
stryyker wrote:

for the love of god tell me your are joking..
if not, mabye you should attend your history classes
I knew that Wake was real, i knew it was used in WWII and that the Americans obviously fought over it. But I dont not know the significance or the outcomes, until i go look it up myself that is.

We did study 20th century History, with a main focus on US history... WWI, WWII, Civil rights, Vietnam etc.

Yet as it my seem completley shocking to you Americans is we do not learn about evey battle that your army encountered during that time, the relevance is non exsistent, nor important to our own national identity.

The same if I asked you and our international friends about the "Kokada Trail".
+50|6848|Southern California

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

stryyker wrote:

for the love of god tell me your are joking..
if not, mabye you should attend your history classes
I knew that Wake was real, i knew it was used in WWII and that the Americans obviously fought over it. But I dont not know the significance or the outcomes, until i go look it up myself that is.

We did study 20th century History, with a main focus on US history... WWI, WWII, Civil rights, Vietnam etc.

Yet as it my seem completley shocking to you Americans is we do not learn about evey battle that your army encountered during that time, the relevance is non exsistent, nor important to our own national identity.

The same if I asked you and our international friends about the "Kokada Trail".
fucking exactly.

have you been paying attention to how desperately these guys have been trying to justify putting the original poster down, regardless of their reasoning and claims being repeatedly abolished?

sssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo sad.
PKM Whore
+16|6788|Prolly on wake.
"there's no more reason for a person living in Sydney Australia to be aware of this minimal event in United States/Japanese military history any more than there's a reason for me to know about anything that the Australians did.  It strikes of ethnocentricity to be offended by and demean somebody who's neither Japanese or a United States citizen who just learned of this.  It strikes of ethnocentricity to be offended by and demean somebody who's neither Japanese or a United States citizen who just learned of this.?"

Forgive me, but are you going to sit here and say this ISNT you spinning your argument to make it sound like anyone who has a problem with the OP not knowing wake is real was only doing so out of foolish pride for the Us??? because it sure sounds like thats exactly what you are lets break it down some more shall we?

"there's no more reason for a person living in Sydney Australia to be aware of this minimal event in United States/Japanese military history any more than there's a reason for me to know about anything that the Australians did."

what exactly does this have to do with my contention that no self respecting BF2 player shouldnt know the maps are real??

" It strikes of ethnocentricity to be offended by and demean somebody who's neither Japanese or a United States citizen who just learned of this."

are you really sure this ISNT you saying that were all just being too proud americans here??? I mean are you sure?

your right, yoiur not spinning it...not in the least.
+50|6848|Southern California
Chester you're a fool dude. It's clear from the log what happened here, and it's clear from the series failed posts on your part that you're only recourse at this point is to nit-pick.

I must have really pissed you off when I pointed out how ignorant your posts were and destroyed the arguments about the "importance" of wake with a superior understanding of the battle.

I wonder if you're waiting for somebody else to make a poor argument about how important wake is so you can post that they "owned" me, and then when it's clear that they haven't just try and claim that arguing with such noble folk is "america hatin"

americans have an absurdly ignorant understanding of history (even our own). that's just a fact, jack.
PKM Whore
+16|6788|Prolly on wake.

ComradeWho wrote:

Chester you're a fool dude. It's clear from the log what happened here, and it's clear from the series failed posts on your part that you're only recourse at this point is to nit-pick.

I must have really pissed you off when I pointed out how ignorant your posts were and destroyed the arguments about the "importance" of wake with a superior understanding of the battle.

I wonder if you're waiting for somebody else to make a poor argument about how important wake is so you can post that they "owned" me, and then when it's clear that they haven't just try and claim that arguing with such noble folk is "america hatin"

americans have an absurdly ignorant understanding of history (even our own). that's just a fact, jack.
the thing about this that is the most sad is :YOUR DUMB ASS STILL THINKS I BASED ANYTHING I EVER SAID ON U.S HISTORY!!!!

