Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7072|Toronto, ON
After getting tired of hearing about people complaining about armor superiority, I've decided to write a nice guide on how to get Kill Per Round's that will beat most armor users (Mine is almost at 12... as infantry... as sniper... which is in my eyes... godlike).

Here is the no-bullshit guide to being a top Kills Per Round sniper infantry:

1) Move alot.  A moving target is a living target, more than 99% of people on these forums can't aim for their life, so thats good news.

2) Do NOT listen to people about the "hold your breath before you shoot".  These people tend to be very picky about how to play a sniper and they still get their ass handed to them when I track them down through bf2tracker and face them.

3) SHOOT at choppers if you use an M95.  Doesn't matter if you can't hit the pilot, 1 M95 shot will take off 1.5 bars of a choppers life (0.75 of a transport chopper).  Hell, you may pull a lucky and actually hit the pilot.

4) Don't listen to people about good sniping positions.  The best sniping positions are IN the battlefield contrary to what most of the kids here believe.  Want to know why?

CommanderJoe: Enemy Sniper Spotted.
Joe2 [Knife] You

5) Please for the love of God... Go capture flags.  I've captured more flags here than most people... AS A SNIPER.  Don't listen to the kids here about "snipers should not cap flags, they should stay behind and snipe", these people are generally 1st sergeants that will stop playing in a week.  Here's my advice:  When you go to capture a flag, place your claymores down around you.  Trust me, it helps.

6) No one using the jet?  Well, don't put it to waste.  Do what I do... Fly around and kill some baddies, when you think you are about to die, parachute down to an enemy base and camp a chopper with your M95.  Also, when deploying your parachute, don't be an idiot and deploy it in mid-air... As soon as you are about the hit the ground, deploy.  The last thing you want is a football stampede of these forum kids rushing to where your paratrooping down.

7) Out of ammo/claymores?  Grab that supply kit of the dead PKM kid and throw some ammo bags around, then switch back.

8) Low on HP? Grab that medic kit of the dead medic and throw some first aid around.

9) Take advantage of the new bunny hopping technique.  I won't post the details here but you can search for it.

10) Don't listen to all these people about "suppress enemy with fire".  Thats just idiotic bull.  I've hopped out of more of these so-called "suppressing fire" from PKM users than Ron Jeremy has gotten laid.  All these people want to do is just make the game sound more serious than it really is... Come on kids... "suppressing fire?" give me break

Wait for part 2 of the no-bullshit guide.
Alpha as fuck.
I don't think that this guide is a good idea.
Usually you will die IN the battlefield...no heck of  a chance...every enemy contact should be your end.
The best position for a sniper is still frontier to enemy or even a bit behind. My best results  as sniper are very easy to explain: Claymores behind you, proning on a nice hidden spot and taking only the 99%-shots on head!
If you miss the  head and you see that the enemy reacts to your direction, give him finishing shot and change position...

Maybe It's a new thing for you, but:

Snipers are not for highscoring...they've never been, they aren't and they'll never be top of the list (except you play with or against noobs). Snipers are for securing many flag points at a time and especially for spotting incoming stuff.
First off, this guide is shit. Second, why the fuck is a sniper going to bother going all out and trying to waste his ammo on a chopper (Not the guy inside)

A sniper doesn't fly...ANY kit can do that, why post it here?

The PKM and Medic garbage? Most people know how to do that. This guide doesn't really relate that many things to sniping. Sniping possitions can get you kill after kill after kill, no need to move. Sit down there and get some headshots.

And come on..telling others to bunnyhop? You suck. So much. This guide is pure SHIT.
guys, our 2nd BF2 player, TAfirestorm has played most as a sniper.
good guide
...from the internet
i will have to agree, that is not a sniper guide its more common sense. 12 kills = godlike? erm i know i kill more than that. the ammo and health goes without saying.

Nyte wrote:

3) SHOOT at choppers if you use an M95.  Doesn't matter if you can't hit the pilot, 1 M95 shot will take off 1.5 bars of a choppers life (0.75 of a transport chopper).  Hell, you may pull a lucky and actually hit the pilot.

4) Don't listen to people about good sniping positions.  The best sniping positions are IN the battlefield contrary to what most of the kids here believe.  Want to know why?

CommanderJoe: Enemy Sniper Spotted.
Joe2 [Knife] You
I completely disagree with #3. Why waste the ammo and possibly give away your position to any nearby enemy infantry to barely damage a chopper? It's just not worth it. 

I do however agree with #4. Much easier to get kills when the enemy commander doesn't spot a lonely dot up in the hills sitting still.

