have internets here too tard.
Seriously ATG, would you mind telling us your age??
late 30's
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+5,233|6839|Global Command

xBlackPantherx wrote:

ATG wrote:

God Save the Queen wrote:

stay there
They have internets here too tard.
Seriously ATG, would you mind telling us your age??
There is also a dedicated birthday thread.

Okay, so I'm a racist, according to gunslinger, because I see illegal aliens as far greater threat than Islamic terrorist.

In fact, I'd say that at this juncture every American live lost in Iraq is a mountainous tragety because I believe in my heart that this war does not serve the nations best interest.

If I was into cheap shots and name calling, I'd say your buddies lives were wasted GS and you are a blind dipshit for not seeing illegal aliens from Mexico and points South for what they are.

As for xBlackPantherx; I don't recall directing remarks at you in this or any other thread. I could be wrong.
You a free to post what you like and I am free to not regard it as anything of note worth addressing. Save your questions, my life has been an open book here and I don't care to bring you up to speed.

So, the sentiment seems to be that I devalued the thread topic by bringing in the illegal alien factor.
wtf ever. I live 90 miles from the border. I know this issue like no other on these forums. Your collective point is what? That the tagging is being done by a balanced multi cultural salad, or that illegal aliens are not mostly from Mexico and South America in terms of both sheer weight of numbers and the blood sucking of our economy that they do?

Again, whatever. Be dumb. What would be different about that?

If you don't care, don't post. If you disagree, take your best shot. Convince me.

GS, you go ahead and get your panties in a wad because you are hispanic. I didn't address your pm's because your pov is all emotion and no logic.

B.Schuss wrote:

usmarine wrote:

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

Granted, I don't own the place where I live, but if I did, I would be happy for someone to brighten it up with some art.
bollocks.  sheer bollocks.  now i truly know that you are full of crap.
to be honest, the apartment complex I live in could use a paint job. It's red brick on the outside, and looks like shit. 

but srsly, not all tagging is art.  you guys are posting pics of art.  in LA, most of it is gang symbols marking drug selling territory.
God Save the Queen
+628|6653|tropical regions of london

ATG wrote:

xBlackPantherx wrote:

ATG wrote:

They have internets here too tard.
Seriously ATG, would you mind telling us your age??
There is also a dedicated birthday thread.

Okay, so I'm a racist, according to gunslinger, because I see illegal aliens
no.  youre a racist for equating hispanics with being illegal immigrants.  I dont care what you stance on immigration is.  I dont like illegal immigration either.  But, youve shown your self time and time again your belief that all hispanics are illegal and leech off of society.  From asking a high schooler "how many illegals are at his school" (as if there was a way to determine a person's citizenship status) to calling my mother an illegal immigrant.  You know very well I never told you that.  especially after your "elequent" PM.  If you dont understand that my beef with you has nothing at all to do with illegals and everything to do with your fucked up view on the hispanic population, then you are denser than the fucking tree the illegals just cut down in my back yard last week.  fuck illegals.  fuck piece of shit wannabe internet survivalists.  fuck back assward mormons that forget the very history of the relationship with their faith and the United States government and then go right ahead and criticize another group of americans.

you know how much an asshole you look like everytime you mention something about my fallen comrades whenever you "debate" me?

Last edited by God Save the Queen (2008-08-04 20:24:59)

+5,233|6839|Global Command
You stop what you are doing which is calling me a racist because you don't seem to believe in our national identity.

I need you to point out that ' not all illegal aliens are hispanic ' about you like to read what I wrote.

You take cheap ass shots.
You cry foul when the favor is returned with bigger words. You call names like a school child.

Get over yourself.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Motherfuckers what ever happened to expressing yourself on paper. I agree.
+5,233|6839|Global Command

God Save the Queen wrote:

the fact that I have to share a state with you makes me sick. 

hope the plane doesnt crash.

I have watched your style devolve from thoughtful posting to short, often boisterous nonsense and name calling.

Remember, there will be other people with children on the planes I take to get home.

I often do what I do here to be provocative and get a raise out of people. I sometimes argue different points, granted. The reason is because I have a complex worldview, and by getting into the thinking of both sides of given issue, my own feelings clarify.

The fact remains; there is hardly a bigger issue in America than illegal aliens. The vast number of which come from the South. Whether or not Iraq  was worth it will be settled in decades to come because meanwhile we have more urgent pressing issues here and only a fool would argue that the war in Iraq has done anything but lead to chaos and the increase of Iran's weight.

I guess the military will fix that pretty soon.

Fuck Iran, let them have nukes, I don't care anymore. If they want to commit suicide, let them.

The war in Iraq has so far been a waste of time, resources and materials. And your buddies, may they rest in peace.

All those patriotic threads and posts, GS, do you think it was all a ruse to be popular with the neocons on a fucking forum full of kids?

All the ideals I expressed when we used to game together remain. What changed is not me, it's politics and the exploitation of paranoia and fear after 9-11. What's changed is the economy.

You haven't made an effort over a paragraph to convince me of anything.

You deleted the thread with all those beautiful people in Iraq, and I fucking get it. It's the guy next to you.

I, however am a father first and an American second.

What effects America effects my kids.

The border issue is the biggest threat to my childrens way of life. Not Haji.

You frankly post poorly detailed positions encased in vitriolic slander and name calling.
I'm responding to you at all because of our history and the fact that I sympathize with your history and sentiments.

You are the one that turned this discussion about tagging into a fight over illegal aliens. You get riled up. You look foolish by stating the obvious in your pm's.

You being Hispanic blinds you. That's your problem, not mine. Your charges of racism stem from your own sir.

You get angry because you know there is truth in what I say. The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.

You hate what I say because you know it's the truth.

Oh yeah, taggers should be shot.

Why is it that we are supposed to take your name calling and childish insults not so seriously, yet everything I post is taken literally?

Don't you see that in itself is wildly entertaining?

Last edited by ATG (2008-08-04 21:54:28)


thats weak ATG
+5,233|6839|Global Command

usmarine wrote:

thats weak ATG
read it again. I clarified.


Closed at the request of the OP.
I need around tree fiddy.

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