Stop being such an arrogant tool for 5 seconds and actually read what I have said...let it soak in a bit...ans then if you have the sack you can come back and say your sorry.

and if breaking down each comment you have made, then showing it to be utter crap is "nit-picking" than I guess Im a nit picker.

you've done nothing but tell everyone they have missed the point when in reality you are the one who hasnt got a clue.   

I feel sorry for you. your life must be very sad.
+0|6946|Atlanta, Ga

SierraKilo9 wrote:

Someone posted the other day claiming none of the BF2 maps were real. Well check this out; … os/wq.html

Weather at Wake Island tomorrow with be partly cloudy with a top of 80 degs F ...... awesome!
You make me want to cry.

Last edited by DarkStar (2006-03-03 22:20:37)


ComradeWho wrote:

I2elik wrote:

Congratulations! You have been promoted to smacktard status.

Yes. it is a real map, it's obvious, it was in BF1942, so it HAD to be real, like all the other maps that came with it, whoever said Wake Island wasn't real should be hogtied in a basement in Siberia and left there.
there's no more reason for a person living in Sydney Australia to be aware of this minimal event in United States/Japanese military history any more than there's a reason for me to know about anything that the Australians did.  It strikes of ethnocentricity to be offended by and demean somebody who's neither Japanese or a United States citizen who just learned of this. There's no reason for the battle of Wake to be taught outside of a US History or History of WW2 course - why would it be in standard Australian textbooks?
thats complete bullshit.  go read a book.
+50|6848|Southern California

Terrible_chester wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

Chester you're a fool dude. It's clear from the log what happened here, and it's clear from the series failed posts on your part that you're only recourse at this point is to nit-pick.

I must have really pissed you off when I pointed out how ignorant your posts were and destroyed the arguments about the "importance" of wake with a superior understanding of the battle.

I wonder if you're waiting for somebody else to make a poor argument about how important wake is so you can post that they "owned" me, and then when it's clear that they haven't just try and claim that arguing with such noble folk is "america hatin"

americans have an absurdly ignorant understanding of history (even our own). that's just a fact, jack.
the thing about this that is the most sad is :YOUR DUMB ASS STILL THINKS I BASED ANYTHING I EVER SAID ON U.S HISTORY!!!!

Stop being such an arrogant tool for 5 seconds and actually read what I have said...let it soak in a bit...ans then if you have the sack you can come back and say your sorry.

and if breaking down each comment you have made, then showing it to be utter crap is "nit-picking" than I guess Im a nit picker.

you've done nothing but tell everyone they have missed the point when in reality you are the one who hasnt got a clue.   

I feel sorry for you. your life must be very sad.
chester i haven't responded to your having brought the argument so far off track because it's almost an insult to my intelligence to even acknowledge your line of argument.

my first posts were totally appropriate to the people i was replying to. when the guy (who was not you by the way) said "you're joking right" i made sure to bash him both for ethnocentricity and for being a snob about understanding the game since there's no way of knowing. you actually are so desperate to feel like you're winning that you went to one of the posts i made to another person and pretended that i was responding to your post where you said "joking right?" or whatever it is you said.

when you said "he's joking right" or whatever I didn't even bother to respond to that. I have no idea why you're even picking the argument up. it's pathetic. the only times I responded to you is when you said i was "owned" and when you made that ridiculous post about "america haters." This is why I've been saying the "history is in the posts." All you have to do is read it. if Relic has a problem with my post then relic can post about it. your posts have without exception been stupid and irrelevant, your inability to acknowledge that is symbollic of your style of arguing. that's why it's not much of a shock to see you demanding an apology from me.
+50|6848|Southern California

Dilbert2468 wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

I2elik wrote:

Congratulations! You have been promoted to smacktard status.