Pretty much I think everything else is common sense stuff, but hey, it might help some. I wouldn't go as far as to call it "Shit" like the others.
prince of insufficient light
Excellent guide, I use many of these techniques myself as a sniper, and find they work amazingly. The only thing is now I need to get used to clamoring flags now that I won't be punished for my teammates idiocracy.
Sorry dude, but this is a bad guide.

As a sniper your job is not to get as many points as possible and run around. Your job is one of disruption to the enemy and a spotter.

If you can get the enemy trying to avoid your fire or looking for you and distracting them for your team who will soon kill them.

I'll give you an example, today I was a sniper on (as USMC) wake 2007.. i'd parked myself on the beach to the NW of the NW base looking toward the NE base. I sat prone at just the edge of the soldier draw distance and acted as a spotter for enemy troops and snipers, I never got spotted once..  because a person typically thinks ah, enemy snipers will be trying to hide in that grass or somesuch (which is 99% of the time true). I got a good number of kills and kill assists and my team capture the NE flag as well as the NW flag.

Later on the Chinese side captured the NW flag, I then proceeded to move into the grass to the west of that flag and acted as a spotter for my team and killed whatever clean shots I got. We proceeded to capture all flags.

Moral of this story is, you run around as a sniper then you may as well not be a sniper. Infact, PLEASE run around as a sniper. It makes you an easy target for me.
You have a camouflaged suit for a reason.

At the end of that round I walked away with the silver star (bloody commander git got gold), about 100 points, 36 kills and 2 deaths. (the deaths were from the enemy commander dropping artillery on me, you know you're good when you're singled out for artillery)

On the other stuff, you only move when you're sure no one is around and the battle has moved to another part of the map, when you hear bullets whizzing by or when you see a pattern of troops moving in your direction. (by use of UAV)

You only shoot at choppers with the M95 when they're smoking and you're sure no enemy troops are nearby. You're just giving away your position otherwise.

Last edited by EvilMonkeySlayer (2006-03-03 14:42:43)

$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Great guide... definatelly the way to get top points... pretty much what I do.

People reading this don't seem to realize that this is the guide to get top kills per round. This isn't "Best way to help your team" or "Best way to give sniper support". Stop arguing against it with pointless arguments.

As for the shoot the chopper idea... dude, I have gotten numerous choppers to leave the area just because I am shooting at them. If you hit the canopy you do max damage and after 3-5 hits they will be forced to move away or risk getting too damaged for the trip home.

Last edited by GotMex? (2006-03-03 15:44:16)

A better guide is play 24/7 karkand and throw claymores around like candy...

I got a gold star+80 points

Last edited by FromTheAshes (2006-03-03 15:52:43)

I cnat slpel!!!

Nyte wrote:

4) Don't listen to people about good sniping positions.  The best sniping positions are IN the battlefield contrary to what most of the kids here believe.

Zar_Niko wrote:

My best results  as sniper are very easy to explain: Claymores behind you, proning on a nice hidden spot and taking only the 99%-shots on head!
That's rather difficult when the enemy commander has three different way of finding you... And as for claymores behind you - that's well and good until you get shot in the face and want to get back to your hiding-spot

EvilMonkeySlayer wrote:

You have a camouflaged suit for a reason.
Apparently you also have a giant set of red neon-letters hovering above your head for no other apparent reason than to give your position away...

It was a nice set of guidelines, although you seem to have much more you want to share
The only thing I'd like to contribute is that sniping isn't something you automatically get good at - it's training, and 90% of the time it's knowing when to move, where to move, and how to move... Running forward a few steps and then take a sidestep will drastically improve your survivabillity against enemy snipers. And covering a strategic position from behind a bush/tree isn't exactly the optimal solution..
As a sniper, I am constantly finding new positions where i can look into the battlefield while being away from everyone at the same time. The first thing I do is a quick check for any enemy snipers. Also, I am always listening for enemy sniper fire, because as a sniper I feel that I have to be the one taking them out. and make sure you fire the first shot and i always happen to get it out first and for those who think its impossible to make gold medals with sniper class, i have done it more than once.

Last edited by GeneralDodo (2006-03-03 16:11:50)

TaNk WhOrE
+1|6956|Charlotte N.C.

capt.flam wrote:

guys, our 2nd BF2 player, TAfirestorm has played most as a sniper.
good guide
yes but he also stays OUT of the battle field and is a hell of a good commander, try playing with him sometime, hes pretty good and i think this is a pretty good guide, alot of it is common sense tho...

Last edited by masterderman (2006-03-03 16:16:25)

IF u want to get alot of points playing sniper play ghostown, i've gone 30/1 so many times.
that guide was all common sense.
Commander's often wont spot you, if they do... use your ears and pick off people before they get close to you. How people get knifed I dont know. Maybe I just have better ears.