Yes. it is a real map, it's obvious, it was in BF1942, so it HAD to be real, like all the other maps that came with it, whoever said Wake Island wasn't real should be hogtied in a basement in Siberia and left there.
there's no more reason for a person living in Sydney Australia to be aware of this minimal event in United States/Japanese military history any more than there's a reason for me to know about anything that the Australians did.  It strikes of ethnocentricity to be offended by and demean somebody who's neither Japanese or a United States citizen who just learned of this. There's no reason for the battle of Wake to be taught outside of a US History or History of WW2 course - why would it be in standard Australian textbooks?
thats complete bullshit.  go read a book.
oh ok well if you think wake was important, than just read through this thread where people tried to make an argument to me that it was important and my superior understanding of the war silenced them. or, if you want, you can try to make a claim of the importance of wake and i'll silence you directly.
no im talking about Australia here. go read some Australian history about world war 2 in the pacific you might be enlightened
+50|6848|Southern California

Dilbert2468 wrote:

no im talking about Australia here. go read some Australian history about world war 2 in the pacific you might be enlightened
i don't think you read my post that you are citing correctly

i'm the guy saying that wake is not important to australia's history and barely important to america's and that putting the original poster down for not knowing about wake is stupid since australia has it's own colored history to teach about.

Terrible_chester wrote:

you little bitches and your anti-american bullshit make me sick. Especially those of you who are american. pussy fucktards.

the whole point of this is that you would -think- in a fucking war game forum that it would be common knowledge that all the maps in this war game are based around real places...that was part of the appeal of it for me. but all you bitch made america haters want to make it about americans thinking there parts in WW2 are the most important (never mind that they WERE the most important you fucks) when that isnt even what its about.
Wanna fight?
PKM Whore
+16|6788|Prolly on wake.

SierraKilo9 wrote:

Terrible_chester wrote:

you little bitches and your anti-american bullshit make me sick. Especially those of you who are american. pussy fucktards.

the whole point of this is that you would -think- in a fucking war game forum that it would be common knowledge that all the maps in this war game are based around real places...that was part of the appeal of it for me. but all you bitch made america haters want to make it about americans thinking there parts in WW2 are the most important (never mind that they WERE the most important you fucks) when that isnt even what its about.
Wanna fight?
sure, why not.
was his name-o
+0|6857|SE Pennsylvania
Most of these maps are based on real places.....

I'm with everyone else.  I thought Americans were ignorant...this is pretty groundbreaking.  Poor guy.
PKM Whore
+16|6788|Prolly on wake.

ComradeWho wrote:

Terrible_chester wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

Chester you're a fool dude. It's clear from the log what happened here, and it's clear from the series failed posts on your part that you're only recourse at this point is to nit-pick.

I must have really pissed you off when I pointed out how ignorant your posts were and destroyed the arguments about the "importance" of wake with a superior understanding of the battle.

I wonder if you're waiting for somebody else to make a poor argument about how important wake is so you can post that they "owned" me, and then when it's clear that they haven't just try and claim that arguing with such noble folk is "america hatin"

americans have an absurdly ignorant understanding of history (even our own). that's just a fact, jack.
the thing about this that is the most sad is :YOUR DUMB ASS STILL THINKS I BASED ANYTHING I EVER SAID ON U.S HISTORY!!!!

Stop being such an arrogant tool for 5 seconds and actually read what I have said...let it soak in a bit...ans then if you have the sack you can come back and say your sorry.

and if breaking down each comment you have made, then showing it to be utter crap is "nit-picking" than I guess Im a nit picker.

you've done nothing but tell everyone they have missed the point when in reality you are the one who hasnt got a clue.   

I feel sorry for you. your life must be very sad.
chester i haven't responded to your having brought the argument so far off track because it's almost an insult to my intelligence to even acknowledge your line of argument.

my first posts were totally appropriate to the people i was replying to. when the guy (who was not you by the way) said "you're joking right" i made sure to bash him both for ethnocentricity and for being a snob about understanding the game since there's no way of knowing. you actually are so desperate to feel like you're winning that you went to one of the posts i made to another person and pretended that i was responding to your post where you said "joking right?" or whatever it is you said.

when you said "he's joking right" or whatever I didn't even bother to respond to that. I have no idea why you're even picking the argument up. it's pathetic. the only times I responded to you is when you said i was "owned" and when you made that ridiculous post about "america haters." This is why I've been saying the "history is in the posts." All you have to do is read it. if Relic has a problem with my post then relic can post about it. your posts have without exception been stupid and irrelevant, your inability to acknowledge that is symbollic of your style of arguing. that's why it's not much of a shock to see you demanding an apology from me.
I never demanded an apology from you I hoped you would see that you have been an anti american asshat that has attacked everyone for being a too proud american rather than actually speeking to what they were really saying, I see now you never will so whatever.

I've quoted your first post (the one in which you first began attacking americans, and wrongly might I add) several times now, hell I even broke it down for you in terms a chimp could understand chimp-1 you-0.

Your first post was the one I have been calling you out for since the start, you then turned that same argument on me claiming I was a too proud american. I am questioning why it is you can only play the anti american card?

you are calling me a snob in one post, then boasting of your superior knowldge in another...but Im a snob?

you said you werent spinning anything, so I showed you a direct quote in which you were spinning and you still didnt get it.

Im sure somewhere there are people who buy your bullshit, but I wont.
Just my 2 cents... First of all, if american lives were lost to help keep Australia free from ANY foe, then its important...If its not that important to any other country that has benefited from our kids and fathers being killed for their freedom, then fuck-em! I am sick and tired of having the U.S.A. send their kids and fathers to die for these ungreatful fucks...It may be that Wake was not important to you, but then again if Wake didn't happen, you ungreatful asses in other countries (example: Australia) might be speaking Japanese right now and have operations on your faces to get slant eyes.

Now let the flaming begin, I don't give a damn! You ungreatful asses don't like it, then go the fuck back to your country.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6855|Little Rock, Arkansas
To be fair, I'm pretty sure it was I that he was calling a snob.
PKM Whore
+16|6788|Prolly on wake.

blisteringsilence wrote:

To be fair, I'm pretty sure it was I that he was calling a snob.
probably was, I'm a little tired. But it doesnt change the fact he's an arogant prick. also doesnt change the fact that he has been way too quick to play the "screw you americans" card.
I'm a 15 year old American, and I didn't know Wake is a real place either. I don't really understand why it is imperative that all Americans know about it anyway. ( don't hit me )

Last edited by sharpchedda (2006-03-03 23:22:43)

I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6855|Little Rock, Arkansas

Terrible_chester wrote:

blisteringsilence wrote:

To be fair, I'm pretty sure it was I that he was calling a snob.
probably was, I'm a little tired. But it doesnt change the fact he's an arogant prick. also doesnt change the fact that he has been way too quick to play the "screw you americans" card.
Agreed. Lets go have a pint. I'm buying.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6855|Little Rock, Arkansas

sharpchedda wrote:

I'm a 15 year old American, and I didn't know Wake is a real place either. I don't really understand why it is imperative that all Americans know about it anyway.
OK, so for next week, the first hour of every day that you would be playing BF2, you're going to read a book. A History book. There's this place called a library, its full of books. You'll go there and find a few about History. Read them. Then, instead of asking why it's imperative for Americans to know what Wake Island is, you'll already know. That makes you educated, and means that you won't be poor and steal my shit. I like that.
Don't touch the pom-pom!
Anyone who's saying that we should attend History lessons if we don't know about Wake Island should think about all the different nationalities on this board. Now, I know American schools pretty much only teach American history, which is why you know so much about your part in WWII. But, for example, British schools, teach English , French (Revolution) and any other dates of importance. I believe we also do the Cold War, and maybe something American.

Can anyone here tell me the leader of the Parliamentarian soldiers in the English Civil War? Or King Louis XVI's wife's name?