IN the battlefield? Lol whatever mate. Heres the real best spot... A place where you are not silhouetted by the skyline, 99% of the time people will sit on top of the hill where you can see them. Bushes behind you will help a lot. Aim to be in a place where you can see the enemy just in the fog... extreme range. Aim high and ALWAYS go for the head shot one shot kills. If you keep doing it you'll learn the angles.

Shooting at choppers is a good idea... But only if they are damaged/smoking. Anything else is pointless unless you have an easy shot on the pilot.

The rest of what you said is obvious.

Plus your sniper stats arnt that great so why are you giving a guide?
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6960|Your moms bedroom

capt.flam wrote:

guys, our 2nd BF2 player, TAfirestorm has played most as a sniper.
good guide
He commands while his is a sniper kit.....dont be misled

Nyte wrote:

(Mine is almost at 12... as infantry... as sniper... which is in my eyes... godlike).

more than 99% of people on these forums can't aim for their life

they still get their ass handed to them when I track them down through bf2tracker and face them.
nyte sure is a cocky mofo for a low ratio / below average sniper...
Good guide. When you say 12 kpr, yea its ...ok.... but still better than average Joe Sniper. the most important thing about sniping is moving. NOT when infantry is rushing around, but when youve made your position known.

yea the ghillie suit works great, but and farther ranges graphics cards dont pick out the bushes, they just pick out you!, leaving you open. Secondly, as previously mentioned, that red tag really does give your position away.

you would also be surprised at just how many people dont know how to switch kits. It is especially annyoing when you die from falling, etc. and you're a medic, but that dam noob standing right next to you wont switch kits and revive... arrgggh!!!!

7 outta 10 on the guie...good work
Firestorm has a 1.89 ratio on the sniper rifle, thats a really good ratio in Bf2. hes a good sniper by the looks of it.

chitlin wrote:

Nyte wrote:

(Mine is almost at 12... as infantry... as sniper... which is in my eyes... godlike).

more than 99% of people on these forums can't aim for their life

they still get their ass handed to them when I track them down through bf2tracker and face them.
nyte sure is a cocky mofo for a low ratio / below average sniper...
Lol, agreed. I just saw that hes bragging about 12 kills iar. Lol. If I play sniper all round I get around 20-35 kills with the rifle. My stats dont show it because i've only started using sniper seriously recently because of the L96... lovely gun.
that guide is pretty much bullshit. why are u calling the guys who play using real terms kids i think you will find it is the other way around.
+50|7015|Southern California
putting claymores behind you is for baby snipers that don't understand the importance of movement, don't understand how easy a headshot is when an enemy spots you from a distance and stops to fire at you (usually even taking time to go prone), don't get very many kills, and are so unaware of how to snipe effectively that they actually really do get knifed frequently from behind.

i still think my sniper guide which addresses the importance of sniping in combat is better than this. when are they going to feature post that sucka?

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-03-03 16:59:56)

+13|6957|1500 Gold Medaller's land
This guy knows what he's talking about. I act the same way when I'm a sniper and have been able to score my best round score (192) by sniping and capturing flags, the rifle is very damaging close quarters weapon, if you can't hit the head you can change to pistol and finish the guy off. Hitting to head in close quarters fights is very easy because about 75 % of people hit the ground when they start to shoot at you (very easy to shoot to these guys' heads). I beated everyone with close quarters snipering and won the gold as I said in the start.

As a conclusion sniper is very underestimated close quarters fighter but don't let it fool you, there are real pro snipers on the battlefield so look out. I've even managed to shoot bunny hoppers to the head and it ain't even hard.
Gotta agree with much of what you've said Nyte. I've only been playing BF2 since January but recently I've been playing as an infantry sniper on the city maps, and I'm now regularly getting gold/silver/bronze awards.
Longer range sniping is still good fun on the rural maps, but it's harder to rack up the points, and you're relying heavily on your team to do the running around for you. Half the time, your team just won't be good enough to back you up, so as MonkeySlayer said, the enemy might capture the flag you're covering and you'll get a few kills, but any decent commander will spot you out and there'll soon be artillery or tank shells raining in on you.
Something you perhaps missed off this guide though is a tip I picked up a while back. If you can make a definate hit on someone with one of the bolt snipers (M24, M95, L96A1), and theres an urgency to kill them (like they're coming at you with a shotgun blazing), whip out your pistol and finish off that last bit of health. This is only really useful at around 100m. Any further and you'd be better off firing another sniper round at them

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