ComradeWho wrote:

blisteringsilence wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

[Dude I've got six words for you: Your post about wake was wrong.
You can try to rebound from that all you want, you can focus on the most miniscule part of my post and turn it into a lengthy essay while ignoring the entire point of my post, but at the end of the day you challenged my claim and your challenge failed. there's still no reason for some kid in australia to know or even care about wake island.
And you ignored my response. You're committing the very sin for which you chastised Terrible_Chester. If the OP, who is from Australia, had been properly educated in history, then he would have know about Wake Island. World History is just that, the history of the world. Often it is taught with a patriotic or apologetic bent, but it should be learned nonetheless. The battle of Wake Island was important, not for military or stragetic reasons, but for morale. If you had been better educated you would know more about the Australian's contributions to the world, especially with regards to their military. I used a number of examples as to other incidents that were *relatively* unimportant militarily, but are still important. Ask a British subject about Dunkirk, or a German about Dresden.

So, in light of the fact that I'm a nice guy, I'm going to repost the argument again, and you can have another go. Its the text in italics.

I'll accept your postulation that Wake's only significance was that it was indeed the first land battle the US was involved in. However, this doesn't make it any less important. For hundreds of years, countries have used the propaganda surrounding an intial defeat to rally their citizens to battle (lets go with the alamo, the Maine, and say, the Yalu river).
you would never learn about Wake Island in a world history course taught outside of the US. Wake island is not even important to our general history. listen dude, everything was important for morale. you're still over-inflating the importance of Wake. In your first post you tried to link it to island hopping and the survival of Australia. ERRRNT! wrong. Now you're trying to say "well since it was important for morale in the US it's therefor important to the entire war and everybody's understanding of it everywhere!" It's as important as any other victory or defeat from any country. Stow it already. I can't believe you are trying to say that this would be important in a classroom in Australia. And you are actually saying it should be taught in a world history course in australia. Yeah, I can just imagine the curriculum - "prehistory, establishment of first civilization in the middle east and the birth of science, birth of reason and western culture in greece and the fall of athens, roman dominance, chinese flourishing, christianity's rise and the dark ages, the rebirth, the creation of the modern nation-state, (they'd probably be arrogant and throw the founding of their country in there) merchantilism and the industrial revolution, capitalism, the world wars + the battle of wake, the crisis of establishing international law when countries are lined in opposition with each other based on the nature of a nation-state." Dude get a grip - there's no reason for an australian to know or care about wake, and very little reason for any american to. you know what a person ought to know about the second world war? what lead to it and the way it has effected the world since. If you want to know more than you find out. It's not his fault our country's "history" focus is on things that are in the final analysis - quite trivial. By the way I am not guilty of ad hominem since I have provided reasons for my claims.
1. I actually did study modern world history and no I didn't fail. Dead right though, the battle for Wake island did not figure one bit. As you can imagine there are quite a few syllabus options with just a few years to cover them. Some were more intensly explored than others. Cest la vie.
2. My original posting was to correct a post I read yesterday (sadly due to login issues I could not respond at the time and was unable to find this persons post) which said no BF2 maps are actual places. My post was a bit of light retort nothing more, no subversive anti yank sentiment etc etc For fucks sake I even included the Wake Island weather for tomorrow, who could possibly care about that except the islanders?
3. Did I play BF WW2 or Vietnam? No. Wouldn't know a thing about them except that they were the precursors to BF2, why should I? BF2 by all accounts is far superior. Should I make it my business to discover every nuance associated with the game? Yeah, if I was a no-mates pedant, sure why the hell not! But I have better things to do with my free time (what little I have).

Why don't you tell me all about the Kokoda trail Chester? Yeah, I'd really like to hear what you've got there.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6855|Little Rock, Arkansas
Lets see... the popular leader during the English civil war was Devereux, right? Maybe Cromwell, I can't remember. One was the general and the other the politician. And come on, "Let them eat cake" Marie? You should have picked a more obscure king.
+18|6800|Baton Rouge, LA, USA

SierraKilo9 wrote:

Someone posted the other day claiming none of the BF2 maps were real. Well check this out; … os/wq.html

Weather at Wake Island tomorrow with be partly cloudy with a top of 80 degs F ...... awesome!